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King Alejandro: The Return Of Her Cold-Hearted Alpha

Chapter 24
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24. Moments Of Doubt ALEJANDRO ‘ No. I don’t remember . Her words rang in my head as she stared

up at me , fear clear in her gorgeous eyes . I won’t fucking lie that my own heart was pounding as I

pulled her into my arms , inhaling her intoxicating scent of hazelnut chocolate . I held her close , trying to

control my own fucking storm of emotions .

Doesn’t remember … What the fuck did that even mean ? How could she fucking forget that Azura was

not Scarlett and Elijah’s biological daughter ? That was not something fucking small ” Alejandro , is

something wrong ? ” She asked . I knew she’ll be able to tell if I’m lying … ” Don’t worry too much , let’s

head to bed , I need to leave early but I should be back by tomorrow evening . ” I said quietly .

” You didn’t answer the question , ” She replied , her heart thundering as abe pulled away from me . ”

Amore Mio , things will be ok , maybe it’s just a side effect of him making you forget whatever the fuck

happened when you went to the country house . ” I replied , trying to figure this shit out ..

” I don’t want to forget important things . ” She whispered , her hand on my chest . ” You won’t . ” I replied

. Taking hold of her wrist , I kissed her knuckles softly . ” You won’t . ” I could hear the conviction in my

voice as I reassured her , but the fear that I may be fucking wrong was beginning to eat up at me inside .

The cut along her head came back to me and I knew something was really fucking wrong … She nodded

, despite her thumping heart still racing . ” Let’s get to bed . ” I said quietly , cupping her face I kissed her

hard . Deep down a niggling thought came to me , that what if … What if she forgot me ?

Just the thought of that happening made me pull her close , crushing her body against mine as I kissed

her harder . , An hour later , after a round of het passionate sex , she had fallen asleep in my arms , yet I

couldn’t fucking sleep . I was a fucking mess of worry . I needed her to be fucking ok … Maybe I was

fucking overthinking it , maybe nothing like that was going to happen , and maybe I just needed to chill

the fuck out .

I slowly untangled my arms from around the gorgeous bombshell in my arms and got out of bed slowly ,

pulling on my discarded boxers and sweatpants . Grabbing my lighter and a cigarette packet , I left the

room . I needed to talk to Elijah , even if I fucking smelled of sex I didn’t really care . ‘ Meet me on the

back patio . ‘ I mind linked him . Despite being able to mind link other Alpha’s , it still fucking gave me a

slight headache . Moments later , Elijah stepped out , and I smirked , not missing the hickeys around his

neck that peeped out from his T – shirt . His wet hair fell in his eyes..

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It seemed like I wasn’t the only one who had just had sex . He frowned and I knew he probably could

smell the sex off me . ” What do you want that couldn’t wait until you had showered ? ” He growled . I

smirked at him , lighting my cigarette as I cocked my brow . ” What’s wrong ? Does it fucking still piss you

off knowing I just fucked your girl ? ”

I taunted . Despite being in no fucking mood to mock him , I couldn’t help it . Sometimes shit just came

out . His eyes flashed a cobalt blue , and I rolled my own . ” Seriously , are you still doing this shit nine

years on ? I’m sure I’ve fucked her more times than I can even cou- ‘ ” ” What the fuck do you want ? Did

you call me out here for this ? ” He growled murderously . I smirked humourlessly . ” Actually , no … ” My

smirk faded and I

looked at him seriously . ” You know about t earlier … When she asked about Azura … asked her and

she … ” I ran my hand through my hair , staring up at the cloudy night sky . ” And ? ” He asked , his

anger dissipating , replaced with seriousness . ” She couldn’t remember anything more than you and

Scarlett being her parents … Indigo … what happened , nothing . ” I said , the fear settling into the pit of

my stomach again . His heartbeat quickened and he looked pale . ”

But Raihana checked her … She wasn’t cursed .. 11 ” No , she wasn’t … But they did something . She’s

forgotten some parts of her past , I’m guessing it’s when they made her forget whatever happened in

there . But I’m just a tad fucking worried that she may begin to forget more … ” I swallowed hard , trying

not to think of the worst fucking case scenario … ” She won’t forget you . ” He replied quietly , placing a

hand on my shoulder

before removing it incredibly fast . I smirked before glancing at him . ” I fucking hope not because she’s

my fucking lifeline . ” I said quietly . She was , without her I would fucking lose my mind … Our eyes met

and he looked at the sky , shoving his hands into the pockets of his pants . ” I know … but I’m sure she’s

fine , get 11 Raihana to check her over tomorrow . He said quietly . I nodded . Yeah , I really fucking

needed to . ” Don’t you often feel like the fucking moon goddess does not want to leave us in peace ? ” I

asked , sitting down on the steps and taking a drag on my cigarette . He sighed heavily .

” Yeah … ” He walked off and I heard the door open and shut behind him , leaving me alone in the

garden . I stared up at the sky wondering what was to come . Something told me that Kataleya’s

kidnapping had just been the fucking start of all this shit … I ran my hand through my hair when I heard

the door reopen and Elijah stepped out again . He sat down , leaving a metre gap between us , and

placed down a case of six beers .

