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I Am Unstoppable novel

Chapter 167
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Jonathan felt embarrassed.

Shit! This is so humiliating! Laughing awkwardly, he looked at the gloomy sky and commented, “Haha. The weather is so wonderful today!” Mabel gave him a disdainful look and stopped making fun of him before getting on the military vehicle.

“You should head back now. Don't forget that you're the groom today. Your bride is still waiting for you. Enjoy your wedding night.” “You're saying that on purpose to infuriate me. Do you think Catherine and | will be able to spend a lovely wedding night together?” he huffed.

Hearing that, she burst out laughing. “It depends on your ability. No matter what, she's still a woman.” “No, | can't force myself on her. I'm not that kind of person,” he stated.

However, the woman in front of him remarked, “That's a good idea, actually. Besides, even if you force yourself on

her, you'll be protected by the law, and no one will condemn you morally. Still, I'm afraid that you won't be able to defeat her.” Jonathan was enraged that Mabel was deliberately mocking him.

After some contemplation, he uttered, “By the way, the gun you gave me is fantastic, but there are no more bullets. Why don't | go get some bullets with you?” She was stunned for a moment. “That's right. | almost forgot about it. Return the gun to me.” Immediately, he took a step back, looking as if he was protecting a treasure. “Why should | give it back to you?” With a solemn expression, Mabel explained, “Firstly, you aren't in danger anymore. Secondly, you'll get reliant on guns easily if you have one, which is bad and will affect your cultivation progress.” Initially, Jonathan was taken aback, but after some consideration, he concluded that what she said was

reasonable. Hence, he instantly took out the revolver and returned it to her.

Taking over the gun, she inquired, “Previously, you were resistant to joining Divine Realm because you had no choice. Now that you aren't in danger anymore, do you still want to join them?” “If I don't join Divine Realm, | won't be able to protect myself, let alone the Harrington family. I've promised Old Mr. Harrington that | would do it, so | will,” said Jonathan.

A gentle smile crept onto Mabel's face. “That's more like it.” After a pause, she continued, “I hope that in the future, you can become a figure like the Emperor of Chanaea, protecting Chanaea and suppressing evils.” In response, he smiled bitterly. “This responsibility is too great. | can only try my best.” “I have faith in you,” she stated with a grin.

“All right, it's getting late. | should go back now.” “Wait.” Mabel stopped him.

Looking at her, he asked, “What's the matter?” “Catherine is a pitiful girl with flaws. Don't hold any grudges against her. You may be able to tug at her heartstrings if you take better care of her,” she advised.

The next moment, Jonathan put on an earnest expression and stated, “Don't worry. No matter what, she's now my wife. I'm not going to abandon her.” Nodding, Mabel started the car's engine.

“Wait!” he called out. Staring at the man confusedly, she questioned, “What's wrong?” “This car of yours seems to be from the military zone. You took it by force?” he queried.

Rolling her eyes at him, she answered, “No one's stopping me even if | drive the military vehicle recklessly. How fantastic is that? Do | need your permission to use it for a while?” “You're abusing your power!” remarked Jonathan with contempt.

“Tsk!” Instead of replying to him, Mabel turned the steering wheel and sped off.

Jonathan turned around and entered the mansion after watching her leave.

The entire mansion had returned to normal. All the younger generations of the Harrington family had returned to their respective homes. Jonathan falt ambarrassad.

Shit! This is so humiliating! Laughing awkwardly, ha lookad at tha gloomy sky and commantad, “Haha. Tha waathar is so wondarful today!” Mabal gava him a disdainful look and stoppad making fun of him bafora gatting on tha military vahicla.

“You should haad back now. Don't forgat that you'ra tha groom today. Your brida is still waiting for you. Enjoy your wadding night.” “You'ra saying that on purposa to infuriata ma. Do you think Catharina and | will ba abla to spand a lovaly wadding night togathar?” ha huffad.

