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Kingdom's Bloodline

Chapter 641 Emerald Legion
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Chapter 641 Emerald Legion

"Really, really, really, very sorry, Your Royal Highness Thales."

The special security officer of the Emerald City—and the security officer in charge of the Duke of Star Lake's trip—Kaguire, sweating profusely, followed Thales step by step.

"Please forgive me. The Queen’s Day celebration is just around the corner. The pressure on the Emerald City’s security and defense has increased sharply. However, we are still duty-bound in such an accident, and I cannot tell you how sorry, ashamed and ashamed I am at this time. Embarrassed..."

At this moment, Thales, dressed in regular clothes and with the emblems removed, is walking on the bustling streets of the Queen’s City, passing by countless people who are busy with their livelihoods. The people of the Star Lake Guard lurking around in a protective formation. , The guards and guards of the Emerald City followed further away, as the whole team slowly advanced, ready to call for support at any time.

"You really should be ashamed!"

Huiya walked beside Thales, angrily:

"There are people who are holding weapons in broad daylight and in full view, attacking His Royal Highness's team, and clamoring for a duel? It is unacceptable from the perspective of safety or impact. Such a thing is unprecedented—cough—the last time it happened. The matter is still..."

is still the last time.

Tyers felt the city appearance of the Emerald City with great interest, while silently completing the words of the attendant.

According to Cacquere, the Emerald City was originally arranged with manpower and cleared the streets, ready to hold a "grand and gorgeous" welcoming ceremony for the prince to enter the city, to demonstrate the importance and enthusiasm of the Kevin Deere family for the prince's southern tour , Until the inexplicable farce:

The hot-headed actions of the little earl exposed Thales’ identity. The news of the prince’s appearance spread like wildfire, and crowds of people watching the excitement kept pouring in from all over the city until the police force was overwhelmed.

For safety reasons, Thales and his team had to change the itinerary, change the location, and even change their faces, hiding their identity ("like a thief."-D.D) low-key into the Emerald City.

Obviously, the stone road in Queens City is not wide, and the blocks do not have the atmosphere and squareness of Yongxing City, but they are clean and tidy, reasonably arranged, and the building squares are scattered, and the streets are crowded, the carriages are in a hurry, and the workshops are busy. Endlessly, the bargaining in shops has been one after another.

"This is the price. It is only two coppers higher than last week. It is the Midil copper of the stars, not the alloy copper coins of Tyron! Remember to remind the **** ship when loading, don’t get pitted in the Tyron trade state..."

"The work on hand is more elaborate. This batch of orders is required by Changyin City. The standards of the Anrenzo people are the most demanding, but who asked them to give more..."

"Very good, the temperature is enough, yes, now try to melt the bituminous crystals in... put a little bit less! Put so much, do you want me to go bankrupt!"

"Urgent, urgent! Eight boxes of iron materials have been processed and delivered to Kofun Street in the new suburbs within today! Workers will use it to set up the jade festival, and they will be delivered first!"

"The celebration is here. Let’s stop work tomorrow for a holiday. You two will go to the gold spot with me today and save the remaining profit as a ticket..."

Everyone is busy for their livelihoods, and there is no extra energy to pay attention to other things, such as whether there is an extra star prince on the street where the workshops gather.

"The street where you are..." Sergeant Caguire wanted to say something else to relieve the embarrassment, but he was interrupted as soon as he spoke.

"This is the artisan area. Your Majesty, although the Emerald City has developed commerce and trade, you see, the raw materials are not enough. You have to turn them into usable goods before they can be sold. Therefore, various workshops and workshops are gathered here, turning around day and night. "

Dagory also followed behind the prince, introducing the Emerald City to the origins and enthusiasm, as if he was the landlord of this place:

"That direction is the Canal District, where there are many piers, and the transportation routes to various places, including Gonghai City, are there, full of sailor trackmen, and many warehouses and commercial warehouses; next door is the gold zone, and many chambers of commerce. Both the guild and the guild have leased land there, including private vaults and **** shops, and there are many wealthy people living there.

