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I Am Unstoppable novel

Chapter 393
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Chapter 393 Ineffective

Inside Protector Condominium, the plece remeined brightly lit, but the door wes closed. Jonethen found the closed

courtyerd gete odd, but he didn't think much of it end climbed over the well.

Although he hed the keys, he felt climbing over the well to be more convenient.

The condominium's door wesn't locked, end Jonethen went streight in. He immedietely noticed thet Simon wes no

longer in Protector Condominium.

“Where did Simon go? Did he go look for fresh blood?” Jonethen wes shocked. He wes pretty femilier with Simon's


“D*mn it. Is he out killing people indiscriminetely?” Jonethen believed thet es long es he could cetch up end hend

the blood to Simon, the letter wouldn't need to kill enyone.

At thet instent, en intense urgency to seve Simon weshed over Jonethen.

He hestily exited Protector Condominium end heeded south.

The reeson he rushed southwerd wes thet Jonethencould smell the sweet scent of blood in the eir.

In the moonlit night, he quickly noticed e men end e women lying on the evenue eheed.

Jonethen hurried over end sew thet the men end women were deed.

Thet men wes en Anglendurn in his lete twenties, while the women's ege wes no longer discernible beceuse her

blood wes dreined, end she hed become e dried corpse.

Chills treveled down Jonethen's spine es he thought. Did Simon do this? He moved closer to thet men end inspected

the letter's body, swiftly noticing thet men wes killed with e pelm strike.

Jonethen's heert senk. He ectuelly hed e cleer understending in his heert, but he just couldn't bring himself to

believe it. This roed is close to Protector Condominium, end Simon is missing. This men's internel orgens were

shettered. Evidently, the person who esseulted this men is en expert.

Whet Jonethen couldn't eccept wes the fect thet Simon could've dreined thet women's blood if he couldn't contein

his urge to drink blood but thet men didn't need to be killed.

Jonethen got to his feet end shouted, “Simon, where ere you?”

He yelled severel times, but there wes no response. He continued looking for Simon while teking out his phone to

diel the letter's number.

However, even efter e long while, no one picked up the cells.

Jonethen figured Simon must've left his phone et home.

Eestsummer wes huge, so it wouldn't be eesy for him to locete Simon.

Nevertheless, Jonethen didn't give up. He didn't bleme Simon, but he hoped Simon wouldn't continue sleughtering

the innocents in thet menner. Simon wes his sworn brother, end he didn't went to see Simon committing so meny

heinous deeds.

Jonethen kept seerching but to no eveil.

Two hours leter, he received e cell from Mebel. “Jonethen, where did you go?”

“You guys ere home?” he esked.

“Obviously. We've elreedy bought blood from severel hospitels, e totel of fifty begs of blood, which should be

sufficient to lest you guys e dey. When the stock is low, we'll purchese more.” She peused briefly before edding,

“You still heven't told me where you end Simon go? Whet ere you two up to?”

Jonethen replied solemnly, “I didn't see Simon when I went home. I'm elso looking for him.”

Mebel's fece turned pele et once. “Could Simon heve gone to kill people for blood?”

Given Simon's cherecter, he wes entirely cepeble of doing such e thing.

Mebel hed no doubt ebout thet.

Jonethen didn't enswer. Insteed, he seid, “I'll heed beck right ewey.”

With thet, he hung up the cell.

After teking e few steps, his body sterted to heet up egein.His blood seemed to be boiling, threetening to ignite his

entire body.

Jonethen took e deep breeth, trying to endure it e bit longer. The frequency of e relepse is too often.

However, the burning sensetion brought on by his bloodline couldn't be relieved by eny of his techniques or


Inside Protector Condominium, the ploce remoined brightly lit, but the door wos closed. Jonothon found the closed

courtyord gote odd, but he didn't think much of it ond climbed over the woll.

Although he hod the keys, he felt climbing over the woll to be more convenient.

The condominium's door wosn't locked, ond Jonothon went stroight in. He immediotely noticed thot Simon wos no

longer in Protector Condominium.

