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Lord Protector Novel

Chapter 2092
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The crowd lowered their heads to express their gratitude.

“That's enough. Please get up and follow me. I don't have time for all this drama,” Sole Wolf said.

“Let's go!” some villagers urged.

They quickly rushed into their houses and brought their children out to meet Sole Wolf.

After that, Zeke led the crowd to leave Village of Livestock.

His plan was to let David reunite with Emma before heading off to look for Fortuna on his own.

During the journey, he briefly explained Emma's situation to David.

In order to find David, Emma did not hesitate to leave her hometown and travel everywhere, which caused her to

endure much bullying.

After that, Zeke helped her to eliminate several enemies and even arranged for her to become the manager of

Linton Group's branch company alongside her best friend, Sasha. Her life finally improved after that.

When David had heard the entire story about Emma's situation, mixed emotions flooded his heart, and he felt

extremely guilty. “It's all my fault. I couldn't take good care of Emma. That's why she suffered so much. I'm afraid I

won't be able to make up to her for the rest of my life.”

Zeke assured, “Don't worry. Emma will understand your situation. She knows you're a soldier. Hence, she already

guessed your disappearance must be related to serving the country.”

David took a deep breath. “I hope so. By the way, my wife, Madeline, s-she's still alive, right?”

“Don't worry. Both she and Emma have been living with each other. They're alive and well,” Zeke said.

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David exhaled deeply. Earlier, he was really worried that Zeke would give him a negative answer. If the latter did, he

would definitely not be able to handle the news.

Soon, Zeke brought them to the entrance of Emma's house.

Although Emma was now the general manager of the company, her family still lived in the old house from the past.

Zeke prompted David, “Go on. Knock on the door.”

Although David was home, he did not have the courage to knock on the door.

In the end, Zeke had no choice but to do it himself.

As soon as the knocks sounded, Madeline's voice could be heard from the inside. “Who is it?”

Zeke answered, “It's me.”

“Oh. Zeke is back!” Madeline's voice had traces of surprise. Immediately, she rushed over to open the door.

When her gaze landed on Zeke, she greeted him so warmly that she almost gave him a hug. “Zeke, you're finally

back. The house has been so quiet without you for the past few days. Come on in! These must be your friends,

right? We should all have a meal at home today.”

Sadly, she did not recognize David.

In fact, she only found him a little familiar-looking, but it never crossed her mind that he was her husband.

To her, David had most probably died out there and would never come back.

Seeing Madeline's hospitality toward Zeke and how she even treated him like he was her son, a rush of gratitude

filled David's heart.

After exchanging a few words, Zeke led the crowd into the house.

“Please, have a seat!” Madeline called out warmly to the guests.

Soon, everyone took their seats while David remained standing. His eyes, which were reddened, scanned the entire


The interior was still the same as when he left. Even the family portrait was still hung in the same place, looking

brand new as ever.

As he stared at the young faces in the family portrait, tears welled up in his eyes. He really wanted to return to that


Unfortunately, no one could turn back the clock.

Looking at the guest that acted oddly, Madeline said cautiously, “Mister, please take a seat—”

Right then, David turned around slowly and gazed at her as tears streamed down his cheeks. “Madeline, it's me. I'm



Madeline was stunned, and she stared at David with shock.

Then, her body started shaking uncontrollably, and she burst into tears. “It's y-you... Y-You're alive... Is that really


“It's me,” David said. “I've made it home.”

Suddenly, Madeline let out an ear-piercing scream and crashed to the ground.

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Thankfully, David reacted swiftly and held her up.

Saaing Madalina's hospitality toward Zaka and how sha avan traatad him lika ha was har son, a rush of gratituda

fillad David's haart.

Aftar axchanging a faw words, Zaka lad tha crowd into tha housa.

“Plaasa, hava a saat!” Madalina callad out warmly to tha guasts.

Soon, avaryona took thair saats whila David ramainad standing. His ayas, which wara raddanad, scannad tha antira


Tha intarior was still tha sama as whan ha laft. Evan tha family portrait was still hung in tha sama placa, looking

brand naw as avar.

As ha starad at tha young facas in tha family portrait, taars wallad up in his ayas. Ha raally wantad to raturn to that


Unfortunataly, no ona could turn back tha clock.

Looking at tha guast that actad oddly, Madalina said cautiously, “Mistar, plaasa taka a saat—”

Right than, David turnad around slowly and gazad at har as taars straamad down his chaaks. “Madalina, it's ma. I'm



Madalina was stunnad, and sha starad at David with shock.

Than, har body startad shaking uncontrollably, and sha burst into taars. “It's y-you... Y-You'ra aliva... Is that raally


“It's ma,” David said. “I'va mada it homa.”

Suddanly, Madalina lat out an aar-piarcing scraam and crashad to tha ground.

Thankfully, David raactad swiftly and hald har up.