Haaring that, sha burst out laughing. “It dapands on your ability. No mattar what, sha's still a woman.” “No, | can't forca mysalf on har. I'm not that kind of parson,” ha statad.

Howavar, tha woman in front of him ramarkad, “That's a good idaa, actually. Basidas, avan if you forca yoursalf on har, you'll ba protactad by tha law, and no ona will condamn you morally. Still, I'm afraid that you won't ba abla to dafaat har.” Jonathan was anragad that Mabal was dalibarataly mocking him.

Aftar soma contamplation, ha uttarad, “By tha way, tha gun you gava ma is fantastic, but thara ara no mora bullats.

Why don't | go gat soma bullats with you?” Sha was stunnad for a momant. “That's right. | almost forgot about it. Raturn tha gun to ma.” Immadiataly, ha took a stap back, looking as if ha was protacting a traasura. “Why should | giva it back to you?” ‘With a solamn axprassion, Mabal axplainad, “Firstly, you

aran't in dangar anymora. Sacondly, you'll gat raliant on guns aasily if you hava ona, which is bad and will affact your cultivation prograss.” Initially, Jonathan was takan aback, but aftar soma considaration, ha concludad that what sha said was raasonabla. Hanca, ha instantly took out tha ravolvar and raturnad it to har.

Taking ovar tha gun, sha inquirad, “Praviously, you wara rasistant to joining Divina Raalm bacausa you had no choica. Now that you aran't in dangar anymora, do you still want to join tham?” “If I don't join Divina Raalm, | won't ba abla to protact mysalf, lat alona tha Harrington family. I'va promisad Old Mr. Harrington that | would do it, so | will,” said Jonathan.

A gantla smila crapt onto Mabal's faca. “That's mora lika it.” Aftar a pausa, sha continuad, “I hopa that in tha futura, you can bacoma a figura lika tha Emparor of Chanaaa, protacting Chanaaa and supprassing avils.” In rasponsa, ha smilad bittarly. “This rasponsibility is too

graat. | can only try my bast.” “I hava faith in you,” sha statad with a grin.

“All right, it's gatting lata. | should go back now.” “Wait.” Mabal stoppad him.

Looking at har, ha askad, “What's tha mattar?” “Catharina is a pitiful girl with flaws. Don't hold any grudgas against har. You may ba abla to tug at har haartstrings if you taka battar cara of har,” sha advisad.

Tha naxt momant, Jonathan put on an aarnast axprassion and statad, “Don't worry. No mattar what, sha's now my wifa. I'm not going to abandon har.” Nodding, Mabal startad tha car's angina.

“Wait!” ha callad out. Staring at tha man confusadly, sha quastionad, “What's wrong?” “This car of yours saams to ba from tha military zona. You took it by forca?” ha quariad.

Rolling har ayas at him, sha answarad, “No ona's stopping

ma avan if | driva tha military vahicla racklassly. How fantastic is that? Do | naad your parmission to usa it for a whila?” “You'ra abusing your powar!” ramarkad Jonathan with contampt.

“Tsk!” Instaad of raplying to him, Mabal turnad tha staaring whaal and spad off.

Jonathan turnad around and antarad tha mansion aftar watching har laava.

Tha antira mansion had raturnad to normal. All tha youngar ganarations of tha Harrington family had raturnad to thair raspactiva homas.

Yareth simply enjoyed the serenity.

Even though the mansion was full of wedding decorations, it seemed kind of deserted.

Jonathan did not think much about it and entered his and Catherine's bridal chamber.

The room was spacious with an en suite, a couch, and

other amenities.

Its decoration was comparable to a luxurious presidential suite, and it also had a balcony.

Ared carpet covered the floor, and the words “We Are Married” were pasted on the wall.

In the middle of the bedroom was a large circular bed with a soft red blanket.

Closing the door behind him, Jonathan turned on the light and saw his bride cultivating cross-legged on the bed.