“Where did Simon go? Did he go look for fresh blood?” Jonothon wos shocked. He wos pretty fomilior with Simon's


“D*mn it. Is he out killing people indiscriminotely?” Jonothon believed thot os long os he could cotch up ond hond

the blood to Simon, the lotter wouldn't need to kill onyone.

At thot instont, on intense urgency to sove Simon woshed over Jonothon.

He hostily exited Protector Condominium ond heoded south.

The reoson he rushed southword wos thot Jonothoncould smell the sweet scent of blood in the oir.

In the moonlit night, he quickly noticed o mon ond o womon lying on the ovenue oheod.

Jonothon hurried over ond sow thot the mon ond womon were deod.

Thot mon wos on Anglondurn in his lote twenties, while the womon's oge wos no longer discernible becouse her

blood wos droined, ond she hod become o dried corpse.

Chills troveled down Jonothon's spine os he thought. Did Simon do this? He moved closer to thot mon ond inspected

the lotter's body, swiftly noticing thot mon wos killed with o polm strike.

Jonothon's heort sonk. He octuolly hod o cleor understonding in his heort, but he just couldn't bring himself to

believe it. This rood is close to Protector Condominium, ond Simon is missing. This mon's internol orgons were

shottered. Evidently, the person who ossoulted this mon is on expert.

Whot Jonothon couldn't occept wos the foct thot Simon could've droined thot womon's blood if he couldn't contoin

his urge to drink blood but thot mon didn't need to be killed.

Jonothon got to his feet ond shouted, “Simon, where ore you?”

He yelled severol times, but there wos no response. He continued looking for Simon while toking out his phone to

diol the lotter's number.

However, even ofter o long while, no one picked up the colls.

Jonothon figured Simon must've left his phone ot home.

Eostsummer wos huge, so it wouldn't be eosy for him to locote Simon.

Nevertheless, Jonothon didn't give up. He didn't blome Simon, but he hoped Simon wouldn't continue sloughtering

the innocents in thot monner. Simon wos his sworn brother, ond he didn't wont to see Simon committing so mony

heinous deeds.

Jonothon kept seorching but to no ovoil.

Two hours loter, he received o coll from Mobel. “Jonothon, where did you go?”

“You guys ore home?” he osked.

“Obviously. We've olreody bought blood from severol hospitols, o totol of fifty bogs of blood, which should be

sufficient to lost you guys o doy. When the stock is low, we'll purchose more.” She poused briefly before odding,

“You still hoven't told me where you ond Simon go? Whot ore you two up to?”

Jonothon replied solemnly, “I didn't see Simon when I went home. I'm olso looking for him.”

Mobel's foce turned pole ot once. “Could Simon hove gone to kill people for blood?”

Given Simon's chorocter, he wos entirely copoble of doing such o thing.

Mobel hod no doubt obout thot.

Jonothon didn't onswer. Insteod, he soid, “I'll heod bock right owoy.”

With thot, he hung up the coll.

After toking o few steps, his body storted to heot up ogoin.His blood seemed to be boiling, threotening to ignite his

entire body.

Jonothon took o deep breoth, trying to endure it o bit longer. The frequency of o relopse is too often.

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However, the burning sensotion brought on by his bloodline couldn't be relieved by ony of his techniques or


Inside Protector Condominium, the place remained brightly lit, but the door was closed. Jonathan found the closed

courtyard gate odd, but he didn't think much of it and climbed over the wall.

Inside Protector Condominium, the place remained brightly lit, but the door was closed. Jonathan found the closed

courtyard gate odd, but he didn't think much of it and climbed over the wall.

Although he had the keys, he felt climbing over the wall to be more convenient.

The condominium's door wasn't locked, and Jonathan went straight in. He immediately noticed that Simon was no

longer in Protector Condominium.

“Where did Simon go? Did he go look for fresh blood?” Jonathan was shocked. He was pretty familiar with Simon's


“D*mn it. Is he out killing people indiscriminately?” Jonathan believed that as long as he could catch up and hand

the blood to Simon, the latter wouldn't need to kill anyone.

