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Lord Protector Novel

Chapter 1804
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Zeke ordered, “Take him to me. Quickly! No, forget that. I'll see him myself. Take me to him.”

“Yes, sir!” Sole Wolf nodded quickly and led Zeke down to the underground dungeon.

Zeke would have Sole Wolf fly him straight to the dungeon if he could, for he wanted to see the owner of the badge

right that instant. The badge was special in that it only belonged to a direct spy. A direct spy was someone who had

the privilege to stay in contact with Zeke himself. There was no middleman in that either.

Even after so many years, only ten spies were promoted to the ranks of direct spies, and all of them held the very

same dragon badge Zeke was holding.

A few years ago, Zeke ordered one of his most trusted subordinates to come to Corleon and be a direct spy.

However, Zeke lost contact with that spy some years ago, and he never heard from that person ever since.

He even sent more spies to investigate the case of the missing direct spy, but they came back with not a single clue

about that direct spy's whereabouts.

There was even a time when Zeke thought that the spy might have perished. However, the emergence of the

badge he was holding might prove him wrong. He might still be alive. What happened to him? Why was he kept in a

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Sole Wolf and Zeke came to the dungeon shortly after. It was made specifically for water cure, a cruel form of

torture. It was squalid, chaotic, and lacked all basic amenities. Even a toilet in a backwater village would look better

than this.

If a human were to be subjected to this kind of horrific environment, they'd either end up dead or mad.

There was but a single person held in the prison. Or something that resembled a human, that is. The prisoner's

limbs were all hacked off, while his eyes, nose, and ears were gouged out, leaving nothing but small holes in them.

The only thing that was still functioning on him was his mouth, and that was probably intentional. The prisoner's

warden had to do it if he wanted to extract any information from him.

The more Zeke looked at him, the more heartbroken he was. Yes. I know him. He's the one I've been looking for.

Carl. Carl Sins.

Zeke had a lot of theories, but none of them involved Carl living in an underground dungeon for years. No, to be

exact, Carl only barely survived. He started feeling guilty and hated himself for coming too late to save Carl from

the torture.

Sole Wolf opened the cage's door.

When Carl heard the door creaking open, he started screaming and squirming. “You animal! You b*stard! Kill me if

you dare! Hah! But I bet you won't. You're too much of a chicken to do so, after all! You're nothing but a coward,

you hear me? Coward! And you call yourself a man? You're less than human!”

All of Carl's teeth were extracted, preventing him from even killing himself. Life was nothing but hell at that point

for Carl. All he wanted was for someone to put him out of his misery.

Sole Wolf chided, “Calm down and be quiet. We're here to save you.”

“As if I'd believe that, you b*stard!” Carl cursed. “What's it gonna be today? Good cop bad cop? Or is it the usual

torture? Or are you going to gouge my organs out this time? Hmm? Do your worst. I will never say anything to you!


Zeke took a deep breath and told Sole Wolf, “Leave us alone, Sole Wolf.”

“Yes, sir.” Sole Wolf nodded and left Zeke in the prison alone with Carl.

The moment Zeke talked, Carl started freezing up and looked in his direction reflexively. For a second there, he

forgot that he had lost his eyesight.

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He was shaking with excitement. That voice... It sounds so familiar. It sounds so much like the Great Marshal. For

years he had been dreaming of meeting Zeke in the flesh. Is he here? Is he finally here?

“W-Who are you?” Carl asked, his voice shaking.

Zeke went over to him and pulled the chains on his neck off. “Northern spy number 010, Carl Sins. Thank you for

your service. It must have been hard for you.”

The moment Zeke opened his mouth, Carl kneeled without any hesitation. It's him. It's really him! After so many

years, his ray of hope had finally come to see him. It was proof that all his sacrifice over the years were not for


However, since all his limbs were cut off, he couldn't kneel. All he could do was prostrate himself before Zeke. He

was spasming because of the sheer excitement that was coursing through his body. “I, Carl Sins, northern spy

number 010, greets you, Great Marshal!” His voice was cracking up as well.

“I apologize for being late. You would have been spared of this inhumane torture if I wasn't. This is all my fault.”

Carl quickly said, “No, no, sir. You don't have to blame yourself. The fault is all mine. The enemy only captured me

because of my incompetence.”

Zeke said, “You shouldn't be talking now. I'll get someone to heal you up right now.”

“No, sir.” Carl quickly shook his head. “Not at the moment. I've spent years in this place, and fortunately, I found

proof of someone trying to rebel against the leadership.”