"The Cavalier District, where the City Management Office and the military camp are located, are you okay? Don’t mess with the soldiers; the Goddess District, the Temple of the Sunset in the Emerald City is here, hence the name, but it is most famous for having various art schools, performers, and painters. Different from the sculptor's studio, you can free your artistic imagination as much as you can;

"Iris District, in addition to abundance, a city should also learn to enjoy it. There are stage theaters, tea houses, bars, and casinos. By the way, the Temple of Dark Night is also here. Their dramas are much better than those in Wing Star City. Full of competitiveness;

"The Glory District, this is the old city. Long ago, people would gather here to open the market after entering the city, so this became a variety of grocery markets; on the other side is the new suburb. As the Emerald City expands, the surrounding areas The area is more complicated..."

"Of course, the center and the highest point of the city are the Kongming Palace, where the Kevin Deer family lived, the government affairs hall, the court hall, the security hall, and the notary office are all inside. That is called a..."

"Wait," Thales interrupted Dagori suddenly, "You mean, these public institutions and offices are all in the Kongming Palace, in the palace of Duke Jane?"

"I know, Your Highness, it's rare to see, right," Dagoli beamed. "All the big cities I've been to, Everstar City, Glacier City, Cold Castle, Huigang, Junlin, Blade Tomb, Ruins, and even more. Far away Sword Lake City, Vine City, Levolbon...Only the Emerald City is like this. In other places, the lord’s castle is a steep and must-guard place, either strictly separated from other areas, or simply located outside the suburbs. If there are farms and houses, is there a way to follow the common people?"

Thyls thoughtfully said:

"It's true, you know, Star Lake Fort is on the edge of Star Lake, and there is a good distance from the nearest town."

"This belongs to the grace of the old duke of the previous generation," the real local, Sergeant Caquerei finally found the opportunity to interject, equally excited. "It is said that he was sympathetic to his subordinates when he was young and saw that the offices of different departments were too far apart, and his family situation The jumbled officials rushed back and forth, exhausted, so they opened the palace gates against the crowd, and provided the house buildings outside the main palace to the city government office for office work. For this reason, they even leveled out a few pieces that could have been rented out. Self-cultivating fields."

Thyls's face sank.

"Does this...help?" Miranda asked with a frown.

"Of course it works! First of all, this is the lord’s fortress. It has its own majesty. You can see the Duke’s room when you look up. You can see the Kevin Deere guards every day. People who come here, no matter if it is a complaint or a complaint. For the trial, if you are in charge of your wealth or the wealth of the sky, who dares not to obey? Secondly, what an honor it is to work in the Kongming Palace. The officials are naturally grateful and loyal, and the old duke also wins the hearts of the people." Card Kuilei was confident and proud.

"In other words, in the Emerald City, there are many people going in and out of the Kongming Palace every day?" Huaiya wondered.

"Yes, but only on the periphery and the first floor-outsiders are still forbidden to enter the main palace. Of course, your Highness is going to the main palace."

"Will there be a safety issue like this?" Miranda questioned.

"This lady, please rest assured, especially on major festivals such as Queen’s Day. Not to mention the Kongming Palace. Everyone who enters the Emerald City and every piece of goods has strict registration procedures. I can’t bring in any extra kitchen knives..."

"Moreover, the city laws and regulations in Emerald City are quite strict and sophisticated, ranging from fines and imprisonment to exile," Dagoli saw the gap and hurried in. They are all protected by the Law of the Emerald City, not to mention felony crimes like stealing, robbery and fraud, as long as they are in the South Bank, even if the prisoner escapes to the border, he will be arrested and sentenced."

"It seems that I can only run away after the grab, and escaped from the South Bank overnight," D.D said grinningly, then his complexion became stiff, "What's the matter, why are you looking at me?"

"I can see that the city is in order, which shows the care of the governors."

Thyls remembered the three districts of the lower city of Yongxing City, as well as the shield district and the bow district of Longxiao City, and couldn't help but sigh: "Every year on Queen's Day, are there so many people in the Emerald Festival?"

"Of course, Your Highness, of course, this is the famous signboard of Emerald City. It can be regarded as the most important festival of the year." Caquerei was in a complicated mood. Every year, the hotels and posts in the surrounding towns can be crowded, but the Emerald City has been expanding and expanding its soil. And the annual celebration week is the time when the Emerald City’s public security is the most stressful, and the three religions are mixed. The Vigilance Department and the Emerald Legion will definitely have to work overtime, and this year, even more unfortunately, more people have come than usual..."

Caguire said this and quickly silenced, looking at His Royal Highness nervously.

"I know, because of me?" Thales was calm.