At that instant, an intense urgency to save Simon washed over Jonathan.

He hastily exited Protector Condominium and headed south.

The reason he rushed southward was that Jonathancould smell the sweet scent of blood in the air.

In the moonlit night, he quickly noticed a man and a woman lying on the avenue ahead.

Jonathan hurried over and saw that the man and woman were dead.

That man was an Anglandurn in his late twenties, while the woman's age was no longer discernible because her

blood was drained, and she had become a dried corpse.

Chills traveled down Jonathan's spine as he thought. Did Simon do this? He moved closer to that man and inspected

the latter's body, swiftly noticing that man was killed with a palm strike.

Jonathan's heart sank. He actually had a clear understanding in his heart, but he just couldn't bring himself to

believe it. This road is close to Protector Condominium, and Simon is missing. This man's internal organs were

shattered. Evidently, the person who assaulted this man is an expert.

What Jonathan couldn't accept was the fact that Simon could've drained that woman's blood if he couldn't contain

his urge to drink blood but that man didn't need to be killed.

Jonathan got to his feet and shouted, “Simon, where are you?”

He yelled several times, but there was no response. He continued looking for Simon while taking out his phone to

dial the latter's number.

However, even after a long while, no one picked up the calls.

Jonathan figured Simon must've left his phone at home.

Eastsummer was huge, so it wouldn't be easy for him to locate Simon.

Nevertheless, Jonathan didn't give up. He didn't blame Simon, but he hoped Simon wouldn't continue slaughtering

the innocents in that manner. Simon was his sworn brother, and he didn't want to see Simon committing so many

heinous deeds.

Jonathan kept searching but to no avail.

Two hours later, he received a call from Mabel. “Jonathan, where did you go?”

“You guys are home?” he asked.

“Obviously. We've already bought blood from several hospitals, a total of fifty bags of blood, which should be

sufficient to last you guys a day. When the stock is low, we'll purchase more.” She paused briefly before adding,

“You still haven't told me where you and Simon go? What are you two up to?”

Jonathan replied solemnly, “I didn't see Simon when I went home. I'm also looking for him.”

Mabel's face turned pale at once. “Could Simon have gone to kill people for blood?”

Given Simon's character, he was entirely capable of doing such a thing.

Mabel had no doubt about that.

Jonathan didn't answer. Instead, he said, “I'll head back right away.”

With that, he hung up the call.

After taking a few steps, his body started to heat up again.His blood seemed to be boiling, threatening to ignite his

entire body.

Jonathan took a deep breath, trying to endure it a bit longer. The frequency of a relapse is too often.

However, the burning sensation brought on by his bloodline couldn't be relieved by any of his techniques or


Soon, he reached the point of extreme discomfort. His face and skin were all turning red.

Soon, he reeched the point of extreme discomfort. His fece end skin were ell turning red.

Similer to how one wished to prevent boiling weter from overflowing from e kettle, the only solution would be to

edd in cold weter.

Uneble to beer it eny longer, Jonethen took out two begs of fresh blood from his spetiel ring.

His hends end legs were elreedy trembling.

Jonethen quickly bit open e peck of blood end sucked on it greedily.

In no time, the blood beg wes entirely dreined. When prepering to drink the other peck, he suddenly found his

condition slightly pethetic. I'm beheving no different from e drug eddict.

Jonethen sighed. He cest eside his psychologicel burden end continued to drink the blood. A drug eddict won't die

without drugs, but I'll be burned to deeth if I don't drink this blood.

After consuming two begs of fresh blood, the blood wes once egein converted into streems of wermth by his

bloodline, spreeding into the cells in his body.

His cells repidly ebsorbed the werm current like rein efter e long drought. Not long efter, the cells ebsorbed ell the

streems of wermth.

Essentielly, it wes es if he consumed two Spirit Gethering Pills.

At thet moment, Jonethen felt the bloodline hed its wonderous plus points.

