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Hunter Academy: Revenge of the Weakest

Chapter 172 39.1 - A small incident
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Chapter 172 39.1 - A small incident

"Things are going in a different way than I expected."

I was walking to the cafeteria while thinking about the changes in the academy.

'The curriculum was supposed to change after the first year ended.'

In the game, the second year would be a lot more hectic than the first year, both in terms of villains that appeared and in terms of academic events.

'But, it is different now.'

There were many variables that could have possibly affected the game's scenario and would have changed. Small things could alter bigger events, and this is a butterfly effect, but at the same time, not every small thing changes everything.

'If I needed to point out one thing, that would be Sylvie's awakening.'

To make such a big change occur, some triggers for those big events would be needed, and there was only one thing that came into my mind aside from myself.

'Sylvie's awakening being a trigger makes sense.'

In this world, there are powers that go well beyond the imagination of a person. Dragons, mythical beings, otherworldlers, humans close to godhood, or maybe even gods.

And the power Sylvie held was one of those.

'First Lord's Authority.'

The moment it awakened, other beings and the [Venerates] must have already sensed the energy spread from the academy. The world had already started to change a long time ago, and the number of monsters is constantly increasing with each dimensional rift appearing.

The world is constantly striving to become chaotic, and the more chaotic it is, the more susceptible it is to change. The powers lying dormant in this world had long been plotting to become the best and strongest.

'The awakening of Sylvie just gave them the reason to act.'

It is highly probable that the academy wants to nurture students before things go awry, and knowing the headmaster's power and the position he held, it seemed he had already predicted things to some extent.

'But, this makes things a lot more riskier.'

The academy would certainly want to keep a hold of Sylvie's power and protect her from future dangers, but they also would know how important it is to nurture it. And they won't be able to lock her in the academy while she is growing.

'They would rather mix her in the academy students hiding her identity and let her grow in the chaos of nature.'

It was easy to see since this was exactly what happened in the game.

'But, if one thing concerns me, that would be her early awakening.'

With Sylvie awakening her dormant talent, she would be assigned to the newly rising star of the academy.

The player is Ethan Hartley.

At that time, we, as players, would have already acquired the top 10 ranks and would strive to be the best.

'Now, that is still not the case.'

However, right now, Ethan has yet to become that strong; neither does he have such a high ranking, and I doubt the headmaster would randomly assign Sylvie to Ethan.

That would practically mean the things concerning Sylvie are no longer the same as in the game. The personal dynamics and the people surrounding Sylvie will change, and that also means the events will possibly change.

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'I need to be prepared.'

If Sylvie somehow gets kidnapped by the outside forces, that would make things a lot more hard. Even the government is very hard to trust, and if demons can get a hold of her….

'That would make everything almost impossible.'

My thoughts continued to wander off about the possible changes of the future.

As I approached the cafeteria, the familiar hum of student chatter gradually replaced the contemplative silence of my thoughts. The lively atmosphere, a stark contrast to the ponderous musings in my mind, signaled the bustling energy within.

The cafeteria doors swung open, and the lively symphony of voices enveloped me.

The clattering of trays, laughter, and animated discussions merged into a harmonious cacophony, echoing the vibrancy of academy life.

'It is the same as always.'

Looking at the students smiling without knowing the curriculum awaiting them, I shook my head.

Joining the queue, my eyes wandered across the diverse assembly of academy personnel.

The cafeteria staff worked diligently behind the counters, ensuring a smooth flow of meals to the hungry students. The rhythmic sounds of food being prepared blended seamlessly with the ongoing conversations.

Amidst the familiar faces, my gaze caught the absence of the woman I had frequently noticed in the bustling cafeteria.

Her absence immediately brought me back in my memory

—a woman who, despite her attempts to conceal it, bore the invisible scars of domestic violence only a discerning eye could see.

'I guess we won't be seeing her anymore.'

The world was such a cruel place. For those who were weak, nobody cared about the fate that awaited them.

Even for the authorities, such people were nothing but numbers in their reports.

It was the same for me. Neither did I have the time nor the desire.

Finding an empty table, I settled into a chair, the muted clatter of the cafeteria fading into the background as I focused on my meal filled with nutrients.

However, at that exact second, my senses picked up a presence behind me.


Mana was being used.


Followed by the foot hitting something, the presence behind me stumbled clumsily, the contents of his plate cascading in a chaotic dance toward me.

'Should I play along?'

Since I had sensed what was happening beforehand, I had the time to evade. But I didn't since I needed to confirm something.


The collision sent a splash of food onto my head, the sticky residue clinging to my hair and clothes.

As the remnants of the meal dripped down, the guy who stumbled approached his expression, a mix of surprise and guilt. "I-I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to—someone used magic, and I lost my balance," he stammered, genuine remorse evident in his eyes.

'I guess he wasn't one of them.'

