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Lord Shadow

Chapter 359: The truth he did not want to hear (1)
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Azief ears perked up as he hears the hooting of the night owl in the distant. The Owls is quite prevalent here in the night.

And the night owls that inhabits Pandemonium is not the night owl like before the Fall. They have silver feathers and their eyes seems to glow in the night.

As long as it is not a White Owl, Azief won’t mind it that much.

Pandemonium is one of the most forbidden places in the world and even the White Owl don’t want to make Death Monarch their enemies.

After all what benefit is there in courting death. After all, all life in Pandemonium is in the hands of Death Monarch.

The moment you step your foot on Pandemonium, you are under the protection of Death Monarch.

That is a tall and large tree to shelter below. Even the fugitives of the World Government and Republic try to sneak out to Pandemonium.

As long as they did not try to stir trouble for Pandemonium, Pandemonium accept all.

It is why right at the border of Pandemonium Sea there is a lot of patrol ships of the World government and the Republic.

Because they all know that the moment those fugitives enter Pandemonium, even they do not have the guts to enter and meet Death Monarch.

Meeting Death Monarch and asking him to rescind his protection is akin in meeting Death himself.

After all the name and title Death Monarch explains all. Death Monarch. The ruler of Death. Death do no rule Azief, instead it was he that rules over Death

The world did not forget that he once brings an army of skeletons from below the Earth to fight in Poland. To raise the undead and form an army of dead things……that is a terrifying ability and power.

It is the reason why people regarded Death Monarch as a one-man army. And it is why people felt safe under the large umbrella that is Pandemonium

But for any people who tries to do harm to Pandemonium, once they set their foot on Pandemonium, they would always be dancing under the palm of Death Monarch.

The White Owl is the same. Azief is still sitting on the highest point of the rooftop. People have a theory why Death Monarch always like to sit or stand on high structure.

They think Death Monarch like to brood thing in the dark and in high places. Well, they were not entirely wrong.

But for the people of the world, even that is worth to become news. Because each time Death Monarch broods, the whole world broods.

Because no one knows what he is thinking and he never announces anything he wanted to do in advance.

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There are many cases involving Death Monarch when he decided something he would just fly off and deal with the matter without consulting anyone or announcing it to anyone.

Who knows if he is thinking of destroying a faction or to destabilizes a region or killing someone?

To them as long as Death Monarch did not move that is already giving grace and stability to the world.

When he broods, the whole world pays attention and when he moves the entire world watches in trepidation.

But right now, Azief did not think about the world or the general public. It is the farthest thing in his mind right now.

All that he is thinking about is those two girls in the infirmary.

Azief release a long sigh that seems to contain many meanings.

It was night already. Azief slowly opens his eyes. He saw the moon and for a second he looks at it and marvel at it. He looks at the sky and no longer felt the need to challenge.

His Defiant Heart has calmed down. Because he had defied the Heaven and won. He defeated the Will of the World.

There is nothing left here for him.

He then slowly gets up and then descended down from the roof.

He slowly floats down and fly gently to the infirmary. He saw Sina lean herself back on her floating chair.

Azief could hear her sigh and her beating heart with his ears. He could hear it is erratic and worked up.

Azief smile a bitter smile.

Right now the infirmary is no longer full of people like the day and all the other patients were directed to the other wing.

And any soldiers that is not heavily injured, Azief would only wave his hand and they would be healed almost immediately

Azief has been doing that from the time he was on the roof.

It is not hard for him to do and also help him familiarizes himself with the sudden increase of his life vitality.

When the news arrived that Death Monarch is around the infirmary, the Shadow Guards quickly set up another wing for the other patient as Death Monarch occupies the other wing of the infirmary.

The other Acolytes of Sina and some other people who have classes suited to healing work in the other wing of this infirmary while directing all the other outpatient into their wing instead of where Sina is located

Some other patient was directed to the many hospitals in Center Region of Pandemonium so the infirmary is free of patient right now

Sina sat on her floating chair and sighed as she saw Azief is coming towards her. This floating chair is not only special because of the obvious reason.

