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How To Live As A Writer In A Fantasy World

Chapter 237: Magnificent (2)
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Before the serious clash between them began, Arwen brought up what had been happening in her life. Most of it was about the tight schedule, the hardships due to not getting rest time, the difficulty in clearing up the mess left by the council, and more.

Most notably, there was a significant shortage of talent. Arwen wanted to pull resources from the council, but it seemed risky due to most of them being elder elves.

In the unlikely event that a second council emerged, it would be just as troublesome, so Arwen was handling all the work alone for now. Fortunately, thanks to the events surrounding Xenon, there were no signs of a second council forming, and the operation in Alvenheim was proceeding smoothly.

The considerable increase in support for Arwen after the public speech to the nation was one reason, but more than anything, it was the connection between Arwen and the Xenon’s Biography’s author that played a significant role.

Especially after the contamination of the World Tree, there was a Xenon craze among the elves. The fact that their queen was connected to Xenon led to inevitable rising support. Along with this, neighboring countries began efforts to interact with Alvenheim in any way possible, starting from major powers like the Minerva Empire and the Ters Kingdom to smaller nations.

Thanks to these efforts, Alvenheim’s national power was increasing by the day. Despite feeling like she needed ten bodies to cope with the situation, Arwen said she was happy every day because it was the dream she had been envisioning.

“Listening to it alone feels exhausting, doesn’t it?”

To my ears, the workload was so excessive that it made me gag, but the final decision-making power undoubtedly belongs to the queen, so the workload could only be staggering. Particularly now, Alvenheim is in its adolescence. The Council of Elders, a symbol of Alvenheim, has vanished, and Arwen, backed by the people, holds strong royal authority.

Naturally, the workload must be beyond imagination, with Arwen alone bearing it all, which worries me. Arwen seemed to notice my expression, responding with a reassuring, gentle voice and a slight smile.

“Don’t worry about that. I get a solid four hours of sleep each day.”

“Is that okay?”

It reminded me that Cindy, for the sake of writing her thesis, stayed up for days on end without sleeping, resulting in her characteristic slurred speech and trademark dark circles under her eyes.

Unlike humans who encounter problems if they go without sleep for over two days, elves can stay awake for several days without major issues. However, their condition noticeably deteriorates, and except for specific professions, they tend to sleep for at least seven hours a day.

“It’s alright. Using a sleep-inducing spell immediately resolves any problems.”

“Is there such a spell? That’s the first time I’ve heard of it.”

“We elves use magic in our daily lives, so there are various spells like this one. Apart from sleep magic, there are spells to relax tense muscles or enhance concentration.”


I listened to the story and glanced over at Cecily, with a question about whether there was such magic among the demons.

As Cecily and I made eye contact, she smiled and then confidently spoke. It seems that demons are more than capable of performing such magic.

“That level of magic is basic. Demons are not inferior to elves when it comes to magic. Magical abilities that are helpful in daily life are already widespread among us.”

Indeed, demons are comparable to elves. They are an enviable race no matter when you see them.

While humans endure some inconveniences in daily life, the two races can simply enchant them away, making the quality of life different. The more I delved into it, the more I wondered how humans managed to win in the race war and how Xavier slaughtered the demons.

‘When will humans be able to use magic in their daily lives?’

At the same time, I became curious about when humans would catch up with these two races. Elves and demons can freely use magic like breathing, while humans need to rely on ‘calculations.’

Even their calculation abilities are much superior to humans, and their memory is on an extraordinary level. They can remember what they ate on New Year’s Day ten years ago.

However, on the flip side, both races lack the adaptability that humans possess. Due to their lifespan, which is several times longer than that of humans, their lifestyles become entrenched. Moreover, with little inclination to compete, they tend to be more leisurely.

On the contrary, humans have a characteristic of striving, almost in a rebellious manner, to leave something behind. There’s a saying that ‘tigers leave their skins when they die, and humans leave their names.’

Because of this, it often happens that knowledge, filled with failures, soon turns into success. I speculate that one reason humans have gained dominance is because an abundance of ‘failures’ has accumulated.

“Both of you are remarkable. As a mere human, I’m just…”

“Don’t belittle yourself. Aren’t you the author of Xenon’s Biography?”

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“Yes, Isaac. You’re the strongest among us. There’s no need to belittle yourself.”

Just before I expressed discontent about being infinitely inferior to elves and demons, the two women immediately comforted me. Even though I was referring to the difference in races, they comforted me at the same time.

Although I felt a bit out of place receiving such unexpected comfort, being looked upon with concern by the two beautiful women somehow made me feel relieved without knowing why.

“Thank you. But it’s true that humans are weaker compared to other races, right? And I was referring to differences between races, not individuals.”

“Well… it’s true that humans are weak.”

