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I Became the Strongest With The Failure Frame 【Abnormal State Skill】As I Devastated Everything

Chapter 205: Getting Killed... Being a Hindrance...
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The feeling of approaching presences aren’t far away—– but they’re not close either.

There’s still time.


[Y…… Yes nya.]

There’s a hint of fear in Nyaki’s voice.

Perhaps, it’s because of the change in my mood.

I inwardly clicked my tongue.

……I freaked Nyaki out… What should I do…

Stifling the anger within me, I changed the tone of my voice.

[Nyaki…… I have some questions to ask you. However, if it’s really too hard to answer, you don’t have to force yourself to answer them.]

Nyaki sits in seiza.

[I- It’s alright nya…… Nyaki is alright with it nya!]

Nyaki’s eyes lit up with determination.

“The questions I am about to ask her are very important.”

—as if she perceived such things.


We don’t have enough time to say that we have plenty of them.

Narrowing down my questions to a few points, I began asking her questions.

The first thing I wanted to know was the number of members of Heroic Sword.

After that, the ranking of strength among them.

However, what I needed to know most was……

[I see.]

I thoroughly understand.

[So, all of them participated in killing the Speed Tribe…… And none of them felt a hint of regret for it huh.]

No, regretting their actions didn’t enter their mind at all.

I still don’t know the reason why they did that but……

I’ve heard that the annihilation of the Speed Tribe is a “glorious memory” for them.

It’s a turning point for the Heroic Sword.

She said that they often compare the battles they fought at that time.

As if it’s a chapter they’re reminiscing.

Nyaki had been told about that story many times along the way.

That’s why that story had left such an impression on her.

[Ummm…… Ruin-san used to talk about it with a nostalgic look on his face nya……]

“That time—— is the beginning for all of us”

That’s what this Ruin fellow said as he looked up at the sky.

Thereupon, the other members would also look absorbed and look at the sky as well.

……They’re disgusting.

[H- However, I still think it’s dangerous nya! I heard that the Heroic Sword members are the strongest hidden blade of Alion’s Goddess nya!]


So they were living on the same tune as that goddess huh.

The reason why there was extremely little information about them was that they were a group that emphasized secrecy huh.

[It feels convenient for me—— that I’m starting to think it’s too convenient.]


To Nyaki, this seemed to be another unexpected reaction.

[In that case, all the more reason to crush them here and now.]

Let’s try to sort out the information I got here at once.

The Heroic Sword is currently made up of nine people, after they apparently lost one of them.

Two of them are exceptionally strong.

One of them is Satsuki, the “Final Blade”.

The other is Ruin Seal, the “Heroic Sword”.

The name of their group was dubbed after this Ruin fellow huh.

How misleading.

Anyway—— that large number of corpses I found along the way.

I’m sure they were also the people who killed those Human-Faced too.


Hearing their information though, should I say a question appeared in my mind, or rather……

I felt my interest piqued.

The Heroic Sword members are so powerful that the Human-Faced tried to escape.

However, these bunch didn’t participate in the previous battle against the Great Demon Emperor’s army.

They don’t even know about Civit’s death yet.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

That’s probably because they were avoiding human settlements while on the move.

They must move while hidden beneath the eyes of masses—— well, I can understand that.

In fact, it’s also possible that they don’t even know about the recent invasion of the Great Demon Emperor’s army.

In that case.

“What” is that Sh*tty Goddess making them do?

If they’re good enough to kill Human-Faced, they should be among the foremost line within the front lines.

However, these bunch didn’t participate in the previous battle.

Even though the Demons have conducted a great invasion.

It should be more important than stopping the Great Demon Emperor’s invasion—— or perhaps, as important as that.

[The places near here are Urza, Mira and……]

And lastly…

[The Faraway Country.]

A phantom country where the survivors of the Forbidden Race are said to be located.

A place where the only race that holds the key to the Forbidden Curses resides.

In short——–


Good work, Sh*tty Goddess.

You have shown the place we are looking for yourself.

For her to send the Heroic Swords, her powerful pawns, all the way here to search for it……

That would mean…

That paradoxically—– is the proof I needed.

The credibility of the Forbidden Curses working on her increased.

