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His Beautiful Addiction

Chapter 372 - You Should Have Chosen Me
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Tiana stood in front of Gwen's training room and waved at her, a sweet smile on her chin.

Gwen waved at her. She was already done with practice, so picking her towel, she walked to her.

"Hey, how is practice going?"

Gwen beamed, wiping her forehead with a towel,

"I think I like doing this. It's fun.".

"I knew you would love it."

Tiana paused,

"Don't you feel alone in that house? When are you going to come back?"

Gwen smiled,

"You want me back that badly?"

"Of course, I miss you, just come back already, I don't know why you left in the first place."

Gwen laughed,

"Don't worry, I'll tidy the gardens this weekend, and maybe come back immediately after, how is that?"

Now she had a plan, there was no need to be away anymore. In fact, she needed to be close, so it would be easier to get to Nicklaus when Liam took her away.


Tiana smiled, "Are you done? Let's go have lunch."

"Yeah, give me a sec, let me get changed."

Gwen quickly changed and stepped out of the changing room, but her feet stopped at a spot when she saw who Tiana was talking to.

Stephen Ray…

What was he doing here?

Her face paled as she stared at them.

Was he going to tell her that she liked Nicklaus?

Gwen's heart raced, what was she going to do?

Quickly she walked up to them with a smile,


She said awkwardly, staring at Stephen.

"Hi Gwen, I was just passing by and saw your sister."

"Oh," she gulped. Tiana still had a smile on her chin, she maybe he had not told her yet.

"I'm really sorry about what happened at your birthday party, I hope you've forgiven me?"

Gwen smiled, but her eyes shot daggers at him,

"Oh, I've forgotten about that. Alright see you both later, Tiana extend my greetings to your husband."

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"Alright dear, bye."

Tiana waved at him and turned to Gwen, she smiled when she saw that she was still looking at him,

She was about to say something when Gwen instantly cut her off,

"What did he tell you?"

Tiana's smile retracted. Gwen looked a little serious so her gaze followed Stephen for a second and then she looked back at her,

"Is there something he should have told me?"

Gwen seeing that he didn't say anything, chuckled,

"No, I thought he told you that I turned him down because I like someone else, let's go eat."

Taking Tiana's hand, she led her out to the cafeteria.

"Oh he didn't. But who is this someone you like who doesn't have a name?"

Gwen chuckled,

"Just a little while more and you'll know him."

"Gwen, I can't wait. I want to see who is too good for you to choose him over Stephen Ray."

Gwen laughed at her words,

"Trust me, even you will choose him over Stephen."

If only she knew the man was her husband.

Gwen scoffed in her heart,

A little while more and she would know, and by then, it would be late because she would be pregnant with his child.

Jade stepped into the office, a smile on her chin. She was putting on mini skirt with a crop top.

Michael's eyes raised at her briefly.

When he told Gwen about her request she had agreed that he could meet with her the next day.

He had asked her to come along, but she refused, telling him that she trusted him.

"Why are you frowning? Aren't you happy to see me?"

She smiled as she sat down, crossing her legs,

Michael looked at her,

"You should have called to say you were coming?"

Jade ignored him.

"Where's your girlfriend?"

Jade asked, looking around,

"she's sure brave to leave you with me, don't you think?"

Michael glared at her,

"I only agreed to this, to end everything on a good note, don't change my mind, Jade."

Jade rolled her eyes,

"Whatever, so where are we going?"

"Choose a place, not private and with a lot of people."

Jade laughed,

"What? Are you scared I'll seduce you?"

"No, in the contrary, I don't want Diana thinking anything happened between us."

Jade smiled,

"Like I said, she's sure brave to leave you with me, let's stay here, you can easily call security if anything happens."

Michael glanced at her, he didn't even want to go out with her either.

"If that's your wish."

Standing up, he walked to the fridge and took out a bottle of wine.

Jade sat down on the couch as she watched him walk over with the two glasses.

"So what do you have to say that is so important?"

Michael asked pouting some wine in the glass, he couldn't wait for this to be over.

Jade glanced at her phone and smiled,

"Will you let me at least drink some before chasing me away?"

Michael didn't reply.

Jade smiled and picked her glass,

"You know, I don't chase any man for too long, I don't know why you were different, but anyways, I know when to give up, I'm not that cheap."

Michael heaved a sigh of relief.

Thankfully, she was seeing reasons.

"I just realized I'm quite too good for you, it's too bad you didn't see that, but I'm going to find someone who sees me."

She smiled and tilted her head back, finishing the drink in the cup. Then she stood up,

"That's all I have to say to you, I hope we can still be friends in the future."

She stood up, and stretched her hand to him for a shake, Michael looked at it and stood up, then shook her.

"Thank you for…"

Those were his last words before he felt some liquid oh his face and his eyes twirled, he staggered.

"Jade… what did you do?..."

Michael felt his body growing weaker and weaker and he fell back to the couch.

"What did you want me to do? This was the only way to get you to come back to your senses."

Jade grumbled as she dropped her bag on the couch carelessly.

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"Jade… what are you doing?"

Michael groaned as he tried to push away from the couch, all to no avail, his limbs were so weak.

"Gwen is coming over in a few minutes and she's going to meet us making out, what better situation to get her to leave you alone?"

"Oh my God, Jade you're out of your mind… don't do this…"

Michael pulled himself off the couch but she pushed him back down,

"Just stay put okay, it's going to hurt if you keep struggling."

A gasp left his lips as he back fell on the couch, the only thoughts in his head was the disappointment that would be in her eyes when she saw them in that position,

God… he shouldn't have trusted this woman…

He could barely move now, his eyes weakly stared at her as she picked up her phone and checked the time,

"She'll be here any minute…"

Just as she said it, Michael heard a familiar voice outside the office,

He tried to stand up, but he couldn't even move.

Jade smiled evilly and straddled him immediately, taking off her shirt.

The door pushed open and Jade quickly grabbed his face and kissed him, as though they were in an intense make out session.

Diana stood by the door, her feet rooted to the spot as her eyes stared at the view in front of her.

When she had received the message from an unknown number earlier that day, telling her to come to Michael's office to see what he does in her absence.

She didn't want to go but she couldn't keep her curiosity at bay, and in the next seconds, she was driving to his office.

But now she was here, she wished she didn't come.

Her fingers gripped her bag tightly as a thousand thoughts ran through her mind.

Turning around, she dashed out of the office.

When Jade saw that she had left, she came down from him,

He was passed out now, wearing back her shirt she signed.

She knew he wasn't going to forgive her for this, but at least she wasn't going to be the only one hurting.

"I'm sorry, you should have chosen me…"

She whispered, kissing his chin.

Picking her bag, she turned and left the room.

Michael woke up with a banging head, the clouds had darkened, he placed his hand on his forehead for a second and jumped up when he remembered what happened that day,


What would she be thinking now?

Grabbing his keys, he ran out of the office.

Michael brushed his hand through his head as he drove speedily, he didn't even know where to go.

He called her over and over but she didn't pick.

It was his fault, he shouldn't have trusted that witch.

And the fact he didn't even call her all day…

"Lord…please pick the phone…"