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I'm A Quadrillionaire

Chapter 584
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Chapter 584 The next day, David took a break. During the night, his lavish points had crossed the

three thousand mark 


He did not hesitate as he spent all three thousand lavish points to enhance his physique.

His physique, which had initially been at God level 3, immediately rose to God level 6.

It felt like his strength had increased massively again.

Now, he was extremely powerful even when compared to the other God Rank guardians.

Although not yet like Mason, who was so invincible he could fight nine people on his own, he was still much more

powerful than ordinary God Rank guardians. Even so, his true strength would need to be verified through

participating in actual battles.

Either way, if David were to show off all his skills now, he would leave everyone’s mouths agape in shock.

Another day went by…

Today, festive decorations covered the Luther family’s house in South River Province, and everyone was in a jovial


Nearly all the influential families in South River City were making their way over to the Luther family house.

Today was the day of Old Master Luther’s eightieth birthday. It was also the day the Luther family would take the

lead in forming an alliance that would fight back against the Greg family and the Nichols family.

The Greg family and Nichols family had become aggressive after joining forces and showed signs of wanting to

dominate South River Province. Not even Cade Nelson, the cabinet minister of South River Province, dared offend


This made all the families feel a sense of danger.

To have any chance of survival, they had to let go of past grudges and join forces.

After all, the Nichols family was much too powerful.

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Even if everyone joined forces, their chances of winning were still slim. However, all the powerful families in South

River Province had connections to those in even higher positions.

If everyone worked hard and attracted the Somerland government’s attention, they would be able to stop the Greg

family and the Nichols family.

That was the reason why they were joining forces in the first place. Early that morning, Charles and Sandy

appeared in full dress at the Luther family’s manor. They were ready to welcome each powerful family’s


Usually, the head of the household would attend alongside their heir.

Many of the young men who had traveled to the Luther family’s home today with their father or grandfather

brightened up when they saw Sandy. Sandy was still considered young, but she was already extremely beautiful,

especially after having revamped her style. Now, her slim, elegant figure attracted lots of attention. Several heads

of household were even thinking that if the Luther family managed to get through this crisis safely, they could pay a

visit to play matchmaker and hopefully arrange for a marriage between the families.

Naturally, there was more than one family who was thinking of this. However, it also meant the Luther family had to

satisfy the prerequisite of getting through this current crisis. If they did not, all talks would be off.

Today, everyone from the younger generation of the Luther family had returned too. It did not matter if they were

directly or distantly related to Old Master Luther. They had all returned because he had just recovered. Currently,

there had yet to be someone in the Luther family who dared disobey Old Master Luther’s instructions.

In the afternoon, the seven to eight tables placed in the Luther family mansion’s front yard were all occupied.

However, three of those tables were occupied by members of the Luther family. The Luther family was large, but

many of its members were hedonistic.

The other tables were occupied by representatives of the most powerful families in South River Province.

Those from the older generation shared tables.

Those from the younger generation shared tables too.

A brief incident had occurred while they were getting to their seats.

Several heirs had nearly gotten into a fight because they were all trying to sit next to Sandy.

That was enough to show just how popular Sandy was. Just as everyone was about to begin their meal.

Someone shouted.

“Mr. Nelson has arrived!” 1

Everyone stood and looked towards the gates. Sure enough, Cade Nelson, cabinet minister of South River Province,

was walking in. The heads of household and their heirs immediately left their seats and went over to greet him.

Mr. Nelson was an important person they rarely got to meet. Although he was slightly powerless against the Nichols

family’s power, the families still would not dare to offend him.

After all, he had the support of the Somerland government. If they had a falling out, not even the Nichols family

could withstand the pressure the Somerland government would place on them.

“Welcome, Mr. Nelson! Your presence brings light to my humble dwelling!” Rupert said as he hurriedly got up and

walked towards Cade. Although Old Master Luther was the oldest person present, Cade was the cabinet minister of

South River Province, and the latter had a much higher social standing compared to him even though he was in the

National Special Task Force.

He would not dare to act arrogantly. Besides, Cade’s presence today had brought great honor to the Luther family.

It would also serve as a confidence boost for when they needed to join forces to fight back against the Greg family

and the Nichols family. “You’re too kind, Old Master Luther! I remember how you got critically injured and nearly

died while serving Somerland. I am deeply in awe of your honorable actions,” Cade replied politely

He had come to the Luther family’s house on David’s instructions to maintain order. The ordinary citizens were not

allowed to know about the martial arts practitioners.

However, the Luther family’s mansion was on the top of a mountain. Those who could afford to live nearby were

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powerful and influential people in River City. The so-called ordinary citizens would not be here, which gave little

need for any restriction. “You praise me highly, Mr. Nelson. Please, do take a seat,” Old Master Luther said as he

made a gesturing motion. As Cade made his way down the path, the heads of households all took turns to call out

in greeting “Good day, Mr. Nelson!”

“Good day, Mr. Nelson!”

“Good day, Mr. Nelson!” Cade greeted all of them back in turn.

He knew many of these people.

They would be an extremely powerful team if they joined forces, but it would still not be enough if they were

compared to the Nichols family.

When two forces collide, the first thing to be compared would be their elite members’ battle prowess. If their elite

members were equally or near equally powerful, they would then compare the powers of the people under their


However, if their elite were ever wiped out, there would be no chance of them turning the tables on their attacker.

This was why so many powerful families in South River Province were afraid of the Nichols family now. It was

because the latter’s elites had superb battle prowess and multiple peak Dragon Rankers.

However, there was not even one peak Dragon Ranker in the entirety of South River Province.

Cade walked up to the main table.

Those seated at this table were all heads of the most powerful families in South River Province

“Please take a seat, Mr. Nelson!” Old Master Luther said.

The seat at the head of the main table was still empty. Cade was the only person who had the right to sit there.

Even Old Master Luther would cause discontent to spread if he were to sit there. After all, Old Master Luther was

old, and his prior severe injuries meant he was no longer at his peak However, Cade took a look at the seat and sat

on the chair beside it. The fact that he was not sitting at the head of the table shocked everyone. “Please, Mr.

Nelson, take the seat of honor!” The other head of households who were standing nearby called out in unison.