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Legacy of the Dark Sage

Chapter 102 An Unexpected Development
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"Oh? A mere human with no Fae blood can actually see me?" Lumi commented curiously with both her brows raised.

She looked at Callan, who bowed his head toward her respectfully.

"Not at all. It is just that the circumstances right now allowed me to see your Ladyship," Callan replied with a smile.

"President..." Silas started. However, he stopped because he did not know how to start. Or how he could explain. And if he did explain, how much should he tell? But apart from all these doubts, he was more concerned about the fact that the President could see Lady Lumi than his relation with Spirits being revealed.

Callan turned his attention back at Silas and chuckled softly after seeing the fear reflected in his eyes.

"Do not fret, young Silas." He said and patted Silas's shoulder. "You are part of the Mercenary Hall, so you're secret is safe."

Silas remained silent as he looked at Callan.

"Besides, as her Ladyship said, I do not possess the Fae blood, and under normal circumstances, I also cannot see Spirits."

'Under 'normal' circumstances?' Silas wondered in confusion.

Lumi's face suddenly brightened as if realizing something. She then laughed and nodded her head. "I see. So this is why."

"What did you see, Lady Lumi?" Silas asked while turning his attention to her.

"Humph. You and your useless brain. Did I not say the smell here is different?"


Lumi sighed, "Pathetic, simply pathetic. Even your sense of smell is useless."

Silas's expression turned bleak, but he did not retaliate. He still feared Lady Lumi. It was not until he reunited with her that he realized he had not overcome his childhood trauma, even though he knew Lumi could not harm him with her strength having regressed.

Lumi looked at Callan and said, "This must be because of the Crystal Blood Flower."

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Callan smiled and bowed a little at her, "Yes. You are very keen. Lady Spirit."

"Crystal Blood Flower?" Silas repeated in surprise.

He was a descendant of mages with Fae blood; thus, he was aware of things that had relations with Spirits. Crystal Blood Flower was a rare flower that only grew in a special environment. It was usually used to concoct a potion that could help descendants of a mage with Fae blood with low Spirit affinity to develop their ability to see Spirits. Of course, the potion would only work if that person had Fae blood, even if it was only a drop, else the potion could be poisonous. Another way to use the flower was to include it as an ingredient in an array calculation. Then anyone inside the array could develop the ability to see Spirits. However, creating such an array was difficult and costly thus, it was not advisable.

"Humph. To have such a rare plant and even use it extravagantly for the sake of creating an array to see us. Do you need to be cautious about us playing pranks on you?" Lumi asked with a sneer.

Callan shook his head and said, "You misunderstood our purpose for the array your Ladyship. The truth, we have known about you and young Silas. However, because we are unlcear of the current situation, we have to set this up to confirm young Silas's identity."

"My identity?" Silas frowned slightly.

Lumi's eyes narrowed. Her eyes glinted as she asked, "What is the current situation you are talking about?"

Callan looked around uneasily. Then he looked at them apologetically and said, "It is unsafe to discuss it here. Please, follow me."

Silas and Lumi exchanged glances. They did not ask any questions and quietly followed Callan as he led them out the door.


An explosion erupted near the edge of the ravine.

This was where Kyran was bombarded by the attacks of the 'voices'.

Smoke and dirt mingled together, filling the whole scene.

Around the smoke, semi-transparent white figures dressed in a full armored suit appeared one after another. Their faces were covered because of these suits, and what they looked like could not be verified. Their sizes also varied from small to large, and they were all looking at the center of the explosion.

A gust of wind blew away most of the smoke and slowly revealed the aftermath of the explosion.

At the center of the explosion stood Kyran. His eyes were closed, and he was breathing steadily. And although his clothes looked tattered, he stood with his swords in front of him, looking as if he could launch a counterattack any minute.

The semi-transparent figure closest to Kyran suddenly spoke.

[Why did you not avoid our attacks?]

