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House Dad's Literary Life

Chapter 38
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Chapter 38 - Crazy Shopping

The nextday, the frustrated Little Fatty Guo went home. Before he went back, heconfidently left a sentence that is always said by a villain at JiangchengMedia School's entrance: "I will be back!"

"It'snot easy to get back. You live in the Binhai District…" Yang Yi said,ruining the atmosphere.

The cool BigBrother Yang is not as sentimental as Little Fatty Guo. He just wants to take Xixiout to play and give the little fatty a ride along the way. And it happenedthat the Tyrant Wolf is back, so they can drive a little further and fit in thecar.

Aftersending Little Fatty Guo away, Yang Yi drove his car and took her daughter tothe mall. Haihong Mall, which specializes in children's goods and high-qualityimport goods, is also in the Binhai District. This is what Mo Fei told him.

"Papa,where are we going?" Asked Xixi curiously. The little girl cleverly sat inthe child seat in the back seat.

Today, Xixifinally didn't wear a dress. Yang Yi gave her a white chiffon short-sleeved blouseand blue cotton and hemp shorts. She didn't like it at first! Later, when shelooked in the mirror and saw the fresh and beautiful little girl in the mirror,she felt beautiful and shy that she did not dare to admit that she was the girlin the mirror!

"We aregoing to buy clothes, powdered milk, and toys for you." Yang Yi said witha smile.

This time Xixiis going to stay at her father's home for two weeks, and Mo Fei didn't bringenough things!

Not tomention the powdered milk, an essential item, which Xixi has to drink every day,Mo Fei, that scatterbrain, forgot to bring said clothes, and toys. Although MoFei stuffed a suitcase full, but how is that enough? Wearing the same dress allday, the freshness will also be reduced!

Moreover,Yang Yi feels that Mo Fei's taste is quite ordinary. In addition to the skirts,it is necessary to let the little girl change her style!

"Really?Papa is going to take Xixi shopping?" Xixi's big eyes shone brightly andcheered in surprise.

Haihong Mallis really specialized for children. The layout of the entire mall is full ofchild's interest, with posters of cartoon images, pink staircase, and even thesquare on the first floor has a huge bubble ball playground, which stimulatesmany children to entangle their parents to go in and play.

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Xixi alsowants to play!

But thetemptation to buy clothes was even greater. Soon, she could not help but breakaway from her father's arms, run ahead happily, and call his father: "Papa,this, look at this, it's beautiful!"

Yang Yilooked up. Okay, how did she get to the dress shop again?

Xixi is lookingat a sleeveless pure white pleated gauze dress with a royal purple colored beltaround the waist, a bit like the dress worn by the priestess in the Olympic Gamesduring the Flame Lighting Ceremony, holy and clean. (TN: For ref.: )

"What alovely little girl! You have a good eye!" When a saleswoman in the shopsaw this, she immediately came up with a compliment and said with a smile,"This dress suits you best. Would you like to try it first?"

Xixi was alittle shy. She ran back to her father's side and took his hand.

"Comein and have a look, sir!" The saleswoman immediately changed her targetand said to Yang Yi with a smile, "Your daughter is very tall and slim.Such a dress is very suitable for her. Moreover, today we have an event. Thereis a 12% discount on all clothes. If this one doesn't feel right, we also haveothers!"

Yang Yilooked down at Xixi. Although the little girl was shy, she still looked longinglyat the dress. Yang Yi smiled and said, "Then go in and try it!"

More thantwenty minutes later, Yang Yi and Xixi walked out with a bag, and the shopassistants behind them smiled brilliantly ***, and Xixi, who just bought the dressshe liked, smiled even happier. (TN: The * is in the raw)

Shoppingwith Xixi, Yang Yi experienced for the first time the craziness of girlshopping. Nearly every shop, Xixi could find clothes she liked, and then she wantsto go in and have a look at every store. She was almost dragging her fathershopping.

Fortunately,Yang Yi has an iron-like constitution, and he was able to accompany the little girlto stroll one floor after another. Fortunately, Yang Yi is someone who likes tospend money on his daughter, so he bought them one after another!

Princess dresses,one-piece dress, T-shirts, suspenders, jeans, shorts, leggings, and all sortsof pretty and adorable cartoon jackets and outfits. Not to mention all kinds ofhats and accessories…

After buyinga lot of the dress that she liked, Xixi felt extremely happy!

Halfwaythrough, Yang Yi wasn't able to carry so many bags, and he went down to theparking lot for two trips, and almost all the shopkeepers they passed by watchedthem with gleam in their eyes.

In the end,the little girl was physically unable to hold up and stopped the crazyshopping.

Despite allthis, the tired Xixi, who was sitting on his father's shoulder, still didn'tget enough. She said to her father, "Papa, we're going to come backtomorrow to buy clothes, okay?"

Yang Yishivered. He coughed twice and said, "Tomorrow is no good. Tomorrow, Papais going to take you to the amusement park to play."

Xixi thoughtabout it and nodded with satisfaction. "Then Xixi is going to play in theamusement park and wear the best clothes, but which is the best clothes? Ah, it'shard to pick!"

The little girlwas still in high spirits and began to talk to herself.

However,Yang Yi still had to go shopping, so he let the little girl sit on his shoulder.He went to the powdered milk shop and bought the powdered milk that Xixi oftendrank. Mo Fei also asked him through a text message to buy some cod liver oiland vitamin supplements.

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"Actually,there's no need to buy any of these. When I was a child, my family was poor andI grew up eating sweet potatoes, and I didn't get any illness." Whilebuying, Yang Yi laments the living conditions of his child.

"Idon't like it." Xixi pouted and said, "I like to eat the dishes madeby Papa. These are not delicious!" (TN: She's talking about the cod liveroil and vitamin supplements.)

But Yang Yistill had to buy it. Mo Fei warned him on the phone that if he didn't buy it, shewouldn't let Xixi play with her father next time.

After buyingthese, the night has fallen, and Yang Yi is ready to go home, but before that,they have to pass through a bookstore, which of course sells books related tochildren!

Yang Yimoved, carrying the bag, and went in with Xixi sleeping on his shoulder.

"Whatcan I do for you, sir? I can help you." A shop assistant greeted him andsaw Yang Yi's current inconvenience. She took the initiative to bring up a bookcaseto help Yang Yi with the books.

"I wantto buy some children's storybooks, fairy tales, and books that teach parentshow to take care of and educate their children." Yang Yi whispered to her.

With thehelp of the shop assistant, Yang Yi started a shopping spree again.

"100 ChildrenFairy Tales", "Foreign Fairy Tales", "Baby Pillow StoryBook", "Parenting Knowledge", "A Good Mother is Better ThanA Good Teacher", "How To Persuade Children to Listen", "To LoveA Child Is To Talk Well"… More than 20 heavy books were finally carried tothe parking lot by two shop assistants.

The booksbought by Yang Yi are nearly enough for him to study and become an expert ineducating his child!

In any case, Xixi wants to live with her father. Yang Yi also has to shoulder the responsibility, and seriously learn how to be a good father!