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Immortal Ice Empress: Path to Vengeance

Chapter 695: Comfort
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Mira stepped into the tranquil space of her residence, her senses welcomed by the familiar, comforting scent of home.

In her room, a large four-poster bed was situated, dressed in plush quilts and silken sheets that glowed faintly under the dim light. Amid the sea of cushions and blankets, two figures were tangled, small bodies wrapped around each other in peaceful slumber.

She didn't remember her bed being so crowded, but then again, she hardly ever used it.

Rhydian was in the corner, sleeping like usual. The stupid mutt didn't even bother opening an eye to greet her.

Elenei was still out, doing who knows what.

Dominique, with ocean blue hair cascading around her sleeping face, was nestled against Hana, whose dirty blonde hair was spread out all over the bed. They were a picture of pure innocence, a sight that unknowingly calmed Mira's heart.

'...When did I start being so sentimental?' Normally, something like this wouldn't affect her. Maybe it was because her strength and status in the world were rising alongside her confidence, or perhaps after she almost lost Dominique last time, her feelings began to emerge.

She wasn't quite sure, but it was a fact that she felt more attached to Dominique than before.

When they first met, she took her in mainly out of amusement and obligation. The girl made a bet with her and won, and from that day onward, she was stuck with a kid.

Looking back on it now, she realized that she had truly been a shitty mentor. 90% of the time, she was away on some mission, training, or fighting to the death. She hardly ever sat down and taught anything to Dominique, mostly just pushing her physical and mental strength to the edge.

She hadn't even been there to heal the child when she was poisoned! Even now, Dominique had broken through to the Peak of the Houtian Stage in the Foundation Realm without her help. When she returned from the Forbidden Forest, she didn't even get a chance to see Dominique as she had to head over to the battlefield immediately.

However, back then, when she picked her up, she didn't know any better. There were so many things about this world that were unknown to her. While she might know the human body and its limits more than most people, her knowledge of Cultivation was extremely limited.

'But things are different now,' Now that she was in the Nascent Soul Realm and had experienced many things, she was more confident in properly guiding Dominique.

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Not just that, but with all the resources at her disposal, Mira was confident in making Dominique an unparalleled force!

'No more holding back!

Mira's Soul Sense gently swept over Dominique, inspecting her insides, and she couldn't help but marvel at how 'pure' and clean her body was!

Her lips curled up into a grin, 'It's like she's a blank canvas…!'

The urge to grab Dominique by the ankle and throw her into hellish training arose within her, but she shoved it down, determined to get some rest.

A soft sigh escaped her lips as she quietly moved toward the bed. Her movements were gentle, barely making a sound as she didn't want to wake them. It was a sight she didn't want to ruin, especially not after she just went through so much pain in her own training.

Mira shed her outer robe, revealing her simple sleeping attire beneath.

Taking a moment, she glanced at her reflection in the full-length mirror on the wall. Even she had to admit that she was as gorgeous as a goddess.

The rigors of her day had taken their toll, evident in the faint lines of exhaustion on her face, but her eyes still glowed brightly.

Shaking off the day's exertions, she finally padded over to the bed, gingerly lifting the quilt to slip into the warm cocoon beside the girls. As if sensing her presence, Dominique stirred slightly, her ocean-blue eyes blinking open.

"Mother…?" she mumbled, sleep still clinging to her voice. Her eyes lit up when she recognized Mira, a sleepy smile spreading on her adorable face.

"Shhh," Mira hushed gently, placing a finger on her lips. She brushed a stray lock of hair from Dominique's face, "Go back to sleep, child."

Dominique gave a content hum, snuggling deeper into the blankets, her small arms reaching out to wrap around Mira, bear-hugging one of her tails. The sight of her adoptive mother was all the reassurance she needed to drift back into slumber.

Meanwhile, Hana had woken as well, a soft yawn escaping her as she looked at Mira with groggy eyes. Mira offered her a nod, wrapping one of her tails around the girl. Hana returned a sleepy nod, understanding Mira's silent request for quiet, and closed her eyes again.

In a whisper of movement, Mira pulled them both closer, wrapping her arms protectively around them. Their warmth seeped into her, providing a comfort that even the strongest Qi couldn't offer.

'I'm definitely going crazy. W-What am I doing?! Why am I wrapping Hana in my tails as well?!' Mira's eyes twitched nonstop, but glancing at Dominique's happy yet peaceful face, she shook her head, 'N-No. I just got caught up in the moment! It's just that these little shits are too… defenseless when they're sleeping. It seems they've learned nothing from my teachings!'