Caguirei nodded awkwardly: "Well, your Highness is going to participate in the Emerald Celebration. Naturally it is an honor for us South Bank people. You are very popular, so everyone is here eagerly..."

"So, in order to celebrate a festival," D.D is unknown, "The Emerald City is looking for sins on its own. As for it?"

"Of course not, this lord, so the emerald celebration is more than that."

When Dagori saw the opportunity, he hurriedly interjected: "For those of us in business, it is also very important. Your Majesty, you might as well regard the Jade Festival as a big bazaar, where many businessmen with big business can get together. One hall is looking for new business opportunities, but its total amount and categories involve much more than most markets in the world-many cross-sea, large-scale and regular transactions were negotiated during this period, and countless All the money and goods of this week determine the future direction."

Tels nodded:

"And this is good for the development of Emerald City, right?"

"That's natural. They have a lot of tax revenue in various transactions, especially sea trade, and the secondary value extended after these transactions, and a series of transaction chains thereafter; they can also use this to attract re-export trade and improve The status of the port; it can even grasp the price trend of bulk resources, gather similar merchants, and form industry guilds and guilds in the Emerald City, in order to occupy the mainstream in an industry, seize the right to speak and even monopolize...In short, after the Scarlet Year , The territories directly under Kevin Deere, especially the port towns, are getting richer and richer: Emerald City, Gonghai City, Fengling Town, Shuori Town...Either rely on fine industry, or rely on transshipment trade to get rich, plus their original Some bituminous minerals, tut tut..."

Got it, Jayne is rich-he has been reminded countless times.

Thales sighed in his heart.

If this is not the case, I am afraid the king will not send him here.

"That's why the laws and regulations of the Emerald City are so strict and detailed, and the scope of law enforcement is so broad, and even the lord's palace is used as an endorsement to increase the authority of law enforcement," Miranda said, "because it can guarantee the security of every merchant here. The safety of life and property guarantees the smooth and stable transactions. Only so many businessmen are willing to come here, look for opportunities during the Jade Festival, and then regard it as the best trade transit."

Caguire and Dagorizi turned their heads together, and they were a little surprised to see that the girl who was speaking was the girl.

And Miranda looked at the people coming and going on the street, the business was prosperous, and her mood was complicated.

Here, after all...not a military fortress.

Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt

"But I heard Megan Sacrifice say," Huaiya hesitated, "'You should be cruel to the merchant and be kind to the farmer'."

"Hey, if the sunset is really cruel to the merchants, who will transport the farming tools to the farmers? You can't ask them to make all their own pots and pans, right?" Dagoli waved his hand, "And I heard, in this parish of the Emerald City , The priests of the Sunset Church are in charge, and they have a deeper interpretation of the doctrine..."

When they came to an intersection, when Caguire left to arrange the leading affairs ahead, Thales recruited Dagori to his side and asked in a low voice.

"Dagori, I have a question: Since the law and order in the Emerald City are so good, if I want to do something that is not convenient for the authorities to know, who do I call?"

Dagory was surprised when he heard this.

"Uh, this, your lord, the situation in Nan'an Ling is different from other places in the country," the wine merchant chuckled, "It's the gangsters, you have to abide by the laws here, you can't do anything wrong..."

Tyers squinted his eyes:

"Really? So, your role is really just to be a guide for me?"

The prince's eyes made Dagor's heart tighten.

"...But if you insist, it is not impossible to choose," Dagori changed his words instantly. "It should be said that in the Emerald City, doing evil is also a business. You can only use gray methods within the scope of the rules."

Dagory glanced around, coughed, and leaned forward to Thales.

"In the Emerald City, whether it is the Blood Bottle Gang or the Brotherhood, their heads are familiar with the official."

"Blood Bottle Gang and Brotherhood, here?" Thales frowned.

"Yes, but as I said, the rules here are different from the kings. They at least have a tacit understanding. Although they are hostile to each other, they rarely fight on a large scale-at least they don't do it in the city. They know what they can touch and what they can't touch. , What can be done in the city, what can only be done outside the city, what can be done by yourself, and what must be notified to everyone. These tacit understandings are not only the territory of power, but also the scope of interest. For example, the head of the Brotherhood The wolf' La Zanqi Feisuo is running his'refreshing health care products'..."

"You mean drug trafficking?"

Dago's inner color changed.