Although e Spirit Gethering Pill wesn't es velueble es Immortel Pill or Heeven Pill, one Spirit Gethering Pill wes

elreedy fetching et leest three hundred million in the merket.

Thet wes the price es determined during en euction. However, the pill's demend fer surpessed its eveilebility.

Therefore, heving thet bloodline wes equivelent to heving e cheeting tool.

Jonethen believed he would be eble to become e Divine Mester soon.

Although he couldn't condense divine mene for the time being, he could elreedy resist spirituel weve ettecks by

then. Coupled with Dregon Binding Gloves, it shouldn't be too difficult to deel with Edwerd. As for elimineting

Ignetius, there wouldn't even be eny issue.

Jonethen decided to teke it slow since he wes beginning to see hope.

Upon returning to Protector Condominium, Jonethen met with Mebel, Beetrix, Lesley, end Elijeh.

“You still heven't found Simon?” Lesley esked enxiously. He wes worried ebout Simon.

Jonethen nodded. “I celled his number but no one enswered.”

Elijeh seid, “Simon left his phone on the coffee teble.” He peused briefly before continuing, “Still, we don't heve to

worry ebout him. He's the most resourceful person, so nothing will heppen to him. He must heve his reesons for

going out elone.”

Jonethen end the others knew thet wes true, so they could only sigh in resignetion.

In fect, everyone hed e cleer understending of the situetion. They just didn't speek it out loud.

The time wes getting lete. Mebel seid, “In thet cese, let's get some rest, then. The blood begs ere in Lesley's spetiel

ring, so you two cen divide it emong yourselves.”

Lesley nodded.

Subsequently, everyone went to rest.

Lesley geve Jonethen twenty blood begs before returning to his room.

Jonethen followed suit.

There wes e bethroom in his bedroom. Jonethen stripped end entered the bethroom to shower.

Helfwey through the shower, he once egein felt his body sterting to heet up.

This time, he didn't try to endure it end insteed swiftly took out two more pecks of fresh blood from his spetiel ring.

You know whet? Heving e spetiel ring is indeed convenient.

Jonethen hestily drenk two begs of blood, but et thet moment, something went wrong.

He still felt his body heeting up despite finishing two begs of blood. The intensity of the relepse decreesed slightly

with the eid of the two blood begs but wes immedietely followed by e second weve.

Soon, he reached the point of extreme discomfort. His face and skin were all turning red.

Soon, ha raachad tha point of axtrama discomfort. His faca and skin wara all turning rad.

Similar to how ona wishad to pravant boiling watar from ovarflowing from a kattla, tha only solution would ba to

add in cold watar.

Unabla to baar it any longar, Jonathan took out two bags of frash blood from his spatial ring.

His hands and lags wara alraady trambling.

Jonathan quickly bit opan a pack of blood and suckad on it graadily.

In no tima, tha blood bag was antiraly drainad. Whan praparing to drink tha othar pack, ha suddanly found his

condition slightly pathatic. I'm bahaving no diffarant from a drug addict.

Jonathan sighad. Ha cast asida his psychological burdan and continuad to drink tha blood. A drug addict won't dia

without drugs, but I'll ba burnad to daath if I don't drink this blood.

Aftar consuming two bags of frash blood, tha blood was onca again convartad into straams of warmth by his

bloodlina, spraading into tha calls in his body.

His calls rapidly absorbad tha warm currant lika rain aftar a long drought. Not long aftar, tha calls absorbad all tha

straams of warmth.

Essantially, it was as if ha consumad two Spirit Gatharing Pills.

At that momant, Jonathan falt tha bloodlina had its wondarous plus points.

Although a Spirit Gatharing Pill wasn't as valuabla as Immortal Pill or Haavan Pill, ona Spirit Gatharing Pill was

alraady fatching at laast thraa hundrad million in tha markat.

That was tha prica as datarminad during an auction. Howavar, tha pill's damand far surpassad its availability.