Even she didn't believe her nonsense. So, instead of having to confront her emotions, she just pushed them aside, opting to deal with them tomorrow.

With that, a calmness washed over her, offering an unspoken relief.

Basking in the peaceful silence, Mira's thoughts started to slow, her focus shifting from the events of the day to the comforting presence of the girls in her arms. Despite her mental gymnastics earlier, this was a slice of heaven that she wouldn't trade for anything, even the most powerful cultivation technique.

Being able to experience this kind of peace and sanctity… It'd been a long time since she's felt anything like it.

As she watched the two girls breathing softly in their sleep, a gentle smile graced her lips. Here, she wasn't the powerful cultivator or the ruthless demon. She was simply Mira.

Feeling the weight of her labors catch up with her, Mira closed her eyes, allowing herself to succumb to the lull of sleep.

Mira's eyes fluttered open to the soft morning light, her senses awakened by the faint rustle of leaves outside her residence.

Still groggy with sleep, she stirred slightly, her nine tails moving in perfect synchrony, creating a mesmerizing sight in the dim light. Dominique and Hana were still snuggled against her, their soft breaths a rhythm that soothed Mira's heart in a way she had never known.

With utmost care, she disentangled herself from the sleeping girls, rising from the bed like a wisp of morning mist. Draping her robe around herself, she padded silently across the stone floor and stepped out into the verdant valley where her cave residence was nestled.

The morning was crisp, the scent of dew-kissed grass and fresh earth mingling in the air. The rising sun cast a soft golden hue over the Battle Maiden Sect, nestled amidst the rugged mountainous terrain. Beyond the towering peaks, the sprawling landscape of Snow Maiden City glittered in the distance.

As she stood there, taking in the tranquil scene, a thought surfaced. 'Before I start training Dominique in earnest, I should take her to play around the city for a bit. It's been a while since she's done anything other than training.'

A faint smile curled on Mira's lips as she contemplated.

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As she stood there, soaking in the peace of the valley, something within her seemed to click into place. It felt like a light breeze had blown away the cobwebs from her mind, making her thoughts clearer and her ideas brighter. Even her Qi, the vital energy within her, seemed to be flowing more smoothly, more harmoniously.

Decision made, Mira turned back to the cave. Inside, the girls were just starting to stir, rubbing sleep from their eyes. "Wake up, kids," she commanded, her voice more firm than gentle, "We have plans today."

Two sets of sleepy eyes blinked open, focusing on her. At her words, a wave of shock swept over Dominique's face, rapidly morphing into a bright grin of excitement. But not because of these supposed "plans".

"Mother!" She exclaimed, tears welling up in her eyes, and dove into Mira's embrace, "You're finally back!"

"Mmhm." Mira hummed, feeling a bit awkward. She gave Dominique a few pats on the head before returning her arms to her sides and saying, "Seems like that medicine I got you worked."

Dominique squirmed a bit but removed her head from Mira's stomach and looked up at her, "Yup! Those Aunties you sent also helped a lot!"

'Aunties?' Mira was confused for a moment before she thought of Eden and Seraphina.

"Hmmm… Is that so? I'll have to say something to them the next time we meet." Mira said, thinking about giving them a vial of Celestial Nectar.

While the two were having their reunion, Hana was slower to rise, her sleepy eyes blinking in confusion as she processed the scene before her.

However, once realization dawned, a small, relieved smile appeared on her face. Even though she didn't throw herself at Mira as Dominique did, her joy was evident seeing her friend so happy.

In the corner, Rhydian finally stirred, cracking open one eye. At the sight of Mira, her tail began to wag lazily.

"Alright, settle down now," Mira finally broke the embrace, pushing Dominique gently away. She cast a glance over the others in the room, her gaze still as cold as ever. "We are heading to Snow Maiden City today."

The girls blinked at her in surprise, the sudden change in their usually strict routine taking a moment to register. But once it did, Dominique's eyes lit up with excitement. "Really?" she asked, her voice trembling with anticipation. "A-Are you serious?!"

Hana seemed equally surprised, but her response was more composed, a curious glint in her eyes as she asked, "What's the occasion?"

Before Mira could answer, Dominique cut in. "Who cares about the occasion?! We're going out with Mother!"

The corners of Mira's lips twitched, but she didn't say anything to refute Dominique and instead replied, "Let's just say it's a change of pace."