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His Beautiful Addiction

Chapter 163 - She Wouldn’t Let Him Speak!
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Nicklaus heart raced as his lips parted, panting heavily. His hold against the steering wheel was so strong that his knuckles turned white.

So that was it…

It wasn't because she hated him… it was because she thought he never loved her. She thought he was just using her…

Nicklaus covered his mouth with his palm as he breathed out heavily. He couldn't even imagine how difficult it was for her, how unbearable it was to think that the man she loved was just using her.

And finding out about his secret had made everything worse.

He increased his speed impatiently, wishing he could just disappear and appear in front of her house. She must have gone through a lot. He imagined the pain in her heart when she saw him with Claire. The pain must have ripped her apart.

Nicklaus bit his lower lip as he remembered the tears that were in her eyes; could it be that she could not bear the pain, so she had gone out to cry?

He sighed painfully; just how much pain did grandpa make her go through?

He remembered they just slept together before all of these happened. She must have thought he made her fall for him so he could just have her.

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Nicklaus slammed his hand against the wheel again. He had a million things to say to grandpa but he needed to see Tiana, he would talk to him later but Tiana was first.

After a long while of driving, a smile found its way to Nicklaus's lips. Back then he had thought she didn't love him. He even began to think he was really a monster, one who didn't deserve any love or affection, but he was all wrong, she loved him.

If she didn't, she wouldn't have hugged him back when he hugged her and she wouldn't look hurt when she said his name… she loved him and she still does.

A gush of happiness washed through Nicklaus, and for the first time in months, he laughed. He couldn't contain his joy.

His beautiful… loves him.

They had gone through pain for nothing; he couldn't even imagine how many times she cried because of him, all for a simple misunderstanding.

Nicklaus drove into the intersection that led to her street and when he reached her house, he jumped out of the car without even parking properly.

Nicklaus ran towards her house but his steps faltered when he saw her locked gate. Panting heavily, he pressed the bell and waited impatiently for her to come out. After about five seconds, he tapped the doorbell again but there was still no reply, he pressed it again and again, but no-one answered. Nicklaus creased his brows and raised his arm, looking at his wristwatch. 

It was a few minutes past ten, the event should be over already, she should be home, or… did she go home with that man?!

Nicklaus's eyes widened as jealousy coursed through him. He imagined a million things they could be doing at that moment and he gritted his teeth.

Cussing, he ran to his car and took his phone, speedily dialing her number. It rang a few times but she did not pick. He groaned in frustration and he called her again but there still was no answer.

He brushed his finger through his hair frustratingly.

Why isn't she picking up!

Nicklaus sighed, walking back to her gate and peeking into the house; her lights were off, it was either she was sleeping or she wasn't home. He stared at the house for a moment and then a thought entered his mind. Suddenly, he started climbing the gate. The chances of someone catching him were slim since the neighborhood was a quiet one and it was night. He knew he would be inside her compound before anyone would pass by. But just when he was halfway up, Tiana's front door creaked open and she stepped out, wearing a long nightie.

Nicklaus stopped in his tracks and his eyes widened with shock; as though he was glued to the gate, he remained there, unmoving as he watched her approach.

Tiana was beyond shocked when she saw someone climbing her gate; she wanted to run back in and call the police but on a closer look she recognized the person.

Nicklaus? Why was he climbing her gate?

Her brows creased with surprise as she walked to him. She was already asleep when she heard the doorbell; she wanted to ignore but the person kept ringing, so she decided to go see who it was, but never in her wildest dreams did she think that she would find Nicklaus climbing her gate!

It was amusing but she tried to keep up a stern expression.

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''What… what are you doing? '' Tiana asked, her hands crossed around her torso, peering intently at him.

Nicklaus swallowed and his hands on the gate eased, then he jumped down back down. ''Uhm… I was ringing the bell but you weren't answering, I even called you but you didn't pick. '' Tiana frowned; she had put her phone on silent at the gala and she forgot to put it back on the ring, but, that was not enough reason to intrude into her property.

''Why are you here? '' her tone was curt as she spoke, as though she didn't even have the time to waste on him.

''Tiana, let me in, there's a lot I need to tell you, everything was a misunderstanding… ''

Tiana sighed; she thought they were through with this already. Rolling her eyes, she turned around and started walking back into the house.

Nicklaus's eyes widened with shock as he watched her walk away; ''Tiana! Wait! I'm serious! It was all a misunderstanding, grandpa lied to you… ''

Before he could complete his words, she had entered into her house and locked the door.

''Shit! ''

How would he even explain himself when she wouldn't even let him speak!

Nicklaus cussed as he ran his hand through his hair. Now that she had seen him, she wouldn't let him in even though he jumped over. This woman… how was he going to make her listen to him?

He wondered as he stared at the house in front of him.