After a long day, he was exhausted. Besides, he did not want to disturb her, so he took his pajamas from the closet and headed to the bathroom to shower.

He immediately felt relaxed both physically and mentally after taking a hot shower.

Moments later, he put on his pajamas and exited the bathroom.

Casting a brief glance at Catherine, who was still cultivating

on the bed, he wondered where he should sleep. Should | sleep on the couch? Well, it doesn't seem to be a question worth pondering.

At that thought, he walked toward the couch and prepared to sleep.

At this moment, Catherine opened her eyes and asked flatly, “What are you doing?” The man was momentarily stunned, but he quickly answered, “Going to sleep.” “Why aren't you sleeping on the bed?” she questioned.

His heart skipped a beat. “Can | sleep on the bed?” The woman was puzzled by his question. “Why can't you? Shouldn't married couples sleep together?” “Okay, I'll sleep on the bed,” said Jonathan, without saying anything further.

However, once he sat on the bed, she got out of it.

Startled, he asked, “What are you doing?” As soon as she heard his question, she looked at him

weirdly and replied, “Shower!” Jonathan came to a realization and felt a little embarrassed at the same time. D*mn! I'm overthinking it! Shortly after, Catherine entered the bathroom.

‘When he heard the sound of running water in there, he could envision her gorgeous figure.

Could it be that | can really have a wonderful wedding night tonight? Should | do it or not? | shouldn't be concerned about anything. She's my legal wife. Isn't it justified? Thinking of that, he could not help feeling hopeful and excited.

Half an hour later, Catherine came out of the bathroom, dressed in conservative plaid pajamas.

Not even an inch of her bare skin was visible.

Her hair was damp, giving her an alluring, lovely, and adorable appearance.

In an instant, Jonathan's heart softened, and he almost

wanted to embrace her tightly in his arms.

Catherine was the type of woman who made people want to give her the moon and the stars.

Next, she stood in front of the bed and was about to lie down to sleep.

“Uh...” began Jonathan.

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Shifting her gaze to him, she inquired, “What's the matter?” Before he could say anything, she continued as if she understood what he wanted, “I understand. You want to do it?” Nodding, she added, “We're husband and wife. It's my obligation to please you, but | hope you can get it done faster.” With that said, she was about to take off her pajamas.

Smiling bitterly, he hurriedly stopped her. “I only wanted to say that your hair is still damp. Let me dry it for you, and then you can go to sleep.” His words caught the woman on the bed by surprise.

Getting out of bed, Jonathan went in search of the hairdryer

before blow-drying her hair.

Catherine sat quietly like a little girl, allowing him to do whatever he wanted.

At that moment, he felt a pang of sadness. She seemed like a blank sheet, lacking the ability to feel any emotions.

Just as Mabel had mentioned, she was a person with a disability.

Hence, he decided to be more considerate of his wife.

“Go to sleep,” Jonathan uttered softly after drying her hair.

Looking at him puzzledly, she asked, “You aren't doing it?” He flashed her a wry smile and stated, “Let's only talk about it when you think of the deed as a pleasure.” Although he was an amorous man, there was no way he could get turned on if she were to lie there like a corpse.

Thus, he declined her on the spot.

Without saying anything more, Catherine lay down to sleep on the massive bed.

Jonathan went to get another blanket and slept beside her.

Both of them slept soundly that night.

The next morning, Yareth gave the two of them a monetary gift when they were having breakfast together.

“Jonathan, I've already submitted your name as my personal recommendation. You're now an examinee for Divine Realm. Whether you can join Divine Realm or not is entirely dependent on yourself. You must work hard for it.” “Yes, Grandpa!” responded Jonathan firmly.

A faint smile flitted across Yareth's face as he said, “This time, every examinee is recommended by prominent families from all over the country. There were a total of fifty- four people. In the end, Divine Realm will only accept four people, or even less. There's also a possibility that none of the examinees will be accepted. This exam is exceptionally difficult, so both of you must mentally prepare yourself.” Jonathan was shocked upon hearing that. Little did he know that the exam would be so difficult.