Kyran slowly opened his eyes, which they all noticed were glowing in silver. He did not reply and only stood in silence.

Watching them.

Earlier, before the attacks rained down on him, he suddenly remembered an incident when he was only ten years old, and he had to take the Regis's Baptism.

When a chosen Regis member received a drop of dragon's blood at the age of four, it was not until they were 10 years old that they had to undergo the baptism. After receiving the dragon's blood, they first had to fully assimilate the dragon's blood into their system. And once they turned 10, they would be thrown into the heart of the Regis's Ancestral Land, where they had to use the Regis Body Tempering Technique to its fullest and upgrade it to the next phase.

At that time, Kyran was too unfortunate to have encountered a group of Gryffs, a mythical beast with half of its body looking like a horse but with an eagle's head and wings on its back. Because he was too inexperienced in facing such creatures, he could only run and look for an opportunity to launch a surprise attack. However, he soon realized that although these creatures had attacked him relentlessly, they never dealt a fatal blow. After that, he decided to stop running and endure their attacks. It was not long after the Gryffs stopped their attacks, and they all looked at him curiously. When he remained unmoved, the Gryffs finally retreated and left.

When Kyran left the Ancestral Land, his father knew what he did. He commended what he did and told him that to win a war; one must sometimes know how to endure the other side's attack without fighting back.

The situation Kyran was in right now was almost the same.

When the vines wrapped around his legs and he was even poisoned, although he had a certain immunity to poison, Kyran realized that the poison was not fatal and only had a numbing effect.

The same goes for the previous attacks. The attacks were relentless, but it was not fatal.

It was true the words the voices had spoken were misleading. Anyone bombarded with attacks after hearing those would turn vigilant and retaliate to protect themselves.

But after Kyran calmed down, he remembered how these voices at first mistook him as the 'Monarch' and then suddenly switched to the 'Dragon Lord'.

It did not make sense to him why they would attack after being mistaken as the 'Monarch', even though he suddenly appeared to have the 'Dragon Lord's' ability.

And so, he made a gamble, and instead of avoiding the attacks, he urged the Regis Body Tempering Technique to its next phase and endured.

[Who are you, really? Why do you possess both the Monarch's and the Dragon Lord's abilities?]

The semi-transparent figure asked once again.

Sensing that these 'beings' were not planning to attack him again, Kyran finally lowered his arm. But he still stayed vigilant, and his grip on his swords remained firm.

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"If you're talking about the Dar-the Void Master when you spoke of the Monarch, then... its because I'm the descendant of both of them." Kyran replied honestly.

At this point, he did not want to lie. He did not see any merit in lying to them. Besides, he vaguely felt that these beings were related to Void Master and might even be his retainers.

[Descendant of both?]

The figure repeated, sounding doubtful.

[You do not look anything like them.]

Kyran belated remembered he was still wearing his mask. Although his hair was still black, he did look very different using Tyr's face and his unusual aquamarine eye color.

"Well that's because I was wearing a mask," he explained and took off his mask.

As soon as he had taken off his mask, everyone around him, including the one who seemed to be the leader, gasped.

Immediately they knelt on the ground, creating a thunderous sound that echoed in the whole forest.


They all greeted in unison.

Kyran was taken aback by their sudden change in attitude. Besides, although he did not know what the Dark Sage looked like, he was positive that the Dark Sage did not have black hair or dark gray eyes.

How come they were suddenly convinced that he was the Monarch?

Would they not first think he was the 'Dragon Lord' given his physical appearance? Especially with the Regis's trademark of black hair and dark grey eyes?

"Uhm... Look. I... I'm not your Monarch-."

[Nonsense! We will never mistake that face anywhere!]

The leader exclaimed while looking at Kyran. Then he gasped and slammed his head on the ground.

[Please forgive me for interrupting! Please punish your ungrateful subordinate!]

Kyran's brow twitched.


This sudden development was too much for Kyran to take in.