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Isekai Journey Of The Magic Archer

Chapter 704 In an unknown land
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Chapter 704 In an unknown land

[OP: ]

An open area filled with volcanic earth on all sides, burning, bubbling with red magma so hot the end of fames present above the matter coming out of the ground were nearly white. Not blue, but white.

There was an area covered with tall sharp rocks in the middle of this dark soil, and in the middle of it was a structure carved out of these same volcanic sharp rocks resembling a demonic castle.

Demons and demonic creatures roamed around this castle-like structure. The dark castle of evil that just by looking at it for too long would corrupt the weak souls that could not endure the demonic essence this castle was carved out with.

There were beings wearing wraith-like cardigans, among the expense of this castle, unafraid and unaffected by the demonic creatures or the ugly demons themselves.

They roamed fearlessly in this castle, floated, ran, walked around without a care in the world.

And the demonic beings just stayed still as if they were no special existence.

If anything, they were careful or respectful before some of these beings in strange, dark clothing.

However, the ones in the wraiths were all indifferent to these existences. As if they meant nothing to them at all…

The atmosphere around this castle was almost lively at the moment as things were progressing at a timely manner.

There was no celestial body in the red sky above this castle, almost as if this place was the hell itself.

And, there were certain chambers in this castle that belonged to certain beings so special, unique, and important that… the behaviour of these demonic creatures were all completely understandable.

However, in this castle, there was one that stood above all these creatures covered in dark wraiths.

[ "They found out about the attack units." ]

The one sitting on the throne of this castle situated in the innermost part of it, a place that had no ceiling, a place completely covered in red and gold, a place so large that it can fit hundreds of people and still so small looking before the grand throne in the middle that the contradiction could not be justified by the importance of the holder of the throne.

[ "According to our reports, the group assembled by Merlin already had a deep understanding of all the strongholds, there was a detailed plan in play to cut down their own losses to as much as possible, and, from the reports we received, it says that they possessed the ancient divine artifact, Arc of Jen that is said to have been lost after Saint Jen vanished from the face of this earth.

They also had someone the artifact had acknowledged and someone that knew how to play it so profoundly well that even the ones hearing from faraway could not help but want to submit to its melodious nature. And one reports claims that there were two different people that could play it.

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Additionally, there was someone who could cast high grade light magic using profound runes so complicated and unheard of that it was impossible to even memorise and recreate them, much less comprehend them to any extent.

It was said they used those spells to deal a great blow to both of the demons the groups managed to summon with the limited sacrifices. And additionally, some other person, one possessing an exceptional power, dealt with the one of the members who turned themselves into a corrupted lich all on their own.

The forces Merlin managed to build in that little time were extraordinary. However their overall estimated threat level is still only <D> rank.

Any one of us could deal with them ourselves." ]

Twelve beings, people, wearing the same wraith were standing before the throne. And from how their cardigan was lighter than the other wraith outside, it could be said they were the important figures in this castle.

And the one on the throne, the highest authority of this place, was wearing a wraith cardigan completely white. His two mismatched eyes, one red the other blue, were looking down at the twelve beings with an emotionless, deep look.

[ "All of you are fools." ]

The throne holder said with his deep, almost demonic voice that was so powerful that even the twelve beings before him had to submit to the voice and kneel down on the ground.

[ "The one who played the divine artifact, the one who used the self-created rune spells to weaken the demons, the one who defeated the lich, and the one behind the failure of this mission, all of it was one by one person alone." ]

His words contained a strange kind of authority, a power different from the mortal abilities that are incomprehensible with a limited understanding of the human mind…

One can tell from the way he spoke those words, that he was certain about what he said as well, and the twelve could never possibly even think of questioning his words.

[ "That one person got the information on the strongholds, planned how they would need to deal with the forces, how they could same as many people as possible, and came up with the best possible solutions.

Whoever it was, that person was able to see through the basic nature of a problem and come up with something a normal person would never even think about." ]

Now, there seemed to be a distinct joy in that heavy voice.