“The existence of the Forbidden Curses is a real threat to the Goddess.”

The Heroic Sword, who could have been a great pawn for the battle against the Great Demon Emperor.

However, Vysis put the Great Demon Emperor aside and used them to search for the Faraway Country instead.

The Forbidden Language.

The Forbidden Curses.

[That means—–]

In other words…

[You’re the Divine Beast huh, Nyaki.]

[T- That is what they had told me nya. They said that Nyaki was needed to open the door beyond the Great Illusion nya……]

Still sitting on a seiza, Nyaki put her hands on her lap.


Nyaki tightly closed her tear-stained eyes and tightly gripped her hands.

[Nyaki—— Nyaki will do her best nya! Nyaki was always being taken care of by Mama Ninya, and now, Nyaki finally has an important role to play……! I thought I could finally repay my beloved Ninya a little bit by fulfilling this role nya! But… But……]

Nyaki was at a loss for words for a moment, before she spoke again.

[It seems that when my role is over, Nyaki will be killed by the Heroic Sword people! Nyaki endured a lot nya! Nyaki held out to fulfill her duty nya! But… but…… If I die here, Nyaki won’t be able to meet Ninya again nya! That’s why, Nyaki had——-]

That’s why she escaped from the Heroic Sword.

From what I heard, Nyaki had fainted.

And—– when she woke up, that is what she heard.

“After we finished our duty, let’s kill Nyaki.”

And so, she decided to run away.

Nyaki looked up, her eyes filled with tears.

It’s just that…… she only has a desperate smile on her face.

[You should understand nya…… Nyaki isn’t human nya…… Nyaki weeaaallly knows that “fake humans” like Nyaki is just a hindrance for humans nya! But, Nyaki…… to Ninya, to Mainya and everyone back home, even if it’s just to see their faces once more——– F- Funnnyyaaaahhhhh~~……]

“Funya, funya, funya.”

Intermittently, her voice rang out.

Nyaki began to cry.

Seras came up beside her and kneeled down, gently putting a hand on her back.

[I don’t know what the members of the Heroic Sword said to you. However, by no means would you ever be a hindrance. Such a pure person like you is……]

Seras’ voice was filled with unconcealed anger.



The presences of the people pursuing her are in a distance.

Nyaki is weak.

Hence, in terms of speed, it should certainly be inferior to the Heroic Sword.

Moreover, the color of her hair is conspicuous.

In other words, she’s easy to find.

On the other hand, Nyaki has escaped quite a distance……

The Divine Beast, Nyaki, is an important key to entering the Faraway Country,


Doesn’t that mean the Heroic Sword had noticed that Nyaki had escaped for quite a while?

No matter how I look at it, it looks strange.

They had noticed too late that they didn’t even send some of their members as pursuers for her.

When Nyaki woke up, she mentioned that the area was like a sea of blood……

[……Oh, well.]

The presences are finally drawing near.

Held in her chest, Seras gently hugged Nyaki’s head.

Then, she said.

[I won’t forgive them.]

Her white face is filled with righteous indignation.


[No, you’ll stay here and keep Nyaki safe.


I let out a long—– deep exhale.

[I have to listen to her in a short amount of time and calmly compile the information…… I can’t let my anger control my actions. It’s just that—– It’s pretty hard to stay calm.]

This isn’t just about the Speed Tribe anymore.

I turned towards Nyaki and glanced at her arms and legs.


She tries to act cheerful, but her depression can’t be concealed.

Who is it that “I’m looking” at?

I can see it in my mind.

Those days…

Those days when I was on the verge of being killed, both physically and mentally……


It seems that even with all she did, Nyaki still doesn’t hold any grudge against the Heroic Sword.

It’s just that she doesn’t want to die.

She just doesn’t want to be killed.

She just wants to live and see “Ninya”.

It’s fine even if it’s just one more time.


“Even if it’s just one more time”?

If she was allowed to see this person again, she was willing to be killed?

Also, if she isn’t human, she’s a hindrance?

……Screw all that.

Whether it’s getting killed…

Or being a hindrance…

Heroic Sword.

Aren’t you b*stards the one who should be saying that?

[Take care of Nyaki.]