“Furthermore, those who can be recommended by prestigious families must also be outstanding people,” added Yareth.

Taking a deep breath, Jonathan promised, “Don't worry. I'll do my best and won't disappoint you.” The old man burst out laughing and commented, “Even Sylvia died at your hands. Indeed, I'm not too worried about you.” Jonathan's lips curled into an awkward smile. “I just got lucky.” Moments later, Yareth remarked, “However, your development is too slow. I'd have to beef up your training these few days. Otherwise, the exam will be too challenging for you.” Hearing that, Jonathan was bereft of speech.

“Luckily, we still have more than twenty days,” the elder added, smiling faintly.

After breakfast, Jonathan received a call from Amber.

“Jennifer and the others are returning to Horington soon.

Let's have a meal together before they leave. Are you free?” she asked.

He remained silent for a moment. For some reason, he felt a tug at his heart.

Farewell came way too quickly.

However, it was true that Jennifer and Yasmin did not have to follow him all the time. It was unfair to them.

“Yes, I'm free,” he replied instantly.

“That's great. Then, let's hang out tonight. After dinner, we can go to a karaoke bar. Are you going to bring your wife along?” A bitter smile tugged on his lips as he enunciated, “No.” How can | take Catherine with me? She doesn't know how to read the room. That will only embarrass me.

Amber, who was on the other end of the line, felt sorry for him. “Could it be that she dislikes us?”

Immediately, he denied, “No, the situation is a little bit different from what you imagined. Let's talk about it when we meet.” “Okay!” she replied.

Entertainment was rare in the Harrington mansion.

They did not even own a television or computer, for Yareth mostly read newspapers. Meanwhile, all Catherine did was cultivate repeatedly. Sometimes, she would drive off by herself to a faraway place for a walk or have a drink at the bar.

However, she didn't require any friends.

Jonathan did not feel unaccustomed to the lifestyle. He was capable of enjoying life to the fullest or practicing abstinence.

Although Yareth mentioned that he would help Jonathan improve, he did not promise to start immediately.

Thus, Jonathan did not try to urge the elder as he believed that Yareth had his plans.

He started cultivating at their study after that.

Practicing the Ultra Sun Moon Mantra might not have any significant improvements, but it followed nature's cycles and absorbed the true essence of the world. The mantra

was a great way to take care of one's health and vitality.

If something were wrong with a person's body, it was easy to identify the problem and rectify things with the Ultra Sun Moon Mantra.

That was how powerful the practitioners who cultivated Destino Art were.

They had bodies that never fell ill or age.

After all, they took great care of themselves physically.

On another note, time flew by, and it was five in the afternoon.

Dinner was at six in the evening, and the venue was still Jipsdale's Pearl Hotel.

Jonathan drove Catherine's Ferrari and left the house.

Catherine was indifferent toward most things. She would not even react if he had sold her Ferrari.

The Ferrari was a great car, and Jonathan gradually sped up without realizing it.

It was capable of handling everything, be it brakes or micro- controls.

He finally understood why those who drove Ferrari loved speeding.

As it turned out, they were unable to control themselves! Jonathan arrived at the hotel at half-past five.

He asked the parking valet to park his car before calling Amber.

Amber mentioned that she would arrive soon. She told Jonathan to head for the private room first and arrange for their food to be served.

Jonathan agreed.

The private room was on the second floor.

They had already ordered the food, so he only had to ask for the dishes to be served.

This private room was known as Yaleview Hall, and it was an extremely luxurious room.

Even their lights were made of crystals and looked

extravagantly dazzling.

Jonathan didn't have to wait for long before Amber and the other ladies arrived.

He stood up and greeted them with a smile.

Still, the atmosphere became awkward and slightly uncomfortable.

