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His Wife (A Contract Marriage Story) by Heer Mangtani

Chapter 124
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Chapter 124 JALEXI I'd never kissed anybody. Never felt the need to. What was the point of it any way if it was going to lead to her in my bed? You could get there without swapping salivas.

I didn't believe in the love that Hallmark tries to sell, a spark or a passion or any of that b**t.

But when I saw Mia walking down that aisle in the dress of her dreams, I swear, for a nanosecond, I believed in every thing I despised.

I was a carnal man. I conquered, possessed.

But there was no person in the world born or alive that I would consider as my equal other than this girl.

She was going to be my wife. Even if the method I used was less than amicable. She was mine. Yesterday, today, tomorrow. F**g forever.

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"She actually showed up," Dominic huffed. "I was convinced she'd run away when you appointed another driver to get her from the hotel." I wanted to glare at him. I would have, if I could take my eyes off the girl in front of me. I couldn't. I simply couldn't. As if I was scared she would disappear, She wouldn't look atthough. She kept her eyes on the aisle, the one decorated with flowers that were different shades of blue and hundreds of tiny candles, just like I found her in her scrapbook. Admittedly the aisle in her book was in a castle surrounding the water if that place even exists in this world- this is as close as I could cto mimic it in a church.

She stands in front of me, and unable to take the fact that she wasn't looking at me, I tuck my index finger under her chin and jerk it upwards.

Her misty gaze meets mine, and she freezes.

Fucking mine.

"Begin." I tell the priest without taking my eyes off her.

He clears his throat, and starts speaking, I wish I could say I heard one thing he was yapping, but I didn't. Her grey eyes heldcaptive.

"Have you prepared your own vows" The half priest asked, finally slappingout of this daze.

"No vows." I announce, and Mia looks like she wanted to shake her head. "She's mine. Today, Tomorrow. And till death takes me. Even after that, I may find a way to escape hell and visit her in heaven where she'll undeniably be," 1/3 16:14 Fr, 12 Jul G Chapter 224 Mia blinks, and the tears she had been holding flow down from the corner of her eyes.

The priest looks at Mia. "Ms. Carson?" No. She grabies almost feebly.

He nods. "Well then, repeat after me." He proceeds, "De you, Alex Whitlock," Mia's eyes snap open from her thoughts when she realises he used my real name. “Take Mia Carson to be your lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold from this day onwards Ull death do you part?" There was not a beat of hesitance in my answer. "I do." And do you, Wia Carson, take Alex Whitlock to be your lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold from this day onwards, till death do you part?* Site stares atfor so long. I thought she was going to say no and run out of the chapel. She doesn't. She just Arepas haring into my eyes before she pads. "I do" Domac brings forward the sings. I bought a wedding band made of diamonds to match her extravagant engagement sing, that i slip effortlessly to her finger, letting my thumb rub against her paim for a second, watching her s**r uncher may karach Imer hands tremble when she slips my wedding band on my finger a f**g perfect fit even though we didn't have tto customise A f**g perfect RE. Just like us "By the authority wested inby the law and State, I now declare you husband and wife. You may." I don't want for him to finish the sentence. I couldn't I do the only thing that i had been thinking about since the moment I saw her. I step ahead, and place my lips on hers She seems taken aback, surprised, because she gasps before her hand quickly reaches the back on my neck and her lips part, grantingthe access I wanted I suck her lower lips and then bite it while kissing her, leaving her gasping and trembling in my arms.

1 feet it. The way my heart picks up pace, and the sthought revolves in my head like a mantra. Why did Ikiss her earlier? Why did i wait this long? kiss her like she was the only person in the world that mattered, because she was.

When I pull away, her lips fall apart. "You..."I don't give her a chance to finish because my lips were on hers again, only this tI dip her down, trying to fill life into her the way she had filled into mine 3/3 16:14 FL 18 Ju Chapter 124 Hoved seeing her dazed and aroused eyes when I pull away.

"Mr. and Mrs. Whitlock." The priest announces, but I couldn't give a f**k about the two person audience I had between Dominic and Lana.

I hold Mia's hands in mine. "Ready to leave, Mrs?"

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She doesn't fighton that. She doesn't askto not call her that She interlaces, our fingers and nods as if I had kissed the argument out of her.

I hold her hand and walk her out of the church where a car a car walted for us.

We both sit inside and I hold her hand in mine, playing with her band. Her wedding band.

I click a picture of her wedding bands, and post it in the family chat. 'I got married.'

My mother was going to cry and my father would killfor it, that is if my for twin sister doesn't snap neck fo doesn't е my it first, but right now, I didn't care.

They would understand when I explain the circumstance I had to do this under, but like I said, right now, I didn't care.

Only one person mattered. Mia.

My f**g wife.