I said to Seras.

[If you feel that this place is unsafe, ride Slei and both of you move out of here. After that, it’s up for you to decide.]

[Yes—— Understood.]

I put on the Fly King mask.

Then, I walked away while Seras and the others went in the opposite direction.

Crickle, crackle!

I stomped hard on the twig on my path.

If I make a sound, they might hear it and think it’s Nyaki.

Of course.

Part of the reason for the strength of my stop on the twig is due to my anger.

My eyes bared—— I glared at the direction of the approaching presences.


I grind my teeth.

If I show my emotions in front of Nyaki in a strange way, I might scare her away.

But, from here on out—— It doesn’t matter at all.

[Geez…… Just when I’m getting angrier, this way.]

The distance between me and the presences are closing in.

……These fellows.

Perhaps, if it’s just the two of them, they could capture Nyaki again.

These two have the strength that shows they aren’t just mere cronies.

If these two are either the “Heroic Sword” or the “Final Blade”, I would have dealt the first strike after I fused with Pigimaru but…..

I’m not sure if it’s those two at the moment.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

There are at least seven other members of Heroic Sword.

If it’s possible, I’d like to use my fusion against those two extraordinary members.

Straining my eyes, I observed the two men approaching from a distance.

Incidentally, I’ve already obtained the information on their physical characteristics from Nyaki.


They’re different.

They’re neither Ruin, nor Satsuki.

Based on my information……

Those two should be Toad and Bardwitcher huh?

……I guess I’ll reserve my fusion with Pigimaru for now.

Taking off the Fly King mask I just put on, I close my distance towards them.


[The guy over there!]

[Come out!]

Appearing in front of them, I patted my chest.

[Ahh, I’m glad I found you…… I have come bearing a message from Goddess Vysis.]

I then add a wry smile.

[It’s really troublesome finding you in these woods.]

[……Wait! Don’t come any closer!]

One of them stopped me.

I see.

Since they can’t confirm my identity, I’ve already expected they’d do that……

Stopping my approach is the right thing to do.

[You’re suspicious…… Are you really the Goddess’s messenger?]

[W- What are you talking about!? That’s Bardwitcher-sama and you are Toad-sama…… You may not know me, but I have seen both of you a few times in the past. Ummm…… To be honest, I look up to the members of the Heroic Sword. And that’s why, this unworthy me is trying to imitate you, as one of Vysis-sama’s spies……]

The two of them glanced at each other.

“I look up to them.”

Few people are offended by being told that.

That’s why the two of them loosened their guard for a bit.

[By the way…… Have you seen the Divine Beast?]

[Her pink hair should be really conspicuous.]

My eyes turning wide, I turned pale.

[Could it be, t- the Divine Beast got away?]

[……I’ll catch up with it immediately, so don’t worry about it. That fake human was courteously leaving traces all over the place, so I can easily tell the direction where she escaped. So, the two of us will catch it right away.]

I completely crushed all those traces on the way here though.

The other man continues.

[That fake human has considerably weakened already…… Oops, there’s no need to report this to Vysis-sama, okay? Well, I’m sure it will be alright, but that thing is still Vysis-sama’s possession……]

The two of them are finally becoming distracted.

They began walking up to me with a trusting look on their faces.

The fact that both of them are walking up to me…… is their mistake.

I’m supposed to know them, but they don’t know me.

If I were to quickly approach them, they would definitely be vigilant.

[So? What’s the message you brought to us?]

[By the way, did you know that the Great Demon Emperor’s invasion has begun?]

[——It has finally arrived huh.]

They didn’t know this information either.

[However, my message isn’t related to that. It’s more about the current mission……]

Holding out my hand, I raised three of my fingers.

[There are three things you need to know.]


One of them nodded his head.

[Stop with the roundabout way of speaking. What are those three?]

[The first one would be <Paralyze>.]

[ ? ]

—————Crackle, crackle—————

[Huh? What… are you—– ……!?]

[…….? ——–!? I…… can’t… move——-?]


I also held out my thumb and my pinky towards their direction.

Making my palm open wide.

[That Sh*tty Goddess…… didn’t send me any freaking message.]

Now then.

This is where it starts.