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Kidnapped and Rejected – The Return of Alpha’s Luna by Moon Claw

Chatper 137
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Chatper 137

Chapter 137

Lance parted his lips in shock.

He stared at Morgana unblinkingly as though he was trying to understand why he was suddenly


Morgana pulled the blade abruptly. Blood gushed out and spilled all over her body. Lance lurched but

regained his balance quickly.


He covered the wounds with one hand and asked through gritted teeth. “Because I don’t like a man

ruling over me! Not to mention a monster like you!” Morgana snarled, “Is that a good enough reason for


She raised her hand to stab him again.

But Lance caught her wrist this time.

He suddenly started laughing, his voice getting louder and louder.

“You think this can kill me?” Lance took a step back and snarled, “You… You bunch of idiots! You had

no idea! YOU KNOW NOTHING!!!”

He let out a rumbling howl and shifted.

This was the first tJsaw Lance’s wolf.

It was a bony beast with mottled fur, a mixed color of grey and brown. Its size was small, even smaller

than most soldier’s wolves.

This was not the physique of a warrior. It looked too weak, almost sickly.

“My soldiers-”

Lance pounded the ground with its front paw and roared:


The rogues yelled, raising their weapons, and cat the Blood Moon Pack’s soldiers. Wolf howled,

gunshot, and the clanging noise of blades echoed in the air. Jdodged the attack from a rogue and

looked for Lance urgently.

She spotted that mottled wolf running down the hill.

“That cunning bastard is getting away!” Jcried, “He is using his soldiers to drag us back. Stop

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They couldn’t afford to have Lance running back to the rogue’s territory again.

Or they wouldn’t be able to kill him.

“I got this!” Daran sprinted forward and went after Lance.

Jwanted to follow him, but she was stopped by the rogues.

They launched into a fierce battle.

Soon there were dead bodies lying around everywhere and the blood painted the rock and soil scarlet


rock and soil scarlet red.

The rogues outnumbered them. But the Blood Moon Pack’s soldiers were more well-trained.

After wiping out the rogues that surrounded her, Jlooked around again. The fight was still ongoing.

But they had managed to get the upper hand.

Yet there was still no sign of Daran and Lance.

It had been about 15 minutes already. It shouldn’t take Daran that long to kill a weak, injured wolf.

…Did anything happen?

Jfelt a sudden thrill of foreboding.

She left the hill and ran into the woods, taking the direction of Daran and Lance.

The woods were dark.

The dense canopy of trees overhead casts the forest floor into shadow. A cloud covered the sun,

further darkening the already dim environment.

Jtook a deep breath, trying to steady her racing heart as she moved deeper into the forest.

She knew that Daran could handle himself.

But the ominous feeling gnawing at her gut wouldn’t go away.

The forest was eerily silent, the only sounds being the occasional rustle of leaves and

the distant call of a bird.

Janet’s senses were on high alert. She found herself jumping at every little noise.

Eventually, her ear caught something in the wind.

It was human whisperings, coming from the distance.

Her heart leaped into her throat as she hurried forward to check it out.

A few moments later, she found two figures ahead, down in a low valley.

It was Daran and Lance.

Lance was slumped against a tree, his face pale and a bloody stain spreading across his shirt. He

looked extremely weak, and it would only take one more hit to kill him. completely.

Daran was standing in front of Lance, holding a gun, and pointing at Lance.

But Daran didn’t pull the trigger.

Jstared at them from behind a tree, anxious.

She didn’t understand… Why didn’t Daran pull the trigger? Why didn’t he kill Lance now?!

Yes, think about what I just said to you…Alpha Daran. I can tell that you are already hesitating.”

Lance chuckled, with blood streaming down from the corner of his mouth.

“Killingis the wrong decision…The wise thing to do is to keepalive…”

Jrounded her eyes in shock.

What the fuck was happening right now?

Killing him was the wrong decision? That was fucking bullshit!

They worked so hard for today! Everything they did-all the sacrifices that they made-was for killing


Why hadn’t Daran pulled the trigger yet?

What was he waiting for?!

She was about to jump out and shout at Daran, telling him to do this alread, and end everything.

Yet the next second, she heard Daran’s voice:

…Was it true? What you just said?”

The evil grin on Lance’s lips grew wider as he laughed, “Of course! Of course, it was true! Why would I

lie to you? I already said that I want you as my friend and together we can accomplish so many great

things together! It was you who betrayedfirst!”

He coughed. More blood poured out of his mouth.

“But I am willing to let it slide…as long as you cand work with me,” he chuckled. “Together, we are



Jlet out a furious cry internally.

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Just do it, Daran! KILL HIM!

“…I can make you becThe One True King,” Lance said.

The low valley lapsed into a deathly silence.

Daran’s hand dropped, lowering the gun down.

…The One True King?” he repeated lowly after Lance.

Lance’s voice got louder, filled with enthusiasm.

“It sounds like craps to me,” Daran said coldly.

It was like the whisper of a devil, luring people down the dark path.

Jcouldn’t listen to this nonsense anymore.

She rushed out of the woods and cried out loudly: “-Don’t listen to him, Daran! Just kill him!!!”

Daran’s body becstiff when he heard her voice.

But he didn’t turn around to face her.

Jclenched her fists. She couldn’t believe that Daran was hesitating.

Was he seriously considering this?

No! The Daran that she knew was not a power-hunger person…

Or was he?

Lance grinned. He reached out a hand to Daran and said, “Take my hand, Alpha Daran. I can make

you The King. Only I know how!”


Jroared. Anger clouded her mind.

“FUCK! If you don’t do this, I WILL!”

She rushed forward, her eyes fixed on Lance. But she didn’t notice that a rogue soldier had snuck up

on her behind her back.

A sharp pain cfrom her neck, coursing through her whole body.

Somebody knocked her on the neck.

Jcrushed down to the ground, still panting in rage.

The last thing that she saw before passing out was Daran taking Lance’s hand, and pulling Lance up

from the ground.