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Imperfect Desires

Chapter 283 Cranky One
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283 Cranky One

Mel who had come downstairs because of the uproar stood silently at the last step of the stairs staring at the chirpy family going back and forth in bickering and teasing each other. Who were the actual kids and who were the parents? No one could possibly know in that chaotic scene before her.

Having grown up in Los Angeles, she had never seen a family this close to each other. Even the bond of Xiu surprised her very much. At first, when Clara had told her that she has an adopted daughter as well, she really didn't expect that Xiu was not just anyone. She was just as Jing Ge told her, she was family without a doubt.

If truth be told, she could finally say that she had no doubt at all in the bond of this family. Every one of them was a masterpiece.

\"I hope you all are not planning on keeping this up for the rest of the evening.\"

Every head in the dining room turned around to look at Mel who stepped down from the last step fo the stairs and came towards them.

\"Aunt, you're awake. I want you to meet someone.\"

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\"Mel, I want you to meet someone.\"

Both mother and daughter said it simultaneously and glared at each other while Mel was being amused at their reactions. Taking advantage of his mother and sister's distraction, Jackie got down and held Xiu's finger and dragged her all the way towards Mel. \"Nana, meet my Xiuxiu. She's the best in the whole world. Best sister. Best friend. Best daughter. Best everything.\" He introduced Xiu in an exaggerating manner.

While Xiu was feeling awkward with this way of introduction, Mel found it heartwarming and rather adorable. From the moment she came she hadn't seen this grandson of hers talking this much. But now, he was barely keeping his lips sealed. She assumed it was because of the girl before her.

Xiu was facing Mel in an awkward posture. Even after years, she could say that this was her very first interaction with someone of Mel's age at a personal level. She was rather awkward around elder people. But she didn't even realize that the way her inner beauty had lit up her eyes was enough to work as a spellbound on elderly people who loved to read a person's character from their eyes. After all, eyes are the windows to one's soul. Nothing stays hidden in them.

Clara and Nora rushed to Xiu's side and both placed one hand on her shoulder respectively. \"Aunt, I told you about Xiu before. This is my second daughter. Isn't she a beauty?\"

\"Mom, calling my Xiu'er beauty is an understatement. I tell you she can even beat that so-called goddess Chen Xiu when it comes to appearance.\" She took a pause before adding, \"But there is one flaw Mel, my Xiu'er has a cranky personality.\" Xiu hit her arm for calling her cranky. And lamented over how Nora was comparing her present looks with her previous self. Was this a joke God wanted to play on her? Why everything ended up on a dead person!?

Even Jackson hit Nora's leg saying, \"Nono, don't you dare use bad words for Xiuxiu. She's better than you. As dad always says, she knows what filial piety is.\"

Nora gaped at her little brother in disbelief, \"You little minx, how come you really forget my existence around her?\" She pinched her brother's cheeks harshly who whined in return, \"Dad!\" historical

\"Nora, stop teasing your little brother,\" said Jing Ge while rubbing his forehead. Then he touched Xiu's head and told her, \"Little Xiu, this is Melissa Cartwright. She's your Clara mom's only living relative.\"

\"Hi! Pleasure to meet you,\" said Xiu in a small voice still feeling a bit out of place before Mel.

\"Mel, our little Xiu is slightly awkward around strangers. So, don't mind her lack of enthusiasm,\" cleared up Jing Ge for Xiu's sake and Xiu even looked up at him gratefully. Even though he was not her father, he really knew her well.

\"It's nice to meet you too, Xiu. I've heard a lot about you. Actually, I've heard so much that I was really anticipating this meeting,\" stated Mel in all honesty.

\"You must be really disappointed to see me being this ordinary then,\" said Xiu with an awkward laugh. She knew how much this family loved to talk about her and she also knew how exaggeratingly they praised her always. So, the thought of how much they told Mel about her, really scared Xiu. After all, she knew she wasn't as perfect as everyone in this family made her seem.

\"Disappointed?\" Mel gave a thoughtful look. \"I guess I am a little disappointed.\"

\"Oh...\" came out of Xiu's mouth.

Mel smiled at her gently and said, \"But I'm disappointed to see that I'm making you feel uncomfortable. Otherwise, such bright eyes filled with hopes and dreams, can't possibly disappoint me.\"

\"Okay! The introduction is over, let's eat dinner now!\" announced Nora as she clapped her hands to close the case and move on. Then she rubbed her stomach and added, \"I'm really hungry.\"

\"Already? This isn't even your dinner time yet,\" reminded Xiu as she checked the time on the big clock in the hall.

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Nora clung to Xiu's arm and whined, \"Mom is cruel, Xiu'er. You take me with you, she didn't even let me eat anything at lunchtime.\"

\"Liar! I made you the salad that you asked for,\" Clara glared at her daughter for smearing her name with wrong accusations.

Xiu giggled before she rubbed Nora's head and told Clara, \"Clara mom, our Nora is a little bear. That small bowl of salad definitely wasn't even enough to wet her throat.\"

Nora bobbed her head up and down. \"Exactly! See, only my sister knows me best.\"

Before Nora could crush Xiu in her arm, the latter escaped from her grasp saying, \"I'm gonna help Clara mom in the kitchen. You stay with Mel and keep her company. Don't make trouble.\"

Nora's lips turned downwards as she said, \"I won't make trouble but only if you make me Beef and Spinach Lo Mein.\"

Xiu shook her head at Nora and before nodding, \"Fine.\"

\"Me too, me too!\" Jackson also raised his arm eagerly.

\"Now, what does Jackie want to eat?\"

\"I want cake,\" answered Jackson.

Xiu patted his head. \"I already brought cake, little one.\"

And the little one was floating on cloud nine with only this much. He was really easy to satisfy.