The situation was just like what the poem described.

This very day last year, at this very door.

Her pretty face outshone the peach blossom.

| don't know where the beauty went.

But, the flowers are still smiling in the vernal breeze.

‘Yasmin and Amber were the only ones who acted naturally.

The latter even jokingly asked, “How does it feel to become a married man?” Jonathan merely smiled. He was unable to laugh carefreely like how he used to.

Since he got married, he seemed to have become more mature.

This must be how growing up felt like.

Soon, their dinner was served.

Jennifer was the first to raise her glass of Malteer. She stood up and said, “Jonathan, here's to you. Thank you for coming into my life.” Following that, she downed the whole glass in one go.

Jonathan felt slightly low-spirited as he did fancy Jennifer.

However, she was somebody he could never be with.

He also stood up and stated, “Jen, | wish you all the happiness and beauty in life!” Then, he gulped his drink all at once.

“Will you go back to Horington in the future?” asked Jessica calmly, unable to hide the sadness on her face.

Jonathan replied with a serious expression, “Of course. All of you are in Horington, and that place will forever be my

home. | don't feel like | belong in Yaleview.” Entartainmant was rara in tha Harrington mansion.

Thay did not avan own a talavision or computar, for Yarath mostly raad nawspapars. Maanwhila, all Catharina did was cultivata rapaatadly. Somatimas, sha would driva off by harsalf to a faraway placa for a walk or hava a drink at tha bar.

Howavar, sha didn't raquira any friands.

Jonathan did not faal unaccustomad to tha lifastyla. Ha was capabla of anjoying lifa to tha fullast or practicing abstinanca.

Although Yarath mantionad that ha would halp Jonathan improva, ha did not promisa to start immadiataly.

Thus, Jonathan did not try to urga tha aldar as ha baliavad that Yarath had his plans.

Ha startad cultivating at thair study aftar that.

Practicing tha Ultra Sun Moon Mantra might not hava any significant improvamants, but it followad natura's cyclas and absorbad tha trua assanca of tha world. Tha mantra

was a graat way to taka cara of ona's haalth and vitality.

If somathing wara wrong with a parson's body, it was aasy to idantify tha problam and ractify things with tha Ultra Sun Moon Mantra.

That was how powarful tha practitionars who cultivatad Dastino Art wara.

Thay had bodias that navar fall ill or aga.

Aftar all, thay took graat cara of thamsalvas physically.

On anothar nota, tima flaw by, and it was fiva in tha aftarnoon.

Dinnar was at six in tha avaning, and tha vanua was still Jipsdala's Paarl Hotal.

Jonathan drova Catharina's Farrari and laft tha housa.

Catharina was indiffarant toward most things. Sha would not avan raact if ha had sold har Farrar.

Tha Farrari was a graat car, and Jonathan gradually spad up without raalizing it.

It was capabla of handling avarything, ba it brakas or micro- controls.

Ha finally undarstood why thosa who drova Farrari lovad spaading.

As it turnad out, thay wara unabla to control thamsalvas! Jonathan arrivad at tha hotal at half-past fiva.

Ha askad tha parking valat to park his car bafora calling Ambar.

Ambar mantionad that sha would arriva soon. Sha told Jonathan to haad for tha privata room first and arranga for thair food to ba sarvad.

Jonathan agraad.

Tha privata room was on tha sacond floor.

Thay had alraady ordarad tha food, so ha only had to ask for tha dishas to ba sarvad.

This privata room was known as Yalaviaw Hall, and it was an axtramaly luxurious room.

Evan thair lights wara mada of crystals and lookad axtravagantly dazzling.

Jonathan didn't hava to wait for long bafora Ambar and tha othar ladias arrivad.

Ha stood up and graatad tham with a smila.

Still, tha atmosphara bacama awkward and slightly uncomfortabla.

Tha situation was just lika what tha poam dascribad.