[ "That person, smart and talented, gave whatever they possessed to save the people and the comrades fighting with them, and while doing so, they managed to maintain a certain special spot among their forces that would later become a useful card in their hands." ]

He paused for a moment, and looked at one of the people standing before him.

[ "Number 1. Why do you think that person dealt with both of the demons at the same time?" ]

All this time, they had been talking in a speech that was difficult to define as language since there were no concrete words but only sounds that only they understood.

The noises they made for communication were strange, certainly. However they were also more heinous sounding than the sounds that the demons and the demonic humans make.

[ "It should be to save their strength if anything. That is the only explanation if they had been playing a divine artifact that require deep concentration, mastery, and energy levels." ]

[ "Correct." ]

The answer was plassable so the one on the throne accepted it. However, there was no deep meaning behind his acceptance of the answer.

It was obvious that someone on the level that he was would understand that much from all that he had said and would be able to answer his simple questions.

Though, this correct answer was only barely passable to the one above them, for the one that answered it and was able to receive a nod from that person, this moment was nothing less than an achievement.

One so great that the other eleven clinched their teeth in frustration that they did not get to have that honor as well.

[ "That person tried to save their energy. They wanted to only show that extent of their power and they were going to only do it once so that the other might think it is the extent of their power. However, an opportunity too great to ignore appeared before them, and they had no choice but to consider the future possibilities, and reveal more of their powers.

Additionally, they also killed the lich with the ability to steal the life force of a being with one powerful attack by destroying their vessel, something that is not possible unless someone had done a detailed analytical study on these lich vessels closely.

And lastly, the substitute that they created to take their place and play the divine artifact. Can anyone guess what it might be?" ]

The throne holder, the person in the white wraith clothing, asked another question. And this time, it wasn't asked to a specific person present there.

[ "…" ]

It was an open question that would be replied with various counter questions like how can there be something in the first place, or how can anyone other than the one acknowledged by the divine artifact use it. They had that kind of questions, however, since asking questions was not an option, instead of answering incorrectly, they stayed silent.

And the throne holder had expected this kind of situation already.

[ "An automation." ]

He announced, a spark of admiration present deep beneath his voice.

[ "A creation that is not mortal or immortal. Something that is purely a creation of its creator thus independent from the bounds of nature. Something that could be made with such perfection that giving it a hundred artists' insurmountable knowledge, finesse, and talents would not be impossible. Something, that is beyond current mortal minds, however, also something that is not impossible for the 'humans' who possess the greatest of potential, and knowledge of the ancient craft.

If it is an automation, a direct creation of the master of the divine artifact, it is possible for the divine artifact to consider it an extension of its master, and ultimately acknowledge it." ]

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Their mismatched eyes now contained a unique kind of joy.

[ "Haaa…" ]

A deep sigh reverberated throughout the hall as the twelve figures looked up at the throne, stunned.

[ "Lord pope? What-" ]

[ "Hahahahaha~." ]

And then, they heard a kind of laugh they had never seen this ruthless, powerful, divine person on the throne make in their entire lifetimes they had served him.

[ "This is what a cool guy should be like! This is how someone worthy of standing against will of the great apostle and the great one should be like!" ]

His laugh was one thing but the powerful energy that he was relesing alongside this laugh was crushing the physical bodies of the twelve standing before him.

[ "Lord pope!" ]

They could barely be on their knees, much less stand before this great of a pressure.

They might die if it had continued and he would have to go through another hassle of finding new ones to fill theri spots, and he did not like that idea.

[ "Get lost you useless fools" ]

He three them all out of the room with a mere movement of his finger, and continued laughing like a crazy person.

[ "Hahahaha. What an amusing person. Haha. I can not wait for the next time. Hahahahah!" ]

He… definitely was no normal person. Or a sane person.

There was something wrong about him.

Perhaps there were many things wrong about him.

[ "Hahahahaha~!" ]

However, the conclusion was simple.

[ "I will be waiting for you, unknown cool mister! Hahaha! Hahahahahaha…!" ]

He was a very dangerous being.

And certainly… not something 'they' were ready to face just yet.