My eyes didn't observe any traces of lying as each small muscle, which is generally used when a person lies, wasn't tense.

'He is from the magical engineering faculty,' I thought, recognizing the insignia on his uniform. Although not highly regarded in the academy, they were often looked down upon by the Hunter department, and drawing unnecessary attention to him would be futile.

Instead of reacting with hostility, I nodded, deciding to play along. "It's fine. Accidents happen," I replied, my tone neutral.

"T-thank you." He stammered and immediately left the place as if he had also sensed the presence of others behind.

"Heh...For an orphan, you sure have a talent for attracting trash."

The guy responsible for the spectacle, a figure with an air of arrogance, continued to revel in the amusement of his companions. "Look at him, trying to fit in. Pathetic," he sneered, his eyes gleaming with a malicious glint as if relishing the moment."

"Must be hard, huh? Being an orphan and all," one of them chimed in, a condescending smirk playing on his lips.

"Yeah, I heard he's so desperate for attention that he'd do anything," added another.

"He probably sells himself to make ends meet," the leader sneered, his malicious grin widening as he gauged my reaction.

But I simply didn't say anything and continued to stare at them to see their reactions.

'Whether they are being ordered by someone, or they are genuine.'

Things might not necessarily be how they looked. These people who were looking for a reaction from me might simply be targeting me out of amusement, and if this is the case, salvation is pretty easy.

You can just ignore them, or you can act just like them.

But, if someone else is behind them and they have another plan in their mind, then being cautious won't hurt.

Because if you just ignore them, they will intentionally target you differently, trying different ways, and if you act, they will use the evidence and political things against you.

"I guess he is so used to hearing that from his customers…..If I pay you, will you come with me too, like your mother?"

However, contrary to his sharp words, I could easily see the small change in his actions. His gaze wasn't as focused on me, and his hands were slightly clenched, evident from his forearm.

'Got you.'

At that moment, from the corner of my eye, I saw him looking elsewhere.

'So, it was really you.'

My gaze followed his, and there I met with the person I was expecting.

'Trevor Philips.'

He was watching everything from the corner while seemingly eating his meal with his friends.

My eyesight was sharp enough to see everything in detail, even from the corner of my eyes, and I also saw him nodding to the bully 1.

'This confirms it.'

The reason why I had played along with the bullies was to make sure the one behind those rumors was Trevor Philips. Acting purely based on the speculations wouldn't be logical after all, and I needed to make sure it was him.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

"Tch. This bastard has ruined my mood."

As the bullies seemed to lose interest in their failed attempts to provoke me, Bully 1 abruptly stood up from his seat, shooting an imperceptible signal to his friends. The group moved with synchronized precision, following his lead.

I continued to sit calmly, feigning indifference, even as Bully 1 walked right past me.


In that fleeting moment, I sensed a malicious intent in the air. My instincts kicked in, warning me of an impending danger that I had been expecting.



Just as he was about to pass by, Bully 1 made a swift motion, attempting to stab me in my shoulder with a concealed object. His actions were deceptively casual as if it were a mere accident. However, I was already expecting this.

I leaned away, narrowly evading the concealed attack. The blade went past right before my arm, but I could see a small substance on the tip of the blade.

'Poison, huh?'

If I hadn't dodged it, I knew things would be different, and I would probably squirm in pain on the ground, and that would destroy my image more.

"You….I almost fell down because of you, you fucker ."

However, instead of walking away, the bullies decided to play a different card. Bully 1 turned around with a fabricated angry expression as he shouted.

"You! Watch where you're putting your feet, you moron. I almost tripped because of your clumsy ass!"

He walked toward me, his demeanor aggressive as he continued to hurl baseless accusations. "How dare you put your filthy feet on the path I was walking? You're just a piece of trash who doesn't know their place!"

Maintaining my calm, I met his fabricated anger with a composed expression. "I didn't put my feet anywhere near your path. You must be mistaken."

Now that the tables had turned, it seemed they were trying to make me the villain.

"Hey, did any of you see what this loser did?" Bully 1 called out to the onlookers, his voice filled with feigned indignation.

The onlookers exchanged uneasy glances, caught in the crossfire of a brewing conflict. But at that moment, the rumors surrounding me started playing their hand.

"He did look like he was up to something," one person murmured to another, their words carrying the weight of uncertainty.

"And, it is not like he is an angel. Isn't he the one that was the talk of the academy?"


The bullies seized on the murmurs, using them as a semblance of validation for their accusations. "See, even they think you're guilty," Bully 1 sneered, a triumphant glint in his eyes.

'Certainly, a good way to pressure your opponent.'

This was a clear proof of how strong misdirected public perception could be.


Things were getting bothersome, not because I couldn't do anything but because it was like a scene out of a movie.

Until a commanding voice echoed through the bustling space.

"That's enough!"