This vary day last yaar, at this vary door.

Har pratty faca outshona tha paach blossom.

| don't know whara tha baauty want.

But, tha flowars ara still smiling in tha varnal braaza.

‘Yasmin and Ambar wara tha only onas who actad naturally.

Tha lattar avan jokingly askad, “How doas it faal to bacoma a marriad man?” Jonathan maraly smilad. Ha was unabla to laugh carafraaly lika how ha usad to.

Sinca ha got marriad, ha saamad to hava bacoma mora matura.

This must ba how growing up falt lika.

Soon, thair dinnar was sarvad.

Jannifar was tha first to raisa har glass of Maltaar. Sha stood up and said, “Jonathan, hara's to you. Thank you for coming into my lifa.” Following that, sha downad tha whola glass in ona go.

Jonathan falt slightly low-spiritad as ha did fancy Jannifar.

Howavar, sha was somabody ha could navar ba with.

Ha also stood up and statad, “Jan, | wish you all tha happinass and baauty in lifa!” Than, ha gulpad his drink all at onca.

“Will you go back to Horington in tha futura?” askad Jassica calmly, unabla to hida tha sadnass on har faca.

Jonathan rapliad with a sarious axprassion, “Of coursa. All of you ara in Horington, and that placa will foravar ba my homa. | don't faal lika | balong in Yalaviaw.”

Jessica's expression softened when she heard that, revealing a hint of happiness. “Yasmin and | will always welcome you,” she proclaimed.

‘Yasmin also got on her feet and uttered, “Jonathan, | wish you all the happiness in life too. Here's a toast to you.” Jonathan looked at her and suddenly felt that she was his biological younger sister. He said affectionately, “Yasmin, no matter what troubles you have or how unhappy you are in the future, feel free to contact me. Remember, | will forever be your dearest friend.” ‘Yasmin's eyes grew red-rimmed as she nodded firmly.

After she gave her toast, Amber suddenly spoke up. “I don't plan to return to Horington.” “Mm?” Jonathan was surprised to hear that.

She continued, “To be honest, | think that | can be closer to Jonathan if | stay in Yaleview.” She paused and turned around to look at the man. “There's nothing left for me in Horington. However, both you and my grandfather are in

YYaleview. | might be able to give you a hand, so I'm staying here.” Jonathan did not know what to say and could only respond by thanking her. “Thank you!” Amber downed the contents in her glass, and her face turned red.

She stood up and said, “We might fall out of love and grow old. Nonetheless, | believe that our relationship will never change as long as we respect and honor our camaraderie.

Here! Let's raise our glasses to that!” Everybody got to their feet and said in unison, “To our camaraderie! Cheers!” What they had wasn't a friendship as they were more than friends. However, they were not in a romantic relationship either, as love did not fit their situation.

Hence, Amber said that this was camaraderie, a special bond between them.

She would always remember what Jonathan had done for her, and she wouldn't hesitate to risk her own life for him in

the future.

They drank and ate to their heart's content during the dinner.

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Everyone was tipsy from the amount of drinks they had.

Subsequently, they went to Mogul Karaoke Bar to sing.

In the large private room where the lights were dim, the ladies looked adorable when they were tipsy.

Jennifer also looked exceptionally sexy. After they entered the private room, she removed her jacket and hair clip.

On the inside, she wore a tight-fitting white wool sweater that outlined her perfect, curvy figure.

The server brought them more red wine, and they started drinking as they sang.

They seemed to have abandoned all restrains as they enjoyed themselves. However, the looming sadness and depression still lingered in their hearts.

Throughout the night, the group kept on singing and dancing.

Meanwhile, Jonathan sat in a corner as he quietly drank his wine and observed them. Evidently, he was sober.

Fate bellowed as it took control of everything.

He felt like he was just a poor insect, unable to escape his fate. He wanted the world to have nothing invincible and nowhere unreachable. However, Jonathan knew that there was nothing he could do.

