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Is that a Wisp?

Chapter 664: Transfering
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"That's where you are wrong. Since I can change this link to the core, I can also leave something behind to protect myself. Hahaha! However, the fact is that you won't be able to take the core out straight away. Even if I connect you to it, will the rest of the sect simply let you go? I doubt so. Not to mention that you also need to prepare a lot of things before trying to step out."

Jamot narrowed his eyes.

"But if I go out while you tempered with the Formation's Core and the link, what stops you from using it to get me killed during the Heavenly Tribulation? If that happens, you would get rid of me and still get a Formation's Core."

Krune nodded.

"That's true. However, it is still a lot better to bet on it than simply asking us to deliver a message, isn't it?"

Jamot had to admit that it was true.

Their initial plan was to have them strike a deal with the powers outside so that they would take care of their low-level members. In exchange, they would protect the Formation's Cores during the collapse and give them away. However, if a God Core Realm like Jamot is able to survive and take care of everyone and the core, that would be infinitely better. Those Deadly Marks were only there to ensure that Krune and Dolmen's groups would accomplish their objectives if the transfer option didn't work.

"However, it means that your sect won't be able to take the core since I'll definitely keep it. Or could it be that you plan to use this restriction to force me to join your sect?"

Krune shrugged his shoulders.

"No, you can do whatever you want. All I need is for you to let everyone in my group leave."

Jamot narrowed his eyes.

"We were already letting you leave, so what's the point here?"

However, Krune laughed out loud after hearing that.

"Oh, is that so?"

Suddenly, Krune used his Purple Tribulation Lightning to strike the Mark that Luvile pointed out. Of course, he didn't try to eliminate it. He only attacked it so that Jamot would notice it straight away.

"You! How did you find it?!"

Krune shook his head.

"How I found it matters not. What I want to know is whether you are willing to let us go without those marks. Don't worry, Dolmen's group is an enemy of my sect, so I won't tell them about it. You can still use their lives to do whatever you want."

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Jamot smiled bitterly.

"We first need to confirm that this Link transfer thing really works."

Krune didn't mind.

"That's why I asked if you could let me see the Formation's Core. Just bring someone with you as well so that I can try to make it."

However, Jamot refused that.

"No, you should try it on me first. After all, can you guarantee that you can put more of those links in the same Formation's Core?"


Krune didn't even know if it was going to work, let alone if more than a single one could be attached to it.

"But if I fail, you might die."

Jamot shook his head, though.

"So what? I was already preparing to let the Protection Formation collapse and die while protecting our low-level members. It will make no difference if I die while carrying the hope of being able to survive with my cultivation outside."

Krune still insisted.

"However, if you die here, wouldn't I be crucified by your Celestial Organization?"

Jamot shook his head.

"I already discussed things with the other three leaders and Eason. They agreed to let me try it first. Now, stop complaining."

Still, Krune found it weird.

"Are you not gonna ask how I can do it?"

Jamot snorted, though.

"Would you tell me?"

Krune immediately shook his head.

"Then, there is no point in asking. Forcing it would instead be counterproductive. After all, it is bound to be a dangerous attempt. The last thing I want is you holding grudges while at it."

As mentioned before, Jamot had then brought Krune to the Formation's Core location after they finished this previous conversation. Now, Krune was in the middle of trying to transfer that Link with his Mental Energy.

'These links must be made of some kind of energy. If I can feel it with my Godly Meridians, I might be able to create a replacement with Mental Energy help.'

While looking at the 'thread' with his Mental Energy, Krune used his Godly Meridian to feel it. He also used his Mental Energy directly into the Godly Meridians to help with its sensibility.

Time passed, and half an hour went by. Finally, Krune's eyes lit up!

'That's it!'

Right after, Krune began to use his Mental Energy, Elements, Godly Energy, and Laws to try to replicate that weird connection. Of course, it was easier said than done. Krune failed many times, spending several hours into it.