"They don’t use the term here. Your Highness, it doesn’t sound good. It doesn’t conform to the laws of the Kingdom or the Emerald City Law... In short, Faisuo is rooted in the new suburbs and North Gate Bridge, but he is very knowledgeable and understands the rules of the Emerald City. I have complied with it very well, never do things like stealing, snatching and kidnapping — at least not too much, not obstructing the official way of making money, doing comparisons, as you said, looks like'refreshing health care products' The business of'You Love My Wish' is still secretly done to control the quality and quantity, so he has been integrated here in the past ten years.

"In addition, the blood bottle gang has been entrenched here for a long time. They are in the Canal District, have a good relationship with several major guilds and business guilds, and even with the Security Department. If they want to make money, they naturally have a lot easier. They basically collect money to do things. , And some people wipe their buttocks. As long as they don’t do things that damage the Emerald City, the police officer will also give them a bit of face. The leader here was "Magic Blade" Catherine. The son became Fergu the "Wanderer". How do you say, he, uh, is not very comfortable with the status quo, and is less routine. I heard that the major guilds are a little annoying for him."

Fishuo the wolf, Catherine the Magic Blade.

Thales narrowed his eyes: "That's it? Nothing?"

"Well, the Emerald City has strict law and order. Except for them, basically other gangs of thieves are not a climate, and they dare not engage in big business..."

Thales sneered and repeated:

"I mean, that's it?"

Dagory understood the meaning of the prince in a few seconds, hesitated for a while, and squeezed out an ugly smile:

"That, that...Yes, we are not talented. We have some talkable contacts in the new suburbs and the Canal District, so hey, if there is anything inconvenient for your Highness, you can ask our friends to do it for us... of course. It's legal, I mean at least it's not illegal, um, it's not totally illegal, or it's not seriously illegal."

Thales nodded.

Counting that handkerchief was not given away.

"Mr. Dagori? I have a question." Miranda walked into them. "Since the Emerald City wants to ensure that its security and order are sufficiently stable, it must hire a large number of security officers to maintain order in the city, but as you said, What about the traffic arteries outside the city? You can’t get out of the Emerald City and be robbed by bandits, or be robbed by a bully dude, but you have nowhere to complain, right?

"Also, if the borders of the Emerald City are expanding year after year and the walls are in vain, how can they guard against foreign enemies? It is so rich, rich merchants and nobles are endless, what if there are bandits and robbers in the territory? Call everyone to take up weapons and go out for a wave?"

Miranda’s problem caught everyone’s attention. Dagori felt the concern and his eyes lit up:

"This lady next to Your Highness, you are right to ask.

"After the South Bank became rich, its public security problems have plagued the old duke for a long time. Although he has never faced the war of the **** years, after the war, the Kasai pirates took the opportunity to looting on the sea, and secondly there were sporadic bandits and rebels. After entering the country roaring in, Sanlai Nan'an leader responded to the enlistment order of the Kingdom's North Anti-Exter, and the leader's vitality was greatly injured. The Duke temporarily exempted many vassals from military service obligations."

He rubbed his hands and pointed to a group of knights passing by from a distance. They were well-equipped and equipped with weapons.

"Therefore, the old duke who has no soldiers in his hands had to invite different mercenaries from the Kasai Islands, the desert, and the other side of the end sea, which is the east land. On the one hand, they let them patrol the confinement and guard the land and Jingan. On the other hand, Also let them monitor each other."


Thyls frowned when he thought of what happened in the great desert.

"But are they not afraid of mercenaries rebelling?"

The Duke couldn’t help saying:

"When fighting a war, foreign mercenaries were motivated or dissatisfied when they saw money, and they were even bought by foreign enemies, which in turn brought the employer to the end. Such examples abound in history."

Everyone nodded, showing suspicion.

But Dagori smiled mysteriously and raised his finger:

"This is the brilliance of the old duke.

"First of all, he knew that the leaders of the mercenaries were businessmen in plain terms, just betraying their force, so when the old duke was negotiating, he summoned the leaders to a meeting and told them that he was going to give them a huge hire fee. , To ensure that the road around the Emerald City for a year is smooth, and the territory of Antai."

"The sky-high price? How much? Ten thousand torts? Twenty thousand torts? Fifty thousand? Eighty thousand?" D.D's eyes lit up.

"Neither," Dagori shook his head. "The old duke found his own financial officer and showed the figures of the financial statements for that year to the mercenary leaders. While shocking their jaws, they said that they got what they got. Employment payments will be a percentage of the fiscal revenue of the entire Emerald City and its surrounding territories in the next year."