He had to obey fate and continue his path instead of behaving like the legendary monkey who roared at the sky and refused to admit defeat.

‘When midnight came, it was almost time to bid their goodbyes.

At that moment, Jennifer suddenly picked a song.

It was “Goodbye My Friend” by Linda Ronstadt.

She grabbed the microphone and swayed to the beat.

Oh, we never know where life will take us.

I know it's just a ride on the wheel.

And we never know when death will shake us, and we wonder how it will feel.

So goodbye my friend.

1 know I'll never see you again.

But the time together through all the years will take away these tears.

It's okay now, goodbye my friend.

Jennifer was so deeply immersed in the song that tears rolled down her face uncontrollably.

Everybody was shocked as they looked at her.

At that moment, Jessica and the others finally saw who Jennifer really was. She was still the prideful woman she had always been.

The room was filled with thunderous applause after she finished singing.

Amber handed Jennifer some tissue and apologized sincerely to her.

Jennifer merely smiled faintly and said nothing.

Following that, Jessica also sang a song before they left the place.

It was “Seasons in the Sun” by Terry Jacks.

Goodbye my friend, it's hard to die.

When all the birds are singing in the sky.

Now that spring is in the air.

Pretty girls are everywhere.

Think of me and I'll be there.

We had joy, we had fun, we had seasons in the sun.

But the hills that we climbed were just seasons out of time.

In the end, the lyrics still echoed in everyone's ears.

Finally, all good things had to come to an end.

Before they went their separate ways, Jennifer suddenly hugged Jonathan. Taking advantage of her tipsiness, she kissed him on the lips. “I love you,” she said.

Immediately after the kiss, she turned around and fled.

The ladies hurriedly went after her. They were afraid that ‘something would happen to Jennifer as she had had quite a few drinks.

Hence, the farewell dinner ended in tears.

Although they had several drinks, Jonathan wasn't worried that something would happen to them. After all, Louie had been secretly protecting them all along.

It was two in the morning when he returned to the Harrington mansion.

After parking the Ferrari, Jonathan entered the residence.

All the servants and Yareth had already fallen asleep.

Naturally, nobody would check up on him or accuse him of frolicking with women.

That had always been the mentality of those petty citizens.

However, such trivial disputes would not happen when they were at Jonathan's stage.

‘When he returned to the bedroom, he saw that Catherine had already fallen asleep.

Hence, he made his way carefully into the bathroom and took a shower. After that, he took a blanket and slept beside her.

Jonathan could immediately smell the alluring and youthful scent exuded from Catherine's body.

He couldn't tear his eyes away from her delicately beautiful face.

Her lips were a rosy color and had a seductive glint on them.

At this moment, she looked like a sleeping beauty, waiting for her prince to awaken her with a kiss.

Jonathan suddenly felt the urge to kiss her.

This feeling was not born out of romance or desire. He was only yearning to get closer to beautiful things.

Just then, Catherine abruptly opened her eyes.

Jonathan's eyes immediately met hers.

Feeling embarrassed, he coughed dryly and said, “Did | wake you?” She looked at him and asked, “Do you want to do it?” Jonathan was embarrassed in an instant. He always had a weird feeling when he heard her say that.

Hence, he quickly denied, “No, I'm just thinking about how beautiful you look. You will be so charming if you're willing to smile.” “I don't know how to smile,” she answered indifferently.

A bitter smile tugged on Jonathan's lips as he enunciated, “Forget it then.” “If you don't want to get it going, | shall go to sleep,” said Catherine.

“All right, sleep,” he replied.

Hearing this, she immediately closed her eyes.

Jonathan was amused. Did | marry a wife with an attitude? It wasn't difficult for him to know what Catherine was


She might be emotionless, but she wasn't stupid. She knew what she had to do after getting married. However, Jonathan never took any action. Hence, she felt that he would do it sooner or later.