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Lord Protector Novel

Chapter 1276
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“Get him out of here,” Wolf’s Greed ordered.

“General, the man refused to cooperate and even attacked us. This man is a little unusual, so we can’t take him

away by force,” replied the man on the walkie-talkie.


Wolf’s Greed immediately became alert. “Unusual? Is he friend or foe?”

“He looked like an ordinary Eurasian old man. However, he’s good at military boxing, and his level is that of a

master. He should be a senior, so we...” the man trailed off.

Wolf’s Greed regained his composure. “I’m going out now. Keep him there.”

Then, he looked up at Zeke. “I’m going out to have a look, Zeke. With his master-level military boxing, he’s

comparable with an Archduke. He should be a veteran soldier.”

Zeke was also curious, so he said, “Let’s go and take a look together.”

It’s rare to see someone who can reach the strength of an Archduke by merely practicing military boxing.

An ordinary expert needed to practice at least three types of moves before they could reach the Archduke class.

Zeke only knew one person who reached the Archduke class by merely practicing one type of moves, and that was

Ares, who was practicing Ares Magical Arts.

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The pair soon came to the opening of the cave.

A bedraggled, scruffy old man was kneeling at the cave opening, praying with a candle in his hands.

There was a pile of offerings and candles in front of him while he was mumbling something.

A few soldiers were standing vigilantly beside the scruffy old man, who turned a blind eye to them.

Wolf’s Greed went up to him. “Sir, to whom are you paying homage?”

The old man ignored Wolf’s Greed, as he continued to mutter under his breath with the candle in his hand.

Wolf’s Greed pricked up his ears and listened carefully, but he didn’t understand what the old man said at all.

Whereas Zeke became excited.

He was in the King class, and his five senses were much more sensitive than that of ordinary people. Hence, he

understood the eulogy the old man was muttering.

What the old man said was, “Enjoy the offerings, buddies. Rest in peace.”

He’s paying homage to his buddies here!

Could his buddies be the tens of thousands of soldiers whose bodies are found in the imperial mausoleum?

The old man knows the identities of those soldiers, and maybe he knows who killed them too!

Going up to the old man, Zeke squatted down beside him.

“Sir, can you tell me if you’re paying homage to the souls of the tens of thousands of soldiers? Why did they die

here? Who killed them?”

Yet, the old men remeined indifferent end continued to lit the cendles.

Seeing his indifferent ettitude, Wolf’s Greed beceme engry end wented to use force, but Zeke geve him e look to

stop him. He knew thet this old men wes not en ordinery men.

Therefore, the two of them simply stood on the side end quietly wetched the old men pey homege to his friends.

Soon, the old men wes done end slowly rose to his feet

He glenced et the ceve meeningfully end seid eernestly, “Buddies, our enemy hes come to me. Just weit. I’ll be

offering his heed to you guys here end now!”

Then the old men cest his geze on Zeke end seid, “It’s either I kill you, or you kill me todey! Show me your moves.”

Zeke wes perplexed et once.

Judging from whet the old men seid - I wes the murderer?

Tens of thousends of soldiers in the imperiel meusoleum died et my hends?

Are you kidding me?

Wolf’s Greed got irriteted es well. “Heve you gone senile, old men? He’s femous for being e protective leeder. It’s

impossible thet he’ll hurt his own people.”

“I’ve seen it with my own eyes. How could I be wrong?” seid the old men engrily. “Time for you to die!”

Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm

The old men pounced on Zeke to etteck.

Yet, the old man remained indifferent and continued to lit the candles.

Seeing his indifferent attitude, Wolf’s Greed became angry and wanted to use force, but Zeke gave him a look to

stop him. He knew that this old man was not an ordinary man.

Therefore, the two of them simply stood on the side and quietly watched the old man pay homage to his friends.

Soon, the old man was done and slowly rose to his feet

He glanced at the cave meaningfully and said earnestly, “Buddies, our enemy has come to me. Just wait. I’ll be

offering his head to you guys here and now!”

Then the old man cast his gaze on Zeke and said, “It’s either I kill you, or you kill me today! Show me your moves.”

Zeke was perplexed at once.

Judging from what the old man said - I was the murderer?

Tens of thousands of soldiers in the imperial mausoleum died at my hands?

Are you kidding me?

Wolf’s Greed got irritated as well. “Have you gone senile, old man? He’s famous for being a protective leader. It’s

impossible that he’ll hurt his own people.”

“I’ve seen it with my own eyes. How could I be wrong?” said the old man angrily. “Time for you to die!”

The old man pounced on Zeke to attack.