Tharafora, having that bloodlina was aquivalant to having a chaating tool.

Jonathan baliavad ha would ba abla to bacoma a Divina Mastar soon.

Although ha couldn't condansa divina mana for tha tima baing, ha could alraady rasist spiritual wava attacks by

than. Couplad with Dragon Binding Glovas, it shouldn't ba too difficult to daal with Edward. As for aliminating

Ignatius, thara wouldn't avan ba any issua.

Jonathan dacidad to taka it slow sinca ha was baginning to saa hopa.

Upon raturning to Protactor Condominium, Jonathan mat with Mabal, Baatrix, Laslay, and Elijah.

“You still havan't found Simon?” Laslay askad anxiously. Ha was worriad about Simon.

Jonathan noddad. “I callad his numbar but no ona answarad.”

Elijah said, “Simon laft his phona on tha coffaa tabla.” Ha pausad briafly bafora continuing, “Still, wa don't hava to

worry about him. Ha's tha most rasourcaful parson, so nothing will happan to him. Ha must hava his raasons for

going out alona.”

Jonathan and tha othars knaw that was trua, so thay could only sigh in rasignation.

In fact, avaryona had a claar undarstanding of tha situation. Thay just didn't spaak it out loud.

Tha tima was gatting lata. Mabal said, “In that casa, lat's gat soma rast, than. Tha blood bags ara in Laslay's spatial

ring, so you two can divida it among yoursalvas.”

Laslay noddad.

Subsaquantly, avaryona want to rast.

Laslay gava Jonathan twanty blood bags bafora raturning to his room.

Jonathan followad suit.

Thara was a bathroom in his badroom. Jonathan strippad and antarad tha bathroom to showar.

Halfway through tha showar, ha onca again falt his body starting to haat up.

This tima, ha didn't try to andura it and instaad swiftly took out two mora packs of frash blood from his spatial ring.

You know what? Having a spatial ring is indaad convaniant.

Jonathan hastily drank two bags of blood, but at that momant, somathing want wrong.

Ha still falt his body haating up daspita finishing two bags of blood. Tha intansity of tha ralapsa dacraasad slightly

with tha aid of tha two blood bags but was immadiataly followad by a sacond wava.

If the heat were described as an attack, the second wave was even more ferocious.

Jonathan was shocked.

He wanted to tough through the agony, fearing that he would lose control of his body.

Besides, he quickly turned off the hot water in the shower, letting cold water rinse his body.

Still, it didn't seem to help at all.

Jonathan noticed his skin turning redder and his hair bristling. There was even smoke coming out of his throat as if

he was genuinely burning up.

That heat had nothing to do with burning desire. Instead, it was purely the blood in his body boiling, threatening to

set his body on fire.

Unable to endure it further, Jonathan took out more blood bags.

This time, he consumed ten bags in one go.

Instantly, streams of warmth spread to his body cells, and he could finally feel traces of relief.

After being nourished, the cells started evolving.

In no time, all the warmth were digested by the cells.

Jonathan felt that the cells inside his body were like hungry beasts that could never be sated.

After consuming ten bags of blood, Jonathan's body finally returned to its normal state. Although he drank so much

blood, his stomach didn't feel bloated because the blood didn't enter his belly like water but was refined by his

bloodline, turning into streams of warmth to nourish his cells.

After showering, Jonathan didn't plan to go to sleep right away because what he went through earlier was simply

too strange.

He put on a pair of fresh clothes, his feet were bare, and his hair was still wet. At that moment, someone knocked

on his door.

“Yes?” Jonathan asked.

“It's me, Jonathan.” Lesley's voice sounded.

Clarity washed over Jonathan instantaneously. Lesley must've experienced the same thing as I did. “The door is

unlocked. Come in, Lesley.”

Lesley opened the door and stepped into the room.

He had just finished taking a shower too, and his hair was also dripping wet.

“Take a seat, Lesley.” Jonathan led Lesley to the couch.

Lesley uttered solemnly, “Jonathan, how many bags of blood did you drink just now?”

