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Hiding the Twins from Their Billionaire Father by Pixie

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S31 9. Irreplaceable

“Yeah, if that’s your reason, I can understand.”

Kara nodded, but her expression was stiff. Sophia was having

difficulty guessing what’s in her heart. She couldn’t continue the ” attack” if Kara’s

reaction was flat.

“Since Grandma isn’t here, may I continue my work? I think the sauce can be poured.”

Sophia blinked. “Yes, of course.” She raised the corners of her lips.

“Thank you.”

Kara went to get the sauce from the stove. At that moment, Frank muttered, “My wife is

indeed kind and patient. She doesn’t give in because she is weak, but she knows what is

best for everyone, even if

she has to accept slander.”

The air in Sophia’s lungs became heavier. However, as best as possible, she regulated her

breathing rhythm so that it remained


“Yes, Kara is very kind. You must be grateful to have a wife like her.”

“She is irreplaceable.”

Without waiting for another reply, Frank put his arm around Kara’s waist again. Over her

shoulder, he watched how she poured the sauce.

“Grandma will be sorry for underestimating you,” Frank whispered, making Kara chuckle.

“Don’t say that, Frank. Grandma just misunderstood.”

Sophia was sick of hearing Kara’s soft voice. She wanted her to be angry and hurt.

However, why was her own heart getting hot?

Once breakfast was ready, everyone gathered around. Frank, Kara, and the twins came in

last. Seeing Sophia occupying Kara’s yesterday position, their eyes widened.

“Daddy, why is Miss Moore sitting there?” Emily looked up with furrowed eyebrows.

“If she sits there, then where will Mommy sit?” Louis continued with a more serious


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The air in the room suddenly froze. The people who were previously anxious now took a

heavy breath, except for Diana and Sophia.

“Oh, this is your mother’s place? Sorry, sorry.” Sophia prepared to stand up. However,

Diana held her hand.

“Stay where you are. I prefer it if you sit near me. You guys,” Dianal looked at the twins,

“sit next to Sophia. There’s still a place left. You


The old woman glanced at Frank briefly, but not at Kara. Frank sighed

in disbelief.

“Then what about Kara?”

Diana shrugged her shoulders. “That’s her business. What’s important is that she doesn’t

change Sophia’s position.”

Sophia let out a faint sigh. Her face looked uncomfortable. “Grandma, please don’t be like

that. Louis and Emily are still so young. It’s

natural that they want to be close to their mother.”

“Honey, you are too kind. Stop sacrificing yourself for the sake of others. You also need to

put yourself first.” Diana held Sophia’s hand tightly, as if afraid that the woman would be

far from her.

Not wanting things to get worse, Kara spoke up. “Little Angels, you guys sit next to Miss

Moore, okay? Enjoy your breakfast.”

“But where do you sit, Mommy? I don’t want to eat if I’m not with you.” Emily pouted.

Kara cupped her chubby cheeks. “There’s Daddy beside you. What are you worried


Emily let go of Louis’ grip and then held Kara’s fingers with both hands. “But I want to eat

with Mommy.”

“Yes, so do I.” Louis nodded then looked up at Frank. “Daddy, how

about the four of us eat together? There’s a small table outside. We can make it a dining


Louis’s index finger pointed at the door leading to the back porch. Kara raised her

eyebrows at that.

“It’s cold outside, Louis.”

“That’s no problem, Mommy. When else can we have the new experience of having

breakfast while looking at the horses?”

Kara shook her head slightly. “The horses are still in the stable, Louis.”

“Then, a snow field is fine too. It’s a beautiful setting to accompany us to eat together.”

Emily nodded, reassuring.

Suddenly, Barbara snapped her fingers. “How about we just have a picnic?”

The twins’ eyes immediately lit up.

“That’s a great idea, Auntie.”

“Yeah, that’s really cool!”

Abigail also got fired up. “What a coincidence, I have a thick picnic mat! Let’s spread it in

the back yard!

Frank smiled at such support. Moreover, the twins were enthusiastic.” Then let’s get



“Come on.” Philip and Jeremy left together.

Diana was stunned. “What are you doing? You woman alone?”

guys left an old

“Sorry, Grandma. Having a picnic in the winter sounds challenging. It’s worth a try,”

Abigail said as she pushed her chair to the table.

“Besides, Sophia is accompanying you here. You must be happy because both of you can

talk freely, right?” Philip raised an eyebrow.

Diana gaped, at a loss for words. She still couldn’t believe those people chose Kara over


Meanwhile, Sophia, silently clenched her hands on her lap. She was again disappointed by

expectations. However, with Diana beside her, she couldn’t reveal it.

“Grandma, I’m sorry. Because of me, people left.”

Diana’s expression suddenly changed to pity. “No, Sweetheart. They didn’t move because

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of your presence. They’re just too stupid to pity the wrong person. What’s so hard about

eating alone? It could be a chance for her to reflect on her actions. She lacks awareness,



Sophia put on a moved smile. While cupping Diana’s hand, she whispered, “Then you

shouldn’t be sad either. I’m always loyal to accompany you.”

Diana chuckled. “Of course.”

The curve of Sophia’s lips was now lighter. As long as she still had

Diana’s heart, she knew her plan would work perfectly.

“The next step must not fail,” she stressed to herself.


After breakfast, the picnic mat was still spread near the field. The twins enjoyed running

around it. Occasionally, they play with


“Oh, look! Abigail and her friends are starting to bring the horses into the field!”

Louis stopped to throw snow at Emily. Instead, he turned in the direction his sister was


“Is that Casper?” Louis’ eyes reflected more light.

Philip nodded. “Yes. Your eyes are very sharp.”

“I remember because he made me panic twice yesterday. First, when Emily and I thought

he was sick. Secondly, when I came back after reporting to Abi and only found Casper

alone. I thought Emily had been kidnapped. It turned out she was dating Cayden.”

“We’re not dating, Louis,” Emily argued, putting her hands on her hips. We’re still kids.

We’re just friends.”

Hearing the new name, Barbara raised an eyebrow. “Who is Cayden?”

Kara’s hand reached out. “Come here, Little Angels. You have to tell us who Cayden is and

why Louis could say that Emily was dating him?

Louis chuckled. He quickly ran into his mother’s lap, while Emily walked with heavy steps.

Her lips pursed and her gaze narrowed.

The will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!