Yes, it floats but that is not why she likes the chair. Budiman made it for her as a gift. Budiman after the Massacre of the Island of Peace is moving around a lot in Pandemonium and living a happy peaceful life.

The chair is crafted from red jade and it helps in reducing fatigue and increasing experience when she is concocting pills and crafting potions.

She is actually sweating right now and her hand is producing heat visible to the naked eye even as she is resting on her chair.

Azief feet landed on the ground and he approached her. Looking at her Azief is also worried. He then asks

‘Do you need my help?’ Sina only smiles and shakes her head. Azief was about to channel her energy and she hold him back.

‘Your energy is potent…. but it is too violent for my body to handle’ she said. Azief frowned. He did not understand

‘What do you mean?’ Sina sighed and explains to Azief. She knows what Azief is worried about so it is better if she explains it as fast and as clear as possible to him

‘To put it simply, your energy is pure. The purest I have ever encountered. Most of the people I met have at least some impurities in their energy. I mean, that is normal. To have impurity in their energy’

Sina is actually saying in a roundabout way that Azief is abnormal. Perfection is abnormal in an imperfect Universe. It is truly breaking the taboo

But Azief does not understand why having pure energy is bad so he asks

‘Having a pure energy, how is that bad? Isn’t that better?’ Sina shakes her head and then said

‘It’s not. At least not for you’ Azief snorted

‘And what does that supposed to mean?’

‘It means what I mean’ Then she sighed and rub her forehead

‘Hmm. How do I explain this?’ Sina said as she gestures Azief to sit.

‘We have a lot of times tonight. The girls are not going to be awake for many hours. I think I have something that you could learn. Please sit’

Azief slowly sit on the seat opposite of her. Then Sina finally found a way to explain to Azief about his energy and why it is not that good of a thing

‘Hmm, think of it like this. Instant detox.’

‘Instant detox? That is the analogy you’re going with?’ Sina only smiles and continued

‘Only not the good kind of instant detox. We established that your energy is pure. So, when it met impurities it refines it. That is how pure your energy is. For you that is nothing. Because your body have always been pure, free from impurities that is mixed up when absorbing the world energy’

‘Why? Because your body is freaking powerful. But to another person that doesn’t possess the same kind of prowess your body possesses, that energy you channel to them….it might be more of a torture than healing. The more impurities in their body, the more pain they would receive when your energy is done with them’

Azief then look at Katarina and Sofia lying in their bed and his face turned dark

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‘Are you saying that what I did to them exacerbate their condition?’ Sina smiles but it doesn’t seem like what she said happened to them

‘No’ she shakes her head.

‘I’m not talking about them. What you did for them was good. Katarina is like you in a way. She seems to also have pure energy inside her. I guess you taught her the Way’

Azief nodded

‘But I think both of you knows that her path is not your path. Her energy is pure but not the same way you are. You understand that right?’ Azief nodded in understanding

‘But her body energy still shares some similarities with you so that is probably why it was so effective on her’

But then she added

‘On Sofia however, the energy inside her comes from the Houyi Arrow. That is an arrow that could bring down planets and stars. If not for the fact Sofia is still considered weak to be pulling the bow with the Houyi Arrow, half of the world would probably be decimated with that one pull of her bowstring’

‘Your energy while it helps her contain the sharp energy is not as effective as it is like it was on Katarina. But it still helps. Because the energy of the Houyi Arrow is pure.’

‘Celestial energy’ Azief said.

Sina nodded

‘You knew?’ Azief asked

‘I guessed’ she said.

Azief shakes his head and then ask

‘Loki tell you didn’t he?’

Sina nodded.

‘He told me a long time ago that the energy in the Houyi Bow is reminiscent of a Celestial energy. I didn’t understand what that means back then but when I felt that powerful energy covering the Earth, and seeing Sofia arrow penetrated the sky, I know what Loki means’

Azief nodded and release a breath of relief. At least he did not make it worse.

Then he asks

‘If not them, who is my energy incompatible with?

‘Most of people. And me’ Sina said. Then she added

‘You want to help me by channeling your energy. But doing so would only make me feel painful all over. I am the Genius Alchemist. You think I only created medicines and