The people around were silent.

"How much? What percentage?" D.D couldn't help but ask.

"I don’t know, this number is still a mystery, and there is everything to say, but it is said that the number is so large that many people think that the Duke is crazy, and his financial officer fiercely opposed it on the spot, even threatening to resign."

"What?" Thales frowned.

"But the old prince is still talking about the business, but he also has the conditions," Dagori said. "He wants the mercenaries who come to perform the task, and bring the family members during the task. He can divide the house and even the land for them. The land is divided for living, and even discounts for their transactions in the city. As long as the road defense task is completed, the contract can be renewed after the expiration. For tasks, bonuses will be calculated separately."

"This, this..." Miranda was a little surprised.

"And the old prince is not blindly tempting," Dagoli raised his finger and stared sharply. "It is said that he also reminded the leaders that Kevin Dearing would not die because of his friend, since the Emerald City is in this way. He can hire as many people as he can to look after the house today, and as much as possible tomorrow to hire other people to hunt down, no matter the ends of the world, the heavens and the hells, as long as there is one person living in the Iris family, as long as the Star Kingdom still has theirs. Allies, these words will count."

Everyone was thrilled.

"After careful consideration, many people refused, but in the end, three mercenaries accepted the contract-some said it was four. It is said that the fourth was secretly hired by the duke to monitor the first three as a backup method to prevent changes. .

"But even so, the number of the three mercenaries is enough. They took a deposit and were promised sky-high hire fees. Just like that, around the Emerald City, the mountains and savages patrolled and practiced, fighting bandits and chasing after them. Robber, for a whole year. And the Duke has set up strict laws to deter robbers. It is said that even if he finds a copper coin on the road, he must consciously hand him in, otherwise he will be suspected of being a thief and robber. So even the most fierce robber came to Jade. The city had to become a law-abiding citizen.

"The second year, the third year...everyone thinks the old duke is crazy, saying that no matter how rich Kevin Deere continues, the finances will collapse sooner or later," Dagori cleared his throat, "but afterwards, there will be Many mercenaries made enough money, so they did not renew their contracts or even retire, but many of their families are still here, so many of those who plan to provide for the elderly stay here and become people in the Emerald City. In the sixth and seventh years, the number of mercenaries dropped to a point, the original mercenary leaders also retired, and the old duke renewed the contract with them.

"He left the original mercenary officers, organized the three mercenaries into one, and then gave a long-term contract to pay each soldier a fixed amount of fees, so that they would be the Kevin Deere family and the Emerald City for a long time. Service, responsible for maintaining the surrounding security. In order to supplement the number of people, the old duke also allowed them to recruit soldiers locally-with houses and land, no big battles, no need to travel far, which is not better than running around and scared? So the Jade Army Corps This is how it was established. Look, those who patrol the streets on horseback are that they come to the city to support in the Emerald Celebration. Are they more prestigious than the police officer?"

Tyers heard a move in his heart: "So, just because of this, the South Bank has almost abolished the levy system?"

Dagory glanced up and thought:

"It can't be said to be abolished. There are still individual lords who have been calling for military service and labor service."

So when the state was at the meeting, when the king asked the princes to send troops, Janen couldn't even get two thousand conscripts.

Thales thought.

"The Emerald Legion has a small number of people, but in this way, the men in the territory do not have to perform compulsory labor or military service for the lord, and it does not affect farming and production. It is good to dare. If you really want to be a soldier, then Go to the Emerald Legion, isn't this better than when you were levied before?"

Miranda couldn’t help but speak:

"Hire a foreign army, so many years, really haven't had any problems?"

"I heard that everyone had this kind of worry at the beginning, and the merchants did not dare to come for a while," Dagori said. "But it turned out that a full meal is still a full meal, even if it is crude like a mercenary. Clear."

Huaiya had an idea:

"Wait, this is not a bit like, like, like that..."

"The Standing Army of the Royal Family." Thales raised his head and looked at the blue-clad knights in the distance, slightly surprised:

"In fact, the predecessor of the Standing Army was also a...mercenary from a hundred years ago."

Everyone was stunned for a while, but then fell into deep thought.

At this moment, Thales, who was standing on the streets of Emerald City, suddenly understood why he was coming to the South Bank after the Northern Territory and the Western Wilderness.

This place is far more complicated than the city of queens that he heard heard in the capital.

