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His Lordship Alexander Kane by Useless Caesar

Chapter 58
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Chapter 0058

Susanne was dumbstruck.

No one could deny how the bank management treated her horribly that day, but she would never dare

to ask that much for compensation.

750000 dollars was too much!

Of course, she did not know that if the Ol’ Mare Bank did not receive her forgiveness, they would lose

much more than that. In the face of

death, they would immediately give Susanne 7 million dollars, let alone 750000 dollars.

They only offered her such an amount because they were afraid that they might scare Susanne away.

“T-This is too much! Just compensate me for my medical bills.” Susanne shook her head.

Caspian and the others kept their heads lowered, not daring to move.

Susanne sighed. “Fine, alright. I’ll take it.”

She firmly believed that these people would never leave until she took their offering. Nonetheless, she

planned on handing over the card

to Amber when she returned home that evening.

When Susanne accepted the card, Caspian and the others felt as if they had just survived an ordeal

and collectively sighed in sheer relief.

Caspian, especially, felt extremely guilty. He brought more than 750000 dollars that day. He genuinely

thought Susanne would demand more compensation, but it seemed he had misjudged her.

“Susanne Chesire, come out right now! How dare you crash my brother’s car! Come out right now, you


“And here I was, thinking they were somewhat important. It turns out that these assholes are just a

family of broke people! How dare they crash my car! I’ll make them pay!”

Cecile and Tyron yelled outside Susanne’s door. Tyron even had a baseball bat in his hand, hitting

against the door.

He was out for vengeance, and he wanted it bad. If the family was not going to pay him the money, he

would not show them any mercy!

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The stunned Susanne turned pale.

Alexander had indeed crashed into another person’s car, but she did not expect that the owner of the

car was related to Cecile. These people would surely hound them down!

Susanne apologized to Caspian Sawyer and the others before getting up to get the door.

The moment she opened the door, Cecile cursed, “So what if you drive a stupid Porsche? My brother

drives a Bentley! Even if you sold your organs, you won’t be able to pay him back! If you don’t give us a

good explanation, I’ll make sure you and your family suffer!”

Cecile glared with crossed arms on her waist.

Many neighbors heard the commotion and quickly came out to watch what was going on.

The moment Tyron saw Susanne, he waved the baseball bat in his hand and yelled manically, “So it

was your family that destroyed my car? Pay me back, now! Three hundred thousand dollars, and not a

single penny less! If you try anything funny, I’ll beat you all up!”

Susanne was so terrified that she retreated to the living room. She already made up her mind that she

was going to pay what needed to be paid, but Tyron came at her too strongly, immediately threatening

to beat her. She was so terrified that she was at a loss for words.

“Tyron Cole?” Caspian saw who it was. He immediately came out and said with a darkened expression,

“It’s working hours. You’re supposed to be at work. What are you doing here?”

“M-Mister Sawyer!” Tyron was stunned. The baseball bat in his hands dropped to the ground.

How could this be? How could the President of Ol’ Mare Bank be in such a poor neighborhood?

Moreover, he came out of Susanne’s


Tyron was so petrified that he did not dare to breathe. His position was so low compared to Caspian’s,

he was not even worthy enough to serve Caspian tea!


“M-Mister Sawyer, you know him?” Susanne was a little surprised.

“Oh, he is just an office manager we just promoted in our bank, ma’am,” Caspian said honestly.

Obviously, he could see that Tyron was there to cause a scene.

He was infuriated, nonetheless. He had spent a huge effort to seek Susanne’s forgiveness, yet Tyron’s

appearance had ruined all his hard work. He could no longer let this troublemaker drag his bank into


“Tyron, are you here to cause a scene?” Caspian asked icily. The more he thought about it, the angrier

he got.

Tyron stuttered, “S-Sir, l-let me explain! I just bought a new car, but t-they destroyed-”

Before Tyron could finish his sentence, Caspian waved his hand. “Hmph! You don’t have to say

anything further. You must’ve parked in the wrong spot. You’re the one at fault, yet you blame others for

your mistake!”

The surrounding neighbors instantly talked among themselves.

“Yes, we all saw it yesterday. He parked where he shouldn’t have!”

“He thought he could be arrogant just because he’s a manager at the bank?”

“We put our money into the bank, yet the bank hires this type of person! I’ll never save my money in Ol’

Mare Bank in the future—”

Caspian started to sweat profusely at their comments. The bank needed their savings to survive!

Tyron had completely embarrassed the bank and ruined its reputation!

Caspian nodded slightly at Susanne before walking up to Tyron. He said coldly, “I’ll pay for your car!”

Then, he threw a credit card on Tyron’s face.

Tyron shuddered.

If he knew Susanne was connected to such esteemed individuals, he would not have demanded her to

pay him back! How he regretted

his outburst.

What Caspian said next made him shiver in terror.

“Tyron Cole, your behavior has deeply jeopardized Ol’ Mare Bank’s reputation. You don’t have to come

to work anymore!”

Tyron was utterly bewildered. Everything he had came from his managerial position. If he was fired, his

cost of living, mortgage, and car

loan would crush him to death!

“Sir, please have mercy. Forgive me this once! I beg you…” Tyron tugged on Caspian’s sleeves. His

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face was pale as a sheet.

Caspian harrumphed and shrugged him off.

Tyron fell to the ground in a daze, clearly in shock.

Cecile was so stunned that she gaped at the scene. Tyron had just bought a luxurious car, but such a

tragedy happened before she could parade their newfound status.

“Susanne, we have been neighbors for so many years. You must help my brother!” Cecile immediately

ran over to grab Susanne’s hand.

She was so anxious that she was almost in tears. “Help my brother! He still has his parents and

children to care for! How is his family

going to live without a job?”

Susanne slowly pushed Cecile’s hands away. She knew how badly Cecile scorned her family behind

her back. She was just not that petty that she would deal with Cecile.

However, there was a limit to kindness.

“You deserved everything that happened to you today!” Susanne yelled at Cecile.

Caspian saluted Susanne. “I deeply apologize for today’s incident, ma’am.” Then, he left.

Tyron and Cecile were hugging each other on the floor, crying. No one batted an eyelid at them.


Instead, the surrounding neighbors who used to ignore Susanne immediately went over to chat with


“Susanne, do you want to come over to my place to have some tea?”

“Let’s go shopping tomorrow!”

None of them knew that Susanne had such powerful connections. Even the President of the Ol’ Mare

Bank had to bow to her!

Susanne declined them all before shutting the door. Everything that happened today was like a dream.

She took a long time to come to

her senses.

The only reason this had happened that day must be because of her son-in-law. Alexander was truly


At the construction site, Amber received a call.

She shuddered and exclaimed, “They’re trying to cut us off! How dare they!”