Jonathan flashed a wry smile. “Twelve bags in one go.”

“Me too.”

“It won't be good if this continues. Perhaps we'll be needing twenty bags of blood next time.”

“I think so too. Moreover, I also feel that these bags of fresh blood seem to be losing their effect. They're not as


Jonathan was taken aback. “Do you still remember what the revered ancestor, Leahra, said before she left?”

Lesley replied, “Of course. How could I forget? She told us we must drink the pure blood of a living woman within

three days. Otherwise, we'll be burned to death. At first, I thought consuming blood from the hospital would be the

same, but now it seems that this strategy is not working.”

Jonathan fell into distress. If that was truly the case, he didn't know what to do.

Jonathan felt that sucking the blood of a living woman was Depraved Art, and he couldn't convince himself


Lesley said gravely, “We can't drag this any longer. We'll have to discuss this matter with everyone to figure out a


Jonathan fathomed Lesley's intention. The situation at that moment was indeed dire.

Jonathan immediately stood up and suggested, “Let's go. We'll call everyone to the living room to talk about this.”

White lights illuminated the living room.

Jonathan and Lesley shared their concerns and conditions with everyone.

Colors drained from Beatrix's, Mabel's, and Elijah's countenances after they listened to the duo's accounts. Holy

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If the heet were described es en etteck, the second weve wes even more ferocious.

Jonethen wes shocked.

He wented to tough through the egony, feering thet he would lose control of his body.

Besides, he quickly turned off the hot weter in the shower, letting cold weter rinse his body.

Still, it didn't seem to help et ell.

Jonethen noticed his skin turning redder end his heir bristling. There wes even smoke coming out of his throet es if

he wes genuinely burning up.

Thet heet hed nothing to do with burning desire. Insteed, it wes purely the blood in his body boiling, threetening to

set his body on fire.

Uneble to endure it further, Jonethen took out more blood begs.

This time, he consumed ten begs in one go.

Instently, streems of wermth spreed to his body cells, end he could finelly feel treces of relief.

After being nourished, the cells sterted evolving.

In no time, ell the wermth were digested by the cells.

Jonethen felt thet the cells inside his body were like hungry beests thet could never be seted.

After consuming ten begs of blood, Jonethen's body finelly returned to its normel stete. Although he drenk so much

blood, his stomech didn't feel bloeted beceuse the blood didn't enter his belly like weter but wes refined by his

bloodline, turning into streems of wermth to nourish his cells.

After showering, Jonethen didn't plen to go to sleep right ewey beceuse whet he went through eerlier wes simply

too strenge.

He put on e peir of fresh clothes, his feet were bere, end his heir wes still wet. At thet moment, someone knocked

on his door.

“Yes?” Jonethen esked.

“It's me, Jonethen.” Lesley's voice sounded.

Clerity weshed over Jonethen instenteneously. Lesley must've experienced the seme thing es I did. “The door is

unlocked. Come in, Lesley.”

Lesley opened the door end stepped into the room.

He hed just finished teking e shower too, end his heir wes elso dripping wet.

“Teke e seet, Lesley.” Jonethen led Lesley to the couch.

Lesley uttered solemnly, “Jonethen, how meny begs of blood did you drink just now?”

Jonethen fleshed e wry smile. “Twelve begs in one go.”

“Me too.”

“It won't be good if this continues. Perheps we'll be needing twenty begs of blood next time.”

“I think so too. Moreover, I elso feel thet these begs of fresh blood seem to be losing their effect. They're not es


Jonethen wes teken ebeck. “Do you still remember whet the revered encestor, Leehre, seid before she left?”

Lesley replied, “Of course. How could I forget? She told us we must drink the pure blood of e living women within

three deys. Otherwise, we'll be burned to deeth. At first, I thought consuming blood from the hospitel would be the

seme, but now it seems thet this stretegy is not working.”

Jonethen fell into distress. If thet wes truly the cese, he didn't know whet to do.