"That's still incomparable," Dagori smiled shyly. "The Emerald Legion, the Emerald Legion, although they are called by this name, are at best the local security forces, and the Royal Standing Army, it was from the Scarlet Years. The strong soldiers that came out were more elites recruited from all over the country, well-equipped, well-trained, and led by three commanders, oh, of course, there are also the wise guides of the Canstar Royal Family..."

"Soldier of training," Thales groaned, "not as long as a soldier."

Dagory nodded:

"So, the green hats are equivalent to replacing conscripts..."

Hearing this, Thales couldn't help frowning:

"Wait, what hat?"

Dagory approached graciously and pointed out more and more Emerald Legion knights in the distance to Thales:

"Look, their clothing colors are all emerald green, look at the hat again, hehe, then, isn't their nickname just the green hat!"

Thales was black and was silent for a while.

"So that's it, everyone in this corps is green hated by Jen?"

"Oh, this is not the Duke of Jane's credit, although he is also very wise," Dagoli chuckled. "The old Duke I was talking about was the late Lord Leinster."

"You mean, Duke Jen's father," Thales groaned, "Leinster Kevin Deere?" The latest_epi_sodes are on_the novelenglish.net . fire(.)nᴇt

"Of course, Your Highness, the old duke is wise, wise, generous and righteous. He governed the South Bank in an orderly manner. Everyone is grateful for his kindness," Dagori said, sighing, "It's a pity that good people are always inviting. envy…"


Leinster Kevin Deere.

Tyers looked at the bright and clean streets, thinking of the Duke Kevin Deere who had passed away nearly ten years ago, frowning.


and many more.

Thales suddenly felt wrong.

Those people from the Emerald Legion...

How does ?? grow more and more?

is getting closer and closer?

just now.

"Xinghu, vigilance!"

Malles’ roar came from the front!

This time, his tone was serious, far beyond the level of the little earl before he punched the card!

Thales was surprised. The Star Lake Guards, who had practiced countless times in Star Lake Castle, acted instinctively. The guards hidden in the crowd quickly gathered beside Thales and formed a team, but they took the street. The pedestrians were shocked, and Glover didn't know where he came out, and together with Wiya, he blocked Thales tightly ("Your Highness, be careful... Your Highness, your Highness, no, no! Don't do it again! Struggling, this is a necessary protective measure!").

But Thales didn’t have to be surprised soon.

Humming, Humming, Humming...

With the tidy and powerful sound of horseshoes, the blue knights in the distance gathered together and formed a formation, rushing to the main street of the artisan district and rushing towards them.

"Is that green, green hat?" Dagori exclaimed.

Humming, Humming...

The sound of horseshoes remained the same, and the Jade Legion did not stop, but circumvented the Star Lake Guard from both sides.

What is ?? doing?

"Stop!" Mallos shouted angrily.

Tyles tried to squeeze Glover's arm away and looked forward.

"Commercial name!"

In the shout of Mallos, a leading blue-armored knight in the Green Hats-Emerald Legion stepped out more and more. His expression was cold, but his eyes were frightening.

"I am the royal knight of the kingdom, the Seychelles captain of the Emerald Legion."

Seychelles spoke loudly, attracting pedestrians from the whole street:

"I have been ordered by Jen Kevin Deer, the lord of the Emerald City, the noble guardian duke of the South Bank of the Kingdom of Stars, to support the law enforcement of the colleagues of the Canal District Security Agency!"

In the array of the Star Lake Guardians, Mallos lifted his hood and turned his body forward without giving way:

"There is no law for you to hold here—unless it is the law of death."

The eyes of Mallos and Seychelles met in the air.

The latter sneered and reined in his horse.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

But in the next second, the moment Seychelles turned his head, he immediately slammed his sword out, the sword light flashed swiftly, and murderous aura overflowed!

At that moment, Thales tightened all over, and the crime of Hell River came uninvited, making him subconsciously want to raise his arm to block.


Behind Mallos, Toledo yelled with a knife in his hand, but was held firmly by Mallos!

Xinghubao everyone's heart is tight.

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

I saw the tip of the Seychelles sword staying between Mallos’s eyes, only a slight difference, unexpectedly stable.

On the street, the crowd onlookers was in an uproar.

"That knight," Miranda found she couldn't help pulling out the sword. She gritted her teeth, "Such a distance can make us so nervous. He is...not weak."