Arwen nodded in agreement after hearing me.

However, she soon looked at me earnestly with galaxy-like silver-gray eyes and spoke seriously.

“But humans are strong. I can guarantee that.”

“Although humans are weak, humans are strong…”

It’s a phrase that defines what kind of species humans are. Spoken not by anyone else but by Arwen, an elf, the weight of those words is different.

Moreover, Arwen is not of pure blood but of mixed blood. There is a custom among the mixed-blood in the human world that when their human parents pass away, they enter Alvenheim. Having wandered the human world for several decades herself, she would know better than anyone what humans are like.

“Nice words. I should put this in the book.”

I took out the notebook from the front pocket of my school uniform and recorded it. It seemed fitting as a passage describing Xenon and Lilly, humans among the companions.

Individually, humans may be the weakest race, but ironically, when they come together, they become the strongest race. Other races might unite as well, but historically, none have shown the same cohesion as humans. Even though there were demons, they were lacking in various ways due to their isolation.

“Y-you mean putting it in a book? Xenon’s Biography?”

Arwen was taken aback when I mentioned putting it in a book. Her face was filled with surprise and a peculiar joy.

I stopped recording in the notebook for a moment and looked at her.

“Should I not include it if you don’t want me to?”

“No, no! Absolutely not! On the contrary…”

For some reason, Arwen blushed and felt embarrassed. It seems she’s looking forward to her words being included in Xenon’s Biography.

As I was inwardly finding Arwen adorable, Cecily seemed uncomfortable with the situation.

She clapped her hands, drawing our attention, then opened her mouth as if she’d just thought of something amusing.

“Oh, right. Isaac, since we’re already here, how about learning more about the races of demons and elves?”

“Huh? What’s this about?”

“You asked me at the café. About my power, the power of demons. As Arwen is the Queen of the elves, why not ask her for a reference for Pride?”

“I see.”

I think I get the gist. Just as I sought advice from Cecily, she’s suggesting seeking counsel from Arwen regarding the prowess ‘Pride’ should be.

Arwen would likely be pleased that her counsel would be referenced in Xenon’s Biography, and I’d be getting help in my own way.

Arwen looked at her with a subtle expression, yet Cecily just grinned.

“…It matters not to me. If it can help Isaac, it’s an honor.”

“So, you’ll help?”

“If you wish, I can do more than that.”

As soon as she said that, Cecily’s brow furrowed briefly before smoothing out.

Let’s skip over what Cecily meant by ‘more than that.’ Seeking advice is the priority right now.

“First of all, let’s overlook the fact that elves are famous for their beautiful appearance. Instead, I’d like to know the differences between elves and demons. I’ve heard that demons have ‘diversity’ while elves have ‘depth’.”

“That’s very accurate. Our elves, with the help of the gods, were the first to establish civilization. And that civilization has been maintained until now, after thousands of years. Compared to other races, depth is inevitable. Not just in magic but also in knowledge, culture, society, science, language, and so on. It can truly be said to be the beginning of everything.”

Arwen, who carries elven pride within her despite being of mixed heritage, was praising elves from the start. If she were a typical snobbish elf, it might have been awkward to hear, but perhaps because she was Arwen, there was an inexplicable charm.

In reality, it could be said that the start of all civilizations was elven, and humans who achieved civilization afterwards merely imitated them. There was more than enough basis for confidence.

“Through such a civilization, the depth of our magic is beyond description. Not only can we observe the stars in the night sky with our own eyes, but we can also make the land fertile or bring rain to drought-stricken lands. Even parts of nature can be substituted with magic.”

“What’s the difference between sorcery and magic?”

One could also make rain fall using a sorcery ritual, what could be the difference between the two? Arwen widened her gray eyes in surprise when I mentioned sorcery and asked me in an unexpectedly curious tone.

“Do you also know about sorcery?”

“I know someone who is familiar with it. Besides, there are historical records of humans using sorcery in the distant past.”

“Ah, I see. Well, you do love reading like me, so that might be possible. If you ever need related books later on, feel free to ask. I’d gladly provide them.”

“Thanks. I always seem to impose.”

“No need for thanks. If you ever need anything from me…”

At the moment Arwen was about to express her gratitude.

“Alright, can we skip the explanations? I don’t want to waste any more time.”

Cecily interjected, appearing displeased as she crossed her arms. Seeing her react with dissatisfaction as Arwen’s story extended, it was understandable—more of Arwen’s narrative meant less time for the two of them.

Arwen momentarily narrowed her eyes at Cecily’s irritable demeanor, then cleared her throat and continued explaining in her characteristic delicate voice.

“Ahem. Ahem. The digression was lengthy. Anyway, the clear difference between magic and sorcery is that sorcery utilizes nature itself, while magic can be seen as artificially created. Sorcery manipulates the world, while magic is something created on its own.”

