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His Nanny Mate By Eve Above Story

Chapter 269
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Chapter 269 Return


The imposing structure of the law firm stood tall against the city skyline, its grandeur echoing the

prestige and authority it held in the legal world. Its broad stone steps, worn by the footfalls of countless

attorneys and clients, led up to tall, ornate double doors.

Taking a deep breath, I hesitated at the foot of the stairs. The chatter of the city faded as dread pooled

in my gut. Logan’s confident stride next to me seemed out of place at this moment, and the realization

of what I was about to do hit me full force.

Here I was, waltzing up to my old place of work after letting a mobster threaten my old boss. Not only

that, but I was walking up to my old place of work with that very mobster. It was absurd! Brazen!

Without warning, I yanked my hand away and spun around, my heels clicking against the pavement as

I made a break for it.

“I can’t, Logan,” I called out, my voice tinged with panic. “I can’t go back in there, not like this. I’ll find

another city, another job. This… this isn’t worth it!”

A rich, hearty laugh echoed from behind me. Before I could get too far, a strong hand wrapped around

my wrist, gently but firmly pulling me to a halt.

“Running away already, Miss Morgan?” Logan: teased, his cerulean eyes sparkling with amusement.

“We’re not even a week into the year that we talked about.”

“I’m serious,” I shot back, yanking my hand from his grip, my eyes shimmering with unshed tears. “Look

at us, Logan. How do you expect them to take me seriously, walking in arm-in- arm with the son of one

of the city’s most notorious mobsters?”

He tilted his head slightly, considering my words. Then, with a smirk, he said, “So what? Let them

judge. They’ll judge you no matter what. At least this way, you’re walking in on your own terms.”

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

I stared up at the building, the windows reflecting the morning sun in a dazzling display. Behind those

panes were colleagues, mentors, some of them even something like friends – and they would all be

whispering about my dramatic return.

But looking at Logan, with his unwavering confidence and devil-may-care attitude, I felt a rush of

something unexpected. Courage. Letting out a long sigh, I squared my shoulders. “Okay, let’s get this

over with.”

Logan’s smile widened as he offered his arm. This time, I took it without hesitation. Arm in arm, we

ascended the steps, ready to face whatever awaited us inside.

The heavy oak doors of the firm swung open before we even reached them. Mr. Henderson, looking

more flustered than I had ever seen him, stood there, his pale eyes darting between Logan and me.

“Ah, Ella, Logan,” he greeted, though his voice had a tremble I had never detected before. “It’s

wonderful to see you both.”

Around us, the soft murmur of voices dwindled..

My colleagues tried to mask their curiosity with busy facades, but their furtive glances spoke louder

than words. And in the midst of those surreptitious stares was Logan, his arm draped casually over my

shoulder, a proud smirk playing on his lips.

“Mr. Henderson,” Logan responded smoothly, pulling me a little closer, playing the part of the doting

boyfriend perfectly. I could feel the weight of everyone’s attention, and it felt like a heavy cloak,

dampening my spirit.

“Ella,” his voice dipped into a softer note, for my ears only, “relax.”

With every step we took, there was an electric charge in the air, amplified by the unexpected and

conspicuous entourage of men in dark suits. They were shifting boxes, placing my old belongings onto

my once familiar desk, effectively signaling my reentry into the company.

Without so much as a glance from me, Logan led the way into the large meeting room, Mr. Henderson

in tow. As the door swung closed behind us, the hushed conversations of the open floor began anew. I

was acutely aware that my every move, our every interaction, was under the microscope.

The thick, heavy drapes in the meeting room muted the city’s early morning sounds, casting a serene,

almost somber atmosphere. The room itself was opulent in its simplicity.

High, vaulted ceilings with deep mahogany beams crisscrossing overhead, complemented by a

massive table that dominated the room, its polished surface reflecting the soft, yellow glow of the

overhead chandeliers.

Mr. Henderson cleared his throat as he smoothed out the papers before him, each movement precise

and calculated. His customary confidence seemed to waver as he looked between Logan and me.

“Ella, this is your new contract. We’re…. delighted to have you back.”

I hesitated, my fingers just above the papers. They detailed my reinstatement, my new position, and all

the legalities that accompanied a high-stakes return. But it was more than just words on a paper. This

contract symbolized my twisted entanglement with Logan’s world.

“Must be nice,” Mr. Henderson started, a snide edge to his voice, “to have friends in high places,

ensuring your return. It’s quite the… luxury.”

Before I could respond, the temperature in the room seemed to drop several degrees. Logan’s

demeanor shifted from casual indifference to menacing in a split second. His piercing eyes locked onto

Mr. Henderson’s, a silent warning in their depths.

The older man paled, his words sticking in his throat. The weight of that gaze, that silent promise of

retribution, held him captive. After what felt like an eternity, Logan simply raised an eyebrow, and it was

enough to ensure Mr. Henderson wouldn’t broach the subject again.

Swallowing hard, the older man continued, trying to regain his composure, “All you need to do is sign at

the bottom, Ella.”

Nodding, I took the pen, its cold metallic weight seeming almost too heavy in my grasp. As I scribbled

my name, I could feel Logan’s watchful eyes on me, like a guardian ensuring nothing would harm his

charge. With the ink drying, I leaned back, the signed contract now binding me back to a world I had

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

temporarily left.

Mr. Henderson, gathering the papers, forced a smile, though his eyes betrayed him and revealed a mix

of relief and a hint of trepidation..

“Welcome back, Ella.” But in that room, with the dense air, the glow from the chandeliers, and the silent

power plays at hand, it felt less like a welcome and more like a descent into an intricate dance with

destiny. With the ink barely dry, Mr. Henderson cleared his throat awkwardly. “Well, I’ll leave you two

to… discuss matters.”

And with that, he was gone.

“You really have a flair for the dramatic, don’t you?” I started, shaking my head. “Did you have to make

such a grand entrance?” Logan leaned against the table, his fingers idly tracing the edge of the freshly

signed contract.

“In this city, I always have eyes on me,” he replied with a shrug. “It’s best if they see me as the

infatuated boyfriend, rather than the puppet master pulling strings. Besides, if you wanna talk about

dramatic, let’s not forget your little performance there on the steps.”

I felt my ears getting hot, but at the same time !

let out a sigh of exasperation. “All I wanted was to come back, discuss this case, and get it over with. It

would have been better if I had just come on my own earlier this morning, then you could come later.

No spectacles, no performances. But you, you turn everything into a spectacle.”

He smirked, that signature playful glint in his eyes. “All the world’s a stage, Ella. We’re just playing our


Rolling my eyes, I turned to gather my thoughts, trying to steer the conversation back to business. “So,

about the case-”

But he interrupted before I could get any further.

“What are you doing this weekend?” I blinked in confusion, thrown off by his abrupt shift. “What does

that have to do with anything? Look, we’re just pretending, Logan. No need to start planning romantic


He raised a brow, challenging me. “You’ll need to attend a family gathering with me on Saturday.”