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His Ex Wife is A Billionaire (Evadne and Thaddeus)

Chapter 738
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Chapter 738

Glynnls‘ complexion was ghostlier than a specter’s. The mere thought of apologizing to

that blockhead, on her knees no less, seemed worse than a death sentence.

Her eyes darted towards Hamilton, who was seething with a righteous fury that left no

room for the disgraceful spectacle she presented. It was clear that he was hell–bent on

seeing her punished.

With the old man turning a blind eye, Glynnis, in a display of abject servility, knelt at

Frederic’s feet, tears

streaming down her face as she clutched his legs and pleaded, “Dad! I know I’ve messed

up. I won’t ever dare to do it again! Banishing me from Elmsworth, forbidding me to show

my filial respect – it’s cruelty enough! Haven’t I been punished already? As your daughter,

don’t I deserve a shred of dignity? Must he grind my face in the dirt and drive me to

despair before he’s satisfied?! Dad, please!”

Her wails were so intense that an outsider might mistake her for the victim.

Frederic frowned, trying to pull her up. The sight of so many servants witnessing this

undignified scene was too much, but Glynnis clung to him as if she were a leech,

seemingly impossible to shake off even from a kick. “Thaddeus, the punishment you’ve

proposed is quite severe already. Let’s skip the groveling apology,” Frederic said firmly, his

tone more of a command than a suggestion.

Thaddeus‘ eyes flashed with icy resolve, his lips pressed into a thin, unyielding line.

A glimmer of hope sparked in Glynnis‘ swollen eyes. Frederic’s intervention meant he still

harbored some paternal affection for her.

Once the storm passed and Grandpa Hamilton’s wrath subsided, she might yet have a

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chance to return to the lap of luxury at Elmsworth.

But while Glynnis was in secret glee, Thaddeus spoke out in a chilling voice, “She gave

Marilla’s confidential medical information to those with nefarious intentions, exposing her

suffering for all to see, causing her deep harm. You think we can just quietly let this go? I


“Thaddeus, don’t think you can do whatever you please now that you’re the CEO!”

Frederic’s eyes reddened with anger, “I am your father, and you will listen to me!”

“Glynnis is your daughter, but isn’t Marilla just as much? By favoring one over the other,

you subject the innocent Marilla to mental torment, while the guilty Glynnis is repeatedly

indulged and forgiven.” Thaddeus‘ words were sharp and accurate, his lips curled into a

callous smirk, “When did you consider Grandpa’s embitterment? What difference is there

between this and slapping Grandpa’s face yourself?”

Since Frederic suppressed him using his parental status, Thaddeus acted the same as his

father did, bringing up Grandpa Hamilton as countertactics.

“You!” Frederic, finding himself outmaneuvered, struggled for breath.

Hamilton remained silent, but his steady, resolute gaze on Thaddeus clearly showed his

full support.

“You’re right, Glynnis and Marilla are both my daughters! As their father, I can’t bear to

see them at each other’s throats. They’re flesh and blood; when will this cycle of

vengeance end?!”

Frederic’s contempt was palpable as he continued, “Moreover, I won’t stand to see my

daughters fight over Jareth, that philandering scoundrel! My daughters, no matter their

faults, are the most prestigious heiresses in Elmsworth. What is Jareth in comparison?

Even adorned in royal robes, he’d never pass for a prince – a mere upstart from a bandit’s

den! He’s not fit to be my son–in–law!”

Thaddeus narrowed his eyes exasperatedly, his veiny hands hidden in the exquisite cuffs

clenching, his anger barely contained. If this man weren’t his own father, he’d definitely

give him a good beat!

Frederic continued to shift the blame onto Jareth, “My daughters have been raised in

luxury and grace. Marilla lived with Jareth without proper status, suffering untold damages

at the hands of the Fairhaven family! I



bter 738

haven’t even begun to settle that score, and yet our own house is in disarray! Glynnis has

certainly erred, but isn’t the primary responsibility with the Fairhaven Group?!”

Frederic was a master at twisting logic to regain control, “Perhaps it was Edith, that

wretched girl, who tempted, seduced, or even threatened Glynnis into action. Even if that

wasn’t the case, it was the Fairhaven family who ultimately publicized Marilla’s condition!

Thaddeus, you should be taking up this matter with the Fairhaven Group instead of turning

against your own family. What is this, mutiny?”

Glynnis resumed her sobbing, mimicking her late mother, appearing as a pitiable victim.

“In any case, sending her abroad will settle this matter! I will not tolerate further turmoil in

my home!” Frederic declared with an air of finality, brooking no dissent.”

Thaddeus, his gaze heavy with unspoken wrath, his tongue rubbing against teeth, was

quite aware that he wasn’t anyone reckless, and if the situation went like this, it would

only arouse Frederic’s desire to win, driving him to defend Glynnis even more.

“Fine, we’ll skip the kneeling and the apologies.”

With that, Thaddeus stepped towards Glynnis, and unexpectedly, extended his arms to

help her up.

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Glynnis stood, dazed and confused, until a sudden noise whooshed by her ear! Without

warning, Thaddeus‘ formidable arm delivered a stinging slap across Glynnis‘ already

swollen cheek!

The blow left Glynnis speechless with pain, blood trickling from her mouth, her ears

ringing with a cacophony akin to a swarm of buzzing flies.

Having a soldier background, Thaddeus possessed a powerful strength; his one slap could

make a vigorous man squirm with pain, let alone a woman.

The onlooking servants gasped in horror. What a spectacle.

Mr. Thaddeus Abernathy was a stickler for propriety, even when it came to the art of

reprimand. “This slap is for Marilla. You harbor such a malicious intention, even framing

your own sister. You don’t deserve being a human.”

His words hung in the air when Thaddeus‘ hand flew once more, sending Glynnis sprawling

to the floor, unable to rise, “And this one is for Jareth. My best friend has suffered under

your schemes, and it’s only fair you taste the bitterness you’ve brewed.

Glynnis, if you ever dare to plot against anyone I care for again, I’ll chase you to the ends

of the earth. Not even the Almighty Himself would be able to shield you then.”

With a calm finality, Thaddeus turned and pushed the wheelchair, joining Hamilton and Mr.

Murray in their departure, leaving Fredrick stunned in his wake.

When Fredrick regained his senses, his teeth clenched in frustration, he couldn’t help but

lash out at the dazed Glynnis, “You treacherous, two–faced snake! Get up! Pack your bags

and exile yourself abroad!”

“Dad.” Glynnis clutched her stinging ear; panic–stricken, she yammered, “I’m deaf.

Thaddeus‘ slap has made me deaf. I can’t hear a thing!”

Fredrick’s pupils. dilated in shock, a cold dread washing over him.

The will be updated daily. Come back and continue reading tomorrow, everyone!