“Ah, I see what you mean. So, what about attack magic? I’ve heard that demons are stronger due to differences in firepower.”

“Huh? What are you talking about?”

Arwen responded with widened eyes, questioning Cecily’s statement about publicly known facts, sporting a look of utter disbelief.

Cecily’s narrowed eyes were a natural response to such confusion. Was it just a misconception that an unknown current had begun to flow?

Whether to call Arwen elvish or confident, he began to explain in a low voice.

“At a glance, demons with black mana may seem stronger. However, this is a fundamentally wrong understanding. Demon magic often leads to unnecessary waste. Just as their strength may make them seem skill-less, demon magic, in the eyes of us elves, can be considered somewhat outdated.”

“Can you say that so openly? A princess of Hellium is right next to us.”

In response to my surprised question, Arwen turned her head slightly and looked at Cecily. Cecily, with her fists clenched, seemed to be challenging Arwen to say it aloud.

After a brief standoff with Cecily, Arwen, as if unwilling to concede on this point, boldly continued.

“Of course. It’s not because I’m an elf, but it’s a clear fact. To humans, demons may appear more glamorous and powerful. However, that’s only on the surface. It’s thanks to the black mana that they can supply their strength, but their magic, to the eyes of elves, is undeniably crude and chaotic.”

“··· ···”

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

It seemed like this could escalate into a fight. Since I was ignorant of magic, I couldn’t say anything, but Cecily probably wouldn’t stay silent.

As soon as I thought that, I checked Cecily’s reaction. She had an expression of discomfort but didn’t respond at all.

Seeing this, it confirmed Arwen’s explanation and raised another question in my mind:

‘How did demons come to acquire magic?’

The origin of demons is humanity. However, during the devil war, humans struggled not only with magic but even with handling mana properly.

And soon, an answer to that question flowed directly from Cecily’s lips.

“…As the queen said, our demon magic might seem chaotic to the elves. Demons use magic closer to instinct than theory. That’s the decisive difference between demons and elves.”

“Instinctual use?”

“Yes. Demons developed magic literally to survive. In the first generation, becoming a devil occurred frequently before anyone could teach you anything, so they had to awaken to it on their own. By now, we’ve polished our theories to some extent, but we’re still far from perfect.”

So, that’s it. Demons were using magic as naturally as elves breathed.

While elves manifested magic by calculating, demons brushed aside calculations and reached conclusions directly.

Because of this, impurities affected their efficiency, but they compensated for it with the firepower of dark mana.

Thanks to that, the distinct difference between elves and demons became apparent. This setting serves as a significant aid in distinguishing between Gluttony and Pride.

“However, demons have a distinct advantage over elves in the speed of spellcasting. Simple spells might seem similar, but as complexity increases, the difference becomes severe. While elves mumble for ages, demons can just finish it with a simple gesture.”

While contemplating the setting of Xenon’s Biography, Cecily confidently spoke, gesturing with her hand. It seemed like she was uplifting demons subtly while indirectly pointing out the flaws in elves.

In that sarcasm, Arwen couldn’t possibly remain silent. Arwen furrowed her eyebrows and retorted with displeasure.

“Mumble… be careful with your words. The casting is an indispensable process in magic. In fact, your demons are crude for omitting it.”

“During that time, wouldn’t it be more efficient to cast two more spells? There’s no fool who would just watch the magician cast the spell.”

In response to Cecily’s reply, Arwen, in a rare occurrence, spoke with an almost disdainful tone, even resorting to snorting.

“Hah. Typical of demons to focus solely on combat. I wonder why you only use magic for offense. As I mentioned earlier, magic is not necessarily limited to attack. Magic is an essential force for research that can be greatly beneficial in life. Surely in Helium, you don’t refrain from using magic for research? There’s no way. It’s a race that’s being compared to our elves.”

“Oh, that’s…”

Perhaps finding a flaw, Cecily hesitated and averted her gaze. It seems that Helium lacks an institution like Yggdrasil in Alvenheim.

Of course, it wouldn’t be completely absent. Helium must have actively engaged in magical research in its own way.

However, because it was isolated until the release of Xenon’s Biography, progress may have been slow compared to Alvenheim. In contrast, under Arwen’s policy, Alvenheim had active exchanges with other races.

While Cecily hesitated, Arwen, with a triumphant expression, nodded her head and opened her mouth with an attitude that indicated victory.

“Look, Isaac. Unlike the demons who ignorantly rely on brute force, we elves prioritize efficiency. It’s evidence that elves are superior to demons.”

And perhaps that touched a nerve.


A vein bulged on Cecily’s forehead. Subsequently, she muttered quietly with a voice that seemed to be audible.

“A dwarf with a small chest…”


Did I mishear that?

Translators note: