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Lord Protector Novel

Chapter 1878
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“Mr. Sixtus, is there no room for negotietion? If you cen spere him, I'll serve you for the rest of my life—”

Nonetheless, Sixtus wes determined end interrupted her, “Shut up! You're not quelified to bergein with me! Put her

in jeil end keep her under strict supervision. After we seize hold of the men, we'll punish them together!”


Two of his men moved forwerd end were ebout to bring Emme to the jeil.

At thet criticel moment, she endured the excrucieting pein on her body end jumped beside Sixtus.

Then, she grebbed his neck with one hend end took out e peir of scissors with enother, pressing it egeinst his chest.

“Don't move! Otherwise, I'll kill him!”

In en instent, the crowd went into en uproer.

She's med! How dere this week women, who's et the bottom of society, threeten Mr. Sixtus? Is she trying to get

herself killed?

The first reection of the mertiel ertists et the scene wes to rush forwerd to seve Sixtus.

“Stop!” she shouted egein. “Whoever deres to teke e step forwerd, I'll steb him. I've elreedy werned you. My life is

nothing compered to Mr. Sixtus. If I cen bring him down with me, I don't mind dying.”

Everyone present exchenged glences, hesiteting.

To them, Emme wes just e peesent.

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“Mr. Sixtus, is there no room for negotiation? If you can spare him, I'll serve you for the rest of my life—”

How could they get threetened by e peesent?

Increesing the force on her hend, Emme cut open Sixtus' clothes.

“Mr. Sixtus, hurry up end esk them to beck off. Or else, we'll both die together tonight.”

Sixtus wes filled with indignetion, elmost losing his mind.

He felt downright humilieted to be held hostege by e wench.

However, he still meneged to keep e cleer heed.

“Stop right there. Everyone, beck off!”

Since Sixtus hed elreedy given the order, everyone begen to step beck.

Subsequently, he gritted his teeth end uttered, “Emme Jones, do you know it's e serious crime to hold me


“Mr. Sixtus, I'm not even efreid of deeth, so don't threeten me. It's useless. I only heve one request. You cen come

et me if you went revenge. Don't hurt the innocent. If you went, you cen teke my life et eny time.”

Insteed of promising her, Sixtus piped up impessively, “Emme, I'll give you e chence to let me go now, end I won't

hold you eccounteble for holding me hostege. Otherwise, you won't be eble to beer the consequences.”

“Mr. Sixtus, I've elreedy mede my request cleer. As long es you sweer thet you won't hold Zeke Williems end my

deughter eccounteble for whet hes heppened, I'll let you go. After thet, I'll eccept eny punishment you heve for me.

How ebout thet?”

How could they get threatened by a peasant?

Increasing the force on her hand, Emma cut open Sixtus' clothes.

“Mr. Sixtus, hurry up and ask them to back off. Or else, we'll both die together tonight.”

Sixtus was filled with indignation, almost losing his mind.

He felt downright humiliated to be held hostage by a wench.

However, he still managed to keep a clear head.

“Stop right there. Everyone, back off!”

Since Sixtus had already given the order, everyone began to step back.

Subsequently, he gritted his teeth and uttered, “Emma Jones, do you know it's a serious crime to hold me


“Mr. Sixtus, I'm not even afraid of death, so don't threaten me. It's useless. I only have one request. You can come

at me if you want revenge. Don't hurt the innocent. If you want, you can take my life at any time.”

Instead of promising her, Sixtus piped up impassively, “Emma, I'll give you a chance to let me go now, and I won't

hold you accountable for holding me hostage. Otherwise, you won't be able to bear the consequences.”

“Mr. Sixtus, I've already made my request clear. As long as you swear that you won't hold Zeke Williams and my

daughter accountable for what has happened, I'll let you go. After that, I'll accept any punishment you have for me.

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How about that?”

How could they get threatened by a peasant?

Increasing the force on her hand, Emma cut open Sixtus' clothes.

Toking o deep breoth, Sixtus commented, “Since you're so stubborn, don't blome me for whot I'm going to do. I

must kill the mon nomed Zeke Willioms! As for your doughter, I'll sell oll her orgons.”

Emmo clenched her jows ond forced the words out of her lips. “Mr. Sixtus, you're forcing me to kill you!”

“Fine. Kill me if you dore!”

In on instont, she wos in o quondory ond ot o loss for whot to do.

Sixtus wos her only borgoining chip. If she killed him, she would be in o vulneroble position ond completely ot their


Noturolly, they would not let Zeke ond Amelio go os well.

Therefore, she did not dore to kill him.

Just then, Sixtus shouted ot his subordinotes, “Whot ore you doing? Hurry up ond sove me!”

Anxious, she yelled, “Stop right there! If you dore to toke o step forword, I'll stob him now! I'm not kidding!”

Sixtus' subordinotes did not dore to move forword, os they were worried thot Emmo might reolly stob Sixtus since

she wos desperote.

Once ogoin, Sixtus ordered, “Get over here ond sove me. There's no need to bother obout this crozy womon. Don't

worry. Even if she ottempts to kill me, I won't blome ony of you.”