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Honey, You're a Billionaire by Chandler Solar

Chapter 421
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Chapter 421 Stepping Into The Trap Chapter 421 Stepping Into The Trap Intending to share the good news with Yvonne upon her return, Rose followed the staff member through the club's winding corridors until they reached an elevator. Surprisingly, the staff member remained outside as she stepped in.

"Aren't you coming?" Rose asked, puzzled.

"The boss has instructed you to proceed alone," the staff member responded respectfully.

The mention of "boss" reaffirmed Rose's suspicion that Jonathan was behind all this. As she contemplated the impending encounter, she tried to suppress her thoughts.

However, as the elevator doors closed, that peculiar feeling resurfaced. Her eyes twitched uncontrollably as if sensing an ominous foreboding.

The sensation lingered until the elevator cto a halt at the top floor. As the doors opened, an expansive room cinto view.

Meanwhile, downstairs, Jonathan had returned after taking a phone call, only to discover that Rose had disappeared. A sense of unease crept over him.

Just then, someone bumped into him, leaving a piece of paper in his hand. When Jonathan turned to look, the person had already blended into the crowd.

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He carefully unfolded the paper, discovering Rose's recognizable earring tucked inside. As he read the message, his lips curled into a knowing smirk. Gripping the earring and note, Jonathan purposefully strode toward the club's exit.

Inside the surveillance room, Jack watched Jonathan's retreating figure with a satisfied smirk. Relieved that his plan was progressing smoothly, he refocused his attention on the woman he had been watching all evening- Yvonne. Yvonne was still among the crowd, where people continued to buzz about the prize-a recommendation slot for Sardovia Royal Dance Academy.

"She said she would transfer the prize. I wonder who the lucky person will be," someone remarked.

"Well, it probably won't be e. She didn't even noticeearlier, and she doesn't eve know me. Why would she give such an amazing opportunity to a complete stranger?" another person voiced the thoughts of many. "Whoever who knows her is truly fortunate!" The crowd sighed.

The realization suddenly dawned on someone. "Wait! I saw her dancing with Yvonne earlier. Is she Yvonne's friend?" "You're right!" Simultaneously, the members of the dance troupe began searching for Yvonne.

"There she is!" a voice exclaimed.

Suddenly, a throng of people surrounded Yvonne, their faces filled with envy and admiration. Seven started offering their congratulations in advance.

Yvonne was well aware that Rose intended to give her the opportunity. After all, the last look Rose gave her seemed to say, "Wait for me. I'll deliver the recommendation slot to you!" Her heart swelled with excitement, knowing that having Rose in her life was truly a blessing. Yet, as Rose left with the staff member, an uneasy feeling crept into her mind. She couldn't shake the worry that something might go wrong with Rose venturing off alone. Meanwhile, on the outskirts of the crowd, a provocatively dressed woman stood with her arms crossed, watching Yvonne with a mix of envy and epicaricacy.

She knew that Jack was fickle in his affections. Despite being his current companion, she was aware that her position was precarious and could change at any moment. Thus, she had to continuously prove her worth and play to his interests. Right now, Jack's interest was Yvonne.

The recommendation for the Sardovia Royal Dance Academy was nothing more than a ruse to get rid of Rose, allowing Jack to make his move on Yvonne. The woman couldn't help but marvel at Jack's cunning tactics.

Throughout the evening, she observed that Yvonne was not someone who could be easily swayed by materialism or superficial charm.

This made her curious about how things would play out, knowing that Jack was accustomed to getting his way, no matter the cost.

It seemed that Yvonne had been well-raised, displaying hope and dreams in her eyes upon hearing about the recommendation for the Sardovia Royal Dance Academy and her friend offering to transfenthe reward.

"Dreams?" the woman thought cynically.

She knew that if someone like Yvonne were to fall into Jack's hands, they would surely be entering a living hell. The woman chuckled softly, feeling no sympathy.

As the dancers surrounding Yvonne gradually dispersed, each returning to their drinks and paying her no further attention, the woman exchanged a glance with a nearby staff member. Catching the cue, the staff member made a beeline for Yvonne.

Yvonne recognized him before he even reached her he was the one who had led Rose away just moments ago. She peered behind him, but Rose was nowhere to be found. Without hesitation, she approached him and asked, "Where's Rose?" The staff member was contemplating how to lead Yvonne away when she inquired first, making his task easier. "This Rose she's talking about must have been the lucky guest number 12 from earlier," he mused. Taking advantage of the worried expression on Yvonne's face, he asked, "Are you Yvonne Spencer?" "I am," Yvonne confirmed, not suspecting anything.

The man explained, "Well, the lucky winner from earlier has expressed her wish to transfer the prize to you. Our boss has agreed, but he needs you to meet with him to finalize everything." Unconcerned about the details, Yvonne's only focus was on reuniting with Rose. "Alright," she agreed.

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Surprised by Yvonne's compliance, the staff member immediately led the way. They followed the spath Rose had taken earlier, but instead of stopping at the first elevator, they continued down the corridor to another one, where they finally cto a halt.

"After you, Ms. Spencer," he said, gesturing for Yvonne to enter the elevator.

As Yvonne stepped inside, she asked the squestion Rose had earlier. "Aren't you coming?" The staff member maintained his respectful demeanor. "Ms. Spencer, your friend is upstairs. You'll meet her there."

Reassured by the promise of seeing Rose, Yvonne didn't press further. Her primary concert was reuniting with her friend, not the Sardovia Royal Dance Academy recommendation slot. The elevator ascended swiftly and cto a stop. Yvonne stepped out of the elevator and found herself in an empty room.

She quickly scanned the room, her gaze frantically searching for Rose, but she was nowhere to be found. An inexplicable sense of unease crept over her.

Her heart pounded faster in her chest as she called out tentatively, "Rose?" Receiving no response, she called again, louder this time, but no one answered. The unease in her heart grew stronger.

"Rose?" Yvonne cautiously stepped around a targe folding screen and finally spotted someone-a man sitting on a couch with his back to her. She couldn't see his face, and there was no sign of Rose.

"Excuse me. Could you tellwhere Rose is?" Yvonne asked, her voice steady despite her rising anxiety.

She assumed this man might be the one behind the lucky prize andpossibly connected to the Finch family, who held significant sway in Regalia. It was prudent to remain polite.

Jack turned around, revealing a smile that seemed welcoming. "Ms. Shaffer went to the restroom. She's been there for a while now but should be back shortly." X