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Legacy of the Dark Sage

Chapter 469 Convincing Styx
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After the Beast Hunt incident, the Royal Family, particularly the Crown Princess, was agitated. With Savagery's untimely death, Deception likely put enormous pressure on her. As for Ruin, he was likely getting more serious in searching for the person the Crown Princess had asked him to find.

Kyran and True Void guessed Ruin was looking for Cyneah.

Honestly, even if Kyran prepared several safety measures to protect Cyneah, he knew that if Ruin got serious, all his preparations would end up useless. Apart from this, when the two met, he would not stand a chance. To be precise, 'Tyr' did not stand a chance against Ruin.

In any case, chances that Ruin would not recognize Kyran was slim. In the end, he would be forced to reveal his real identity and when that happened, his plans would fall out.

Kyran remembered Rivka's words. If Mannick had went through all that trouble just to ask for a meeting, then the situation within the Royal Family might not be good— at least not good for Kyran.

Worse case scenario, Kyran would leave the remaining compeitions of the joint military exercise in Neo's hands, then he would start his plan. As for who would replace Neo, Kyran would transfer the latter's information to Four, who was currently with Five creating magic items to test their motor skills back in the Blacksmith Order. Then Kyran would let Six help Five complete all the remaining magic items he owed. At least, Six could also start practising its motor skills there.

Kyran actually had a choice to do this early on. But because he was concerned about what the Royal Family had planned for the Field Operation, he was reluctant to leave.

"Master, there is only fifteen minutes left before the start of your match," Six's reminder brought Kyran out of his reverie.

'Yeah,' he replied while looking at him. With a slight smile he added, 'You don't have to complete the real Rive Effect array.'

"As you command, master."

Without further ado, Kyran stood up and made his way to the other side.

The audience, watching the progress of the participants in the Array Creation looked at Kyran in confusion. They were aware of his upcoming match against Kairo, but was it really okay for him to leave the array in the hands of his puppet? While they saw the puppet talking to Owen and Hamish earlier, and even appeared to be 'teaching' them some formulas, knowing the formula was different from creating them.

One of the crucial part of Array Creation was ensuring that the materials used during the whole process was properly sustaining magic energies in the surrounding. If not, then even if the formation was completed, it would not be able to activate.

Could it be that Kyran did not care about that as long as they could create the array? Since the points would be based on the Array's completion and not its activation?

That was a careless thing to do!

Seemingly aware of the doubts surfacing in each of the audiences' minds, the male announcer turned his attention to Kyran and said with a slight frown, "Disciple Tyr. Though the point system of the Array Creation only needed one to provide a certain completion rate of the array, remember that if it cannot activate it is considered a failed formation."

Kyran stopped in his tracks and looked at the male announcer with an increduluous expression.

"Why are you suddenly adding this rule?"

"I am not!" The manle announcer retorted. "Though I did not mention anything about activating the array, it should have been obvious."

"Obviously," Kyran snorted, looking at the male announcer disdainfully. "I'm an Array Specialist, you think I don't know that? Though an incomplete array cannot fully exert its supposed effect, it can still be activated."


Kyran chuckled. It might sound like he was a bully but he really liked messing around with the Courtenay Family's announcers.

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"Please don't belittle my cute puppet. I created it with having an assistant in Array creation in mind. Besides, if it can't even do a proper job as an assistant, would I even use it now?" Kyran said matter-of-factly and continued on his way.

The male announcer's brow twitched in annoyance. If not for Patriarch Ernst's warning to stay as composed as possible when dealing with the participants, he would have already taught Kyran a lesson.

This guy was such a smart ass.

Ignorng the male announcer's piercing glare, Kyran finally arrived at the Conclave's bench.

Sitting there with his eyes closed and arms crossed was Styx. An almost palpable murderous aura leaked out from him.

Kyran smiled bitterly.

It seemed, Styx was still disappointed at how his second match with Kairo had ended. In his next match, he would likely go all out and take down Rivka even if it meant going down together.

Such a troublesome guy.

How would Kyran convince Styx to forfeit his match against Rivka?

The truth, Kyran had a guess as to why Rivka forfeited. It was definitely not because he did not want to fight him. Most likely, Rivka's real target was Kairo. Kyran did not know if it was a good thing for Rivka to target one of their own, because if the Royal Family realized his plan, it would implicate Mannick.

Then again, with the internal conflict between Mannick and Imman being a common knowledge in the whole empire, maybe the Royal Family would only think of it as Rivka wanting to compete with Kairo.

Still, if Rivka could talk to him telepathically, then it meant his mage level was way above Kairo. If the two fought, wouldn't it seem like the former was bullying the latter?