Tyles appeased the crime of the burning prison river, and turned his head again, only to find that Glover, Wiya, Rolf, and even D.D had a solemn expression, and everyone subconsciously pulled their swords out of their sheaths.

"Damn it, I feel that the sword is coming to me..." Huaiya gritted his teeth, barely speaking.

"But Little Tomon—Lord Mallos bears the brunt..."

D.D looked at Marius, who was motionless and calm before the sword, in disbelief: "It seems he has something!"

This is…

Miranda stared at Mallos:

The strength of the Terror Blade?

At this moment.

"Seychelles Captain, Seychelles Knight! Wait a minute! Wait a minute!"

Tyers’ security officer, Security Officer Caguire led a team of security officers and crawled out of the crowd, "Well, misunderstanding, misunderstanding!"

His face was pale, and he did not dare to approach the murderous Seychelles and Mallos, only dared to wave his hands on the side:

"This is the distinguished guest of the Emerald City and Duke Janen, the noble Duke of Star Lake, His Royal Highness Thales Canxing!"

As soon as this statement came out, people on the whole street exploded.

But Seychelles remained unmoved.

He just stared at Marius, the sword in his hand never trembled.

The watchman of the royal guard also looked back at him indifferently, even though he was in a dangerous situation, as long as he slipped, he might end up with a sword.

"Seychelles knight, please, please..." Caguire almost begged.

A few seconds later, Seychelles finally condensed the killing intent in his eyes, and instantly retracted the sword back to its sheath.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief, and all put away their weapons.

Inspector Caguire was the most. He gasped, almost paralyzed on the ground.

"You didn't draw your sword," Seychelles said coldly, "Why?"

Malios looked at the other person riding on the horse. After a few seconds, he closed his eyes and exhaled: "Because..."

The watchman raised his head generously and smiled politely:

"I'm too late."

When ?? said these words, everyone was taken aback.


Among them, Miranda's expression is the most complicated, and even Seychelles stiffens for a moment.

"So," the knight-captain of the Emerald Legion was silent for a while, looked exactly in Thales' direction, and leaned forward immediately, "Forgive me for not recognizing you. Offended, Your Royal Highness."

Tyles looked at Seychelles, frowned, but did not answer.

He seems...to understand what Jen is playing.

Sure enough, in the next second, Seychelles will turn its horse's head and look serious!

"Dagori Moss!"

As soon as the name ?? was exited, the guards of the Star Lake turned around, revealing the wine merchant Dagori, who was hiding behind everyone, standing in place, dumbfounded.

"Through the report of the Wine Merchants Association, the Canal District Security Agency found that you were charged with multiple crimes in the field, including but not limited to wage deduction, arrears of expenses, overdue debts and breach of contract, including even a murder!"

Seychelles spoke coldly, and the content of the words made the onlookers on the street more excited.

not good.

Tels tensed his face and looked at Dagori.

When Kingdom Secret Division developed him into an informant, didn't he pay attention to his past-Raphael obviously used these to threaten him, isn't it?

The latter reacted, and he panicked and shook his head desperately:

"His Royal Highness Thales, I, no..."

The people in Xinghubao were equally surprised, their eyes wandering between the wine merchant and the prince.

But Thales clenched his teeth and said nothing.

Seychelles slowly raised her head and looked at Dagori:

"So, you are the wine merchant... I heard my colleagues in the Security Department say that you have found a powerful and powerful gold master to cover your sins?"

He changed his conversation:

"Or, your sin was committed for others' advice?"

Big gold master.

Tyers looked at the onlookers all over the street and sighed inwardly.

Damn it, Jayne.

Following your way again.

Dagory looked at Seychelles in disbelief:

"No, Captain Seychelles, Duke Jean, he..."

But Seychelles’s wording is harsh and cannot be contested:

"Listen! Although the Emerald City and the South Bank are remote, they are also the territory of the Star Kingdom! We are still blessed and shining by the setting sun, and honor the rule of His Majesty Kessel Canxing, absolutely illegal!"

"No matter whose team you are in, whoever can get asylum!"

Dagory understood something, he shuddered and fell limp to the ground.

"For the sake of law and justice, the Emerald Legion will arrest you here."

Green Cap—Seychelles is talking, but his eyes are close to Thales.

That feeling is not much better than being pointed at by the tip of a sword.

"Now, is anyone going to stop it?"

(End of this chapter)