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It's Not Easy to Be a Man After Travelling to the Future (WN)

Chapter 657: Grievance!
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Ji Lu displayed his surroundings on the screens in his cockpit. He noticed that the balanced mecha who sneak attacked His Highness was aiming his beam gun at him. The alarm inside his cockpit rang because he was locked in.

However, why didn't he shoot? Was there no energy left in the beam gun? Ji Lu raised his beam gun decisively after he thought about it and aimed it at the balanced mecha who was fighting against his captain.

"Boom!" Before he managed to pull the trigger, a beam came down from the sky. Ji Lu continued to remain vigilant so when he noticed that ace mecha firing at him, he immediately evaded the attack.

He barely managed to dodge the beam. Ji Lu was dumbfounded. His opponent continued aiming the beam gun at him but didn't fire. His opponent was threatening him to stay at the side obediently. If not, he would be shot.

This is humiliation! Ji Lu almost exploded in anger. He raised him beam gun and shot at the balanced mecha.

The balanced mecha didn't evade the beam. Instead, it fired a beam too.

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"Boom!" The two beams collided in the air and exploded into a ball of light. Then, the light disappeared.

Ji Lu was furious. If his opponent was only warning him just now, this move was to tell him that he was weaker than him. It seemed easy to intercept someone's beam but in actual fact, it was extremely difficult. The person needed to calculate the speed and trajectory of the beam. A slight miscalculation would result in failure.

Ji Lu started to feel afraid. He knew that the ace operator was much stronger than him. He specialized in long-range attacks but in front of this person, his specialty was like a child playing with toy guns. All his actions were within his opponent's prediction.Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click www.webnovel.com for visiting.

Ji Lu knew that it was useless to keep attacking. It would be better for him to listen to his opponent and get a hold of his current situation. Of course, he was prepared to restrain his opponent if his captain managed to gain the upper hand. Once his captain defeated his opponent, he would be able to help him destroy this ace mecha.

At this moment, Ji Lu still had confidence in his captain. He felt that his captain was the strongest.

Actually, his captain was not in a good situation either. When the captain exchanged blows with his opponent, he realized that the operator operating this balanced mecha was not weak in his close combat skills.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!" The captain continued attacking confidently. His opponent defended against his attacks easily. The captain got serious. His mecha was a strength-based mecha. Even close combat mechas from the Federation could not be compared to it, much less a balanced mecha. He thought that he could crush his opponent using pure strength but he failed.

Li Lanfeng swallowed the blood that gushed up his mouth. Continuous attacks caused him to suffer some internal injuries. However, his eyes were full of energy. It was different from his usual dark expression.

His body last time would be unable to withstand such huge impacts. He would probably be heavily injured by now. However, he only had some slight internal injuries. This meant that his body got stronger. It was still weaker than those monsters like Qi Long and Zhao Jun but compared to Han Jijyun and Lin Zhong-qing, he was around the same level.

He was no longer the son of the Li family who got dragged down by his weak body. His elders would no longer need to feel pity for him. He could control his own destiny!

Li Lanfeng shouted in anger. He seemed to have released all the pent-up emotions in his heart when he shouted. He moved his fingers swiftly and the mecha raised its sword up high. It slashed towards the close combat mecha forcefully.

"Bang!" The two swords collided and sparks flew. The strong impact caused the two mechas to fly back. They immediately had more than a hundred meter distance between them.

Li Lanfeng took out the short-range beam gun from the mecha's waist and aimed a few shots at his opponent.

"Despicable!" Ji Lu couldn't hold back any longer. He raised his beam gun and aimed it at Li Lanfeng's mecha. When he was ready to pull the trigger, a beam hit his arm.

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His right arm exploded. His mecha's right arm became junk in the universe, floating in space.

Ji Lu looked at the other side furiously. The balanced mecha waved the beam gun in its hands. It seemed to be telling him that since he violated the agreement between them, he was punished.

Ji Lu never felt so aggrieved after he became an ace operator. He went through many wars. Even if he was at a disadvantage, he was able to survive due to his strong perseverance. However, this time, his opponent made him feel like a child that just started learning how to walk. Everything was under his opponent's control.

Ji Lu knew how impressive that attack was. His alarm didn't go off. It came without any warning. That was not something a normal ace mecha master could do. Ji Lu felt agitated. Could his captain really defeat such a powerful opponent?

The captain didn't expect Li Lanfeng to use his short-range beam guns. He was caught off guard. He hurriedly operated his mecha and tried to evade the beams.

A light flashed past him. The captain was an experienced ace mecha master. He instantly moved his mecha. The beam saber sliced the air next to his mecha's shoulder. When Li Lanfeng fired the shot, he flew towards the captain quickly and took the chance to sneak attack him when he was dodging the beams.

The captain was not used to the way Li Lanfeng attacked. He would fight with his beam saber and have a close-range fight with the captain. However, during this time, he would look for an opportunity to sneak in an attack. Caesar's mecha operators had a simple battle style. Such complicated battle styles confused them.

Ace mecha masters in every country had their own unique style. In general, Caesar respected pure strength. Defeating their opponent with pure strength was a simple style but combining this style with the huge sized mechas that Caesar produced, Caesar had an advantage in close combat compared to other countries' mechas.

However, this pursuit of strength caused Caesar's operators to have a simple operation style. Compared to them, the mecha operators from the Federation had a more diverse style. Based on the different abilities of each mecha, various operation styles could be formed. No matter what style the operator had, the capability of the mecha operator determined everything. If the mecha operator was strong, he would win against his opponent.

Since the captain and Li Lanfeng's capabilities were on par with each other, Li Lanfeng's operation style allowed him to gain an advantage over his opponent. Just as the captain was thinking of a way out of his plight, his three team members couldn't hold on any longer.