Fortunately, he had similar experiences before. That's right, it was very similar to the time when he first created his Spiritual Energy Meridians. It's just that there were many more things involved in this process. On the other hand, just how many times better Krune was now than when he was in the Qi Condensation Realm? Both Krunes simply couldn't be compared anymore.

Suddenly, Jamot felt like his soul was pulled by something. He couldn't quite understand what that was. However, he at least could tell that it was this so-called Link Transfer effect. Right after, he felt a piercing pain in his soul, as if it was going to be ripped apart. It was so intense that Jamot feared his soul would be destroyed in the next second. He felt like the entire world was trying to break it. Yet, a second was all the time it took for the pain to disappear.

"This... what happened?"

Krune smiled as he sweated cold.

"Sorry for the pain. It's just that I had to first cut your connection with the Foundation before connecting it to the Formations' Core. Obviously, losing the link would have you killed. However, I was able to mend your link with the new one I created myself. Now, your connection is with the Foundation's Core. Of course, because of this core, the Foundation Space still thinks that you are connected to it, while, in fact, you aren't. That's why the Foundation gave up killing you after I cut the connection with it."

Jamot couldn't help but feel excited.

"So it worked?! Great!"

Krune nodded.

"Also, I left a little gift behind in the link. For your own good, I hope you will keep your promise."

Jamot's happiness immediately disappeared after that.

"Hmph! Don't look down on me, kid. Since you did your part, I will obviously do mine."

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Krune laughed.

"Then that's good."

Jamot then took Krune and rushed out of the Formation's Core room. Krune was right about it. It was one thing to get close to the Formation's Core, but another completely different to bring it away. Jamot would have a lot more stuff to prepare before he could attempt to take it away.

However, Jamot was stopped by another three elders of the Celestial Sky Organization on the way out. Although Krune couldn't tell what they were talking about, he could imagine that they were asking what Krune and Jamot were doing inside. As for what Jamot said, Krune had no idea. He only knew that at some point, those elders let them go.

"Were those guys part of the group that wishes to keep the Celestial Protection Formation running?"

Jamot nodded.

"Yes, but this is nothing for you to care about."

Soon, they arrived at the room where the rest was waiting. Eason and the three other leaders of the Celestial Organizations immediately looked at them too. Seeing that Jamot was back, they were filled with hope.

Jamot then smiled at everyone as he told the news about the success of their attempt.

At the same time, Krune went to Sisan and touched his shoulder.

"Don't move."

Suddenly, Purple Tribulation Lightning entered Sisan's body. Sisan was quite frightened by that sight, though. Fortunately, there was no pain during the process, which puzzled him. It was then that he felt that that lightning had struck something inside his body. The surprising part was that he didn't know it was there at all! As one can imagine, that is the deadly mark left behind by those elders. At the same time, Krune also attacked the mark inside his own body. Iem, of course, did the same thing with his Devil Flames.

The elders who worked together to put those marks frowned since they could feel they were removing them. Nevertheless, Jamot had already explained before he departed with Krune about their deal, so they didn't intervene. Obviously, they didn't try to put another one since Krune's group could feel it.

While all of that happened, Dolmen's group watched on the side. They didn't know what happened, just that Krune seemed to have reached some agreement with those guys. Still, there was nothing they could do except for waiting.

Krune then explained to Sisan about the mark in his body through the Divine Sense message.

Once he was finished, Jamot brought Krune's group away. Gamadol, Suelen, and Varkin followed them too. As for Dolmen's group, they were simply sent back to their place as well.

After they were alone, Jamot talked with everyone.

"Alright. There are still Varkin, Suelen, and Gamadol. Krune, we will need to go with them and transfer their links to their organizations' cores."

Krune nodded.

"No problem. The sooner, the better."

Like that, Varkin was the first to open a Spatial Gate, which everyone used to teleport to his Celestial Weapons Organization.