” Sometimes a fucking drink helps . ” He said , taking a can out and opening it with one hand before

passing it to me . ” Yeah , guess you’re fucking right . The only problem is a hundred of these don’t

fucking help . ” I sighed , taking a gulp as he opened another can for himself . ” Yeah , true . ” We fell

silent again , just sitting there in silence , drinking the beer . The smell of the fresh earth and grass mixed

with the cool breeze was refreshing . The promise of approaching rain clung in the air . I tossed my

cigarette stub onto the ground and took another one out . ” Want one ? ” I asked , holding out the packet


” Why the fuck not ? ” He shrugged , Laking one and placing it between his – lips . I smirked , now that

was a fucking first . I took the lighter out , lighting it for him before lighting a second for myself . ” I’m

guessing Scarlett would fucking blow if she knew I got you hooked . ”

” I won’t get hooked , besides she won’t know unless you fucking snitch . ” He remarked , taking a drag

on his cigarette . ” Is she with the girls again ? ” ” Yeah , and Clara is currently with Dante . I’ll be going

back though . ” He remarked . ” I appreciate you two being here and shit , but with Liam working overtime

you would need to go back .

” I blew out the smoke , slowly staring out at the swaying short grass . ” We’ll go back when we need to ,

right now they have it covered , but if what you’re saying about Kiara is true … I don’t want to leave yet .

” He replied quietly . I didn’t reply . Kiara … Fuck I really hope she was going to be ok..

We sat there silently going through three cans of beer each , making small jokes , or in my case –

annoying the fuck out of him , but when the first drops of rain began to fall , we decided to head ‘ inside .

Sometimes you just need that moment to sit back with someone who gets you . It was the following day

and I tried not to think about what she had said about Azura . It was maybe just a fucking one – off and

she was going to be completely fucking fine .

Elijah said he’d let Scarlett know to keep an eye on her whilst the both of us were out . The day fucking

flew by , research after research got us fucking nowhere . It was now late afternoon and I really fucking

hoped Kenneth , the fucker , had some answers in two days time- because I had fucking nothing . ”

Alpha , high witch Janaina is on the phone . ” Drake , my other Delta , held the phone out to me . Is it

weird that I just realised that both my Delta’s names and my Beta’s started with a fucking D ? Maybe

that’s why they were all dickheads at times , ” Alpha ? ” He snapped my attention out of my thoughts ,

and I gave him a scathing glare , taking the offered phone from him . ” Yeah ? ” ” 1 ” Hello to you , King

Alejandro . ” ” We can skip pleasantries . ” This woman was fucking antagonising .

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” Well , I have checked on our side : There is nothing that we have discovered that linked Endora to the

Feugo De Ceniza pack , so you can rest assured that it isn’t something she has done . It may be

something from the Rossi side , perhaps from your father’s past . ” I frowned . So for once , that bitch

Endora was not fucking behind this . Then again , I couldn’t fucking rule her out entirely . She had

fucking messed up shit for us more than once . ” How fucking sure can you be ? ” ” Very sure , I would

not have called you if I

wasn’t , however , if anything happened after she was mated to your father , then I cannot speak for her .

I am speaking of what she did before she found him . We looked into her parents ‘ pack and everything

else , but there is nothing . Whatever this Alpha wants , it’s not MI because of Endora , I can assure you

of that . ” Her voice was firm and cold , like always . ” Fine . Thanks for looking into it . If you do find

anything else , let me know . ”

” I will . We will continue to look into any way to locate the Djinn , but currently , I don’t think we will find a

solution . It will be extremely difficult , and I fear that it is something you will have to figure out yourself . ”

” Yeah . I fucking guess so . ” I hung up , rubbing my jaw as I frowned . The silence in my room was

fucking loud

My current plan of action was to find the pup , see if the fucker comes for him . In that time ; question the

kid and grill him for any fucking information possible , then find the one behind it , meaning his father ,

and somehow get everything fucking undone . A sudden thought occurred to me , I looked down at the

phone and rang Janaina back .

” Hello , ” ” One more thing … Does killing a Djinn undo his magic ? ” I asked . Silence ensued , but I

didn’t miss the small intake of breath . ” King Alejandro … You may be a Lycan …. But you are treading

an extremely dangerous path of thought . To kill a Djinn means suffering the consequences . There is

always a price to pay to kill an immortal . *

” You didn’t answer my fucking question . Will killing him , undo the curse ? ” She huffed with irritation . ”

Yes , because Djinns are immortal , as long as they live , their magic is intact . If they are killed , then yes

, with it all their magic unravels too . ” She replied in a clipped tone . I sat back in my chair , placing my

legs on the table , crossing my legs at my ankles .

” Then you know my next question , right ? How the fuck do you kill a Djinn ? Authors Note : Who didn’t

love that bromance between El and Al ? Please do drop a gem if you enjoyed this chapter . Also please

check out my new book My Alpha’s Betrayal : Burning In The Flames Of His Vengeance

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