Whatever. Kyran would not waste his brain cells trying to make sense of Rivka's actions.

Kyran sat beside Styx and was about to say something when the latter asked a question that rendered him speechless.

"Why did that guy forfeited?"

Kyran studied Styx's profile in surprise. As expected, Styx's intuition was really sharp.

After a short pause, Kyran decided to reply telepathically in case someone was trying to 'listen' or even 'read' their conversation.


'He is one of my predecessor's right man's man.'

As soon as Kyran replied this. He could not help but scratch his head. His answer confused him.

"What the f*ck?" Styx opened his eyes and looked at Kyran. He heard him answer aloud, but then said something different in his head.

Since he could not reply telepathically he could only try to convey his question using his eyes.

"What the f*ck are you even saying?"

Kyran smiled bitterly.

​ 'My predecessor's right hand man, is still alive. And Rivka is one of his man.'

Styx's eyes contracted in surprise, hearing Kyran's explanation.

It went without saying that Kyran's predecessor was the Dark Sage. But to have one of the Dark Sage's man to still be alive? What kind of sorcery did that guy use to live for a thousand years? More importantly, how did that guy even managed to stay alive all this years? The Royal Family did a thorough job at killing everyone connected to the Dark Sage.



Styx was missing the point here.

The Dark Sage's right hand man?

Styx almost choked after recalling who the Dark Sage's right hand man was.

The infamous Abjurer of all time, Azaloth!

Azaloth is still alive? How is that possible?

Styx's complexion was naturally tanned, but then it turned a deeper shade of brown, before turning green, and then finally, ghostly white.

Kyran found it amusing.

'Seems like you understand what I said,' he said.

"F*ck right, I do. But..."

Styx glowered at Kyran as if to say, "How is that even possible? Are you trying to mess with me? I'll f*cking kill you if you are!"

Kyran chuckled and looked at the Royal Army's corner.

Right now, Rivka was sitting with a blank expression, while Kairo was meditating beside him.

'I'm not. That's why in your next match, you don't have to fight. Just forfeit.'

"The hell I'd do that," Styx scowled and looked away. He also looked at Rivka and could not help but scowl further after seeing the latter with a blank expression.

Was this really Azaloth's man? More importantly, why would Kyran tell him such a big secret?

Suddenly, Styx felt cold sweat trickled down his spine. He wanted to have a serious fight against Kyran because he admired the Regis Clan's strength and wanted to experience it himself. However, Kyran's identity was not only a Regis, but also the new Dark Sage— rather, the new Void Master.

Styx admitted that Kyran's identity as the new Void Master had not fully registered to him yet. However, hearing about Azaloth and the fact that he was alive, not to mention Kyran speaking about it as if it was no big deal, got Styx's mind reeling in fear.

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Yes. Fear.

'I told you about Azaloth hoping to convince you to forfeit,' Kyran's voice broke Styx's reverie.

"You read minds, too?"

'I don't,' Kyran replied with a chuckle. 'But your expression spoke volumes.'


Kyran smiled, 'Don't worry. I know how to erase memories that's why telling you about Azaloth will not pose any risk.'

"Is that a threat?"


"F*ck," Styx growled in exasperation.

'Consider it a testament of my trust. In any case, Rivka's likely target is Kairo. If you don't forfeit, he might fight seriously and you will get hurt. I'd like to avoid that.'

Styx did not respond. Unlike his stubborn refusal to forfeit earlier, he was now trying to weigh his chances properly.

Kyran studied him for a moment. Why was Styx adamant about winning and moving up, anyway? To bring honor to the Conclave? Maybe. But that was definitely not something he would risk his life doing.

Suddenly, Styx's words earlier flashed in Kyran's mind.

"Tyr. Let's have a good math."

'That's right. What he really want is that simple,' Kyran thought.

With a smile, he said to Styx, 'After the Joint Military Exercise, let's have a good match.'

Styx's mood immediately changed. He looked at Kyran and replied without hesitation, "Deal."

Such a fast response, Kyran was speechless.

Was Styx's real motivation in winning to fight him? Seriously?

Kyran did not realize Styx had a childish side in him. It was rather surprising.

In any case, with Styx finally agreeing to forfeit, Kyran had one less thing to worry. If the scenario in his head played out well, the Solo Competition finals would be between him and Rivka.

"Participants for the next match, Tyr of the Conclave and Major General Kairo of the Royal Army, please come up to the arena."

The male announcer finally said, which caused the audience to be filled in excitement.

Finally, they would witness another good match!