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I became the Purchased Wife Of The Lycan Prince by Light

Chapter 77
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Chapter 77

Logan opened his mouth as Hope fed the food to him. Although he insisted, she refused to let him use his right

hand. Camila secretly captured their pictures and sent them to William. She was delighted seeing how Logan’s

and Hope's relationship had developed.

“I'm not a baby, Hope. Your food will get cold too,” Logan said as he attempted to take the spoon from her, but

she didn’t let him take it.

“I'm eating along with you,” Hope said and ate from the splate.

Logan ended up smiling the way she acted. He let her do that since it contended her. After they were done with

their dinner, they both cto the bedroom.

Hope brushed Logan's teeth, who couldn’t believe she pampered him like a child. As she washed the toothbrush,

she said, “You should get into bed.”

“Hmm.” Logan exited the washroom with a wide smile on his lips. He heard his phone beeping and he rushed to

the bedside table to answer the call.

“Yes, Clifton?” Logan asked as he answered the call.

“Boss, | have found out the information regarding Madam’s parents. I've sent an email of those documents to

you,” Clifton replied from the other side.

“Thank you, Clifton,” Logan said. “Did you find out who sent the anonymous message to Hope?” he questioned.

“Not yet. I'm still looking into it, Sir,” Clifton said.

“Alright. Thank you for your hardwork. Goodnight,” Logan stated and hung up the call. He opened the email box

and downloaded the document files.

By then, Hope also exited the washroom with a towel in her hand. She went to the dresser, but noticed Logan

was reading something on the phone. Hope quickly brushed her hair and applied a night cream before getting

into the bed.

“We should sleep,” Hope said.

“| found out about your parents. Clifton did.” Logan shared his phone to her and she quickly go through the file.

Her parents pictures, including the hospital where she born, everything was mentioned in the file.

She stopped blinking to see the photos of her parents, her eyes brimming with tears. Logan put his hand around

her shoulder and said, “Your parents looked so nice. And you look like your mother. You got such prominent

features of her,” he stated with a

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“Yeah.” A tear dropped from Hope's eyes and it landed on the phone’s screen. “I'm sorry,” she was quick to wipe

it using her sweatshirt..

“Don’t be. It's not wrong to cry. You are seeing them for the first time,” Logan stated and patted her shoulder.

Hope ended up bursting into tears upon hearing him and cried profusely. If her parents would be alive she didn’t

have to undergo all the miseries and pain she underwent for twelve years. Why their lives was short-lived? Why

the heaven not wanted her to be happy? What was her parents fault that they had to die?

But thinking about all this would not bring to a conclusion.

“I've uncovered the truth about your uncle, who masqueraded as your father and manipulated the assets your

true father intended for you,” Logan revealed solemnly, sliding a file across the table.

As Hope wiped away the tears streaming down her cheeks, she absorbed the contents of the file with meticulous

care. The revelation of her father’s selfless actions for her only daughter, stirred a flood of emotions within her,

causing her tears to flow even more freely.

Logan took the phone from her and she hugged him tightly, burying her face in his chest. She didn’t utter a

single word nor did Logan. He only patted her back to provide her comfort.

Finally, after a good crying session, Hope stopped and drank swater from the glass, which Logan gave to


“I couldn’t control my emotions,” she murmured.

“It’s fine. It is good that you let them out. At least, you won't be in pain, Logan stated and he stroked her hair.

“I'll give you back what your father left for you. Also, regarding your mother we need to meet the clan from

which she belonged,” he stated.

“I read it is an old clan of the witches, about whose existence is unknown,” Hope said.

“Don’t worry. Clifton will unearth this too,” Logan said with assurance. He suggested. that they should sleep and

gently pushed her on the mattress. Switching off the lights, he covered them from the duvet and snuggled her


Ryan looked at his mother’s photo and put it on the bedside table before picking up the alcohol bottle. He drank

through it, taking huge gulps and cout of the bedroom


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Chapter 77

with stag gering steps.


He lowered the bottle and wiped his lips from the back of his palm. As he was about to rest on the couch, he

heard the doorbell rang.

He went to the door, and opened it. For a moment, Ryan was froze to see Roaxana, but he composed himself and

almost shut the door at her face, but she put her hand in the middle.

With her Lycan strength, Roaxana forcefully pushed the door open, inadvertently causing Ryan to stumble

backward and drop the bottle he was holding, which shattered upon impact. As he fell, fragments of glass

pierced his skin, eliciting a sharp cry of pain from him.

“Oh my G od!” Roaxana exclaimed in a panic, rushing to his side and helping him to his feet. With gentle

urgency, she guided him inside and settled him onto the couch, concern etched on her features as she examined

his injured hand.

“Where's the first-aid kit?” Roaxana inquired urgently upon seeing Ryan's bleeding. hand.

“It’s in my bedroom’s cupboard,” Ryan responded.

Roaxana swiftly retrieved the kit and carefully used tweezers to remove the glass shards before dressing the

wound with care.

“I'm so sorry. | didn’t realize you were holding a bottle,” she murmured apologetically, rising to her feet. After

cleaning the area at the front door to ensure no glass remained. on the ground, Roaxana returned to the living

room, having washed her hands.

Ryan was staring blankly at the ceiling. “Leave,” he said with an emotionless face.

“I didn’t chere to leave,” she replied and sat next to him. “I cannot leave you alone.

You are my friend and | haven't broken the friendship with you yet.”

Ryan chuckled to hear that. “We are no longer friends. We are enemies,” he pronounced, his voice laced with


“I've not considered you my enemy yet,” Roaxana asserted. “You know the half-truth. Your father lied to you,”

she stated.

“You think I'll believe a Lycan’s family daughter. The family, who was the reason | lost my mother,” Ryan


“I didn’t kill your mother. None of us did,” Roaxana said when the next second, she was. pinned on the couch.

Ryan’s hand was on her neck as if he would kill her. His eyes full of hatred toward her.


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“You can killif you think that can suffice the loss of your mother,” Roaxana said, peering into his eyes.

“You think | won't,” Ryan snarled at her.

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“Yeah, you won't. Because you are a good person,” Roaxana affirmed.

“Not anymore. | no longer remain the person you used to know once,” Ryan said. He was about to pull away

when Roaxana grabbed his arms and drew him close.


Their faces were now inch close and they could even sense each other's breath. “It is nor easy to change the

nature you have grown up with. Just because your father refrained from telling the whole truth to you, doesn’t

mean you would becbad.”

She didn’t blink for a while and kept staring at him.

“Roaxana, aren't you dating Isaac Sinclair? It's not good to cto another man’s house when you are already

committed,” Ryan changed the topic of their conversation and smirked at her.

“Why do you think I’m dating him?” Roaxana asked.

“Because | refused to give you love you desired and, of course, you want to do what your family has decided for

you,” he stated. His fingers traced her face and stopped under her chin. He pulled it up and brought his lips close

to hers, “You wantto love you, right? That's why you are here.”

Roaxana shook her head. “No. | am here because | don’t want to lose the Ryan | know,” she asserted and tried to

push him away. But for sreason, she couldn’t. Ryan’s power was stronger than hers and it intimidated him.

Last time, he kissed her and she lost her mind.

“Ryan, you should move away,” Roaxana told him.

He brought his thumb to her lips as his eyes lingered on them. “Isaac seems to be. possessive for you. He even

gave you his blazer,” Ryan murmured.

“We should not talk about that,” Roaxana said.

“Why?” Ryan arched his brows at her.

“You are drunk. Move away,” Roaxana said sternly this time.

“I will, if you promiseyou don’t ever show your face to me,” Ryan said, frowning at




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