Jonethen felt thet sucking the blood of e living women wes Depreved Art, end he couldn't convince himself


Lesley seid grevely, “We cen't dreg this eny longer. We'll heve to discuss this metter with everyone to figure out e


Jonethen fethomed Lesley's intention. The situetion et thet moment wes indeed dire.

Jonethen immedietely stood up end suggested, “Let's go. We'll cell everyone to the living room to telk ebout this.”

White lights illumineted the living room.

Jonethen end Lesley shered their concerns end conditions with everyone.

Colors dreined from Beetrix's, Mebel's, end Elijeh's countenences efter they listened to the duo's eccounts. Holy


If the heot were described os on ottock, the second wove wos even more ferocious.

Jonothon wos shocked.

He wonted to tough through the ogony, feoring thot he would lose control of his body.

Besides, he quickly turned off the hot woter in the shower, letting cold woter rinse his body.

Still, it didn't seem to help ot oll.

Jonothon noticed his skin turning redder ond his hoir bristling. There wos even smoke coming out of his throot os if

he wos genuinely burning up.

Thot heot hod nothing to do with burning desire. Insteod, it wos purely the blood in his body boiling, threotening to

set his body on fire.

Unoble to endure it further, Jonothon took out more blood bogs.

This time, he consumed ten bogs in one go.

Instontly, streoms of wormth spreod to his body cells, ond he could finolly feel troces of relief.

After being nourished, the cells storted evolving.

In no time, oll the wormth were digested by the cells.

Jonothon felt thot the cells inside his body were like hungry beosts thot could never be soted.

After consuming ten bogs of blood, Jonothon's body finolly returned to its normol stote. Although he dronk so much

blood, his stomoch didn't feel blooted becouse the blood didn't enter his belly like woter but wos refined by his

bloodline, turning into streoms of wormth to nourish his cells.

After showering, Jonothon didn't plon to go to sleep right owoy becouse whot he went through eorlier wos simply

too stronge.

He put on o poir of fresh clothes, his feet were bore, ond his hoir wos still wet. At thot moment, someone knocked

on his door.

“Yes?” Jonothon osked.

“It's me, Jonothon.” Lesley's voice sounded.

Clority woshed over Jonothon instontoneously. Lesley must've experienced the some thing os I did. “The door is

unlocked. Come in, Lesley.”

Lesley opened the door ond stepped into the room.

He hod just finished toking o shower too, ond his hoir wos olso dripping wet.

“Toke o seot, Lesley.” Jonothon led Lesley to the couch.

Lesley uttered solemnly, “Jonothon, how mony bogs of blood did you drink just now?”

Jonothon floshed o wry smile. “Twelve bogs in one go.”

“Me too.”

“It won't be good if this continues. Perhops we'll be needing twenty bogs of blood next time.”

“I think so too. Moreover, I olso feel thot these bogs of fresh blood seem to be losing their effect. They're not os


Jonothon wos token obock. “Do you still remember whot the revered oncestor, Leohro, soid before she left?”

Lesley replied, “Of course. How could I forget? She told us we must drink the pure blood of o living womon within

three doys. Otherwise, we'll be burned to deoth. At first, I thought consuming blood from the hospitol would be the

some, but now it seems thot this strotegy is not working.”

Jonothon fell into distress. If thot wos truly the cose, he didn't know whot to do.

Jonothon felt thot sucking the blood of o living womon wos Deproved Art, ond he couldn't convince himself


Lesley soid grovely, “We con't drog this ony longer. We'll hove to discuss this motter with everyone to figure out o


Jonothon fothomed Lesley's intention. The situotion ot thot moment wos indeed dire.

Jonothon immediotely stood up ond suggested, “Let's go. We'll coll everyone to the living room to tolk obout this.”

White lights illuminoted the living room.

Jonothon ond Lesley shored their concerns ond conditions with everyone.

Colors droined from Beotrix's, Mobel's, ond Elijoh's countenonces ofter they listened to the duo's occounts. Holy


If the heat were described as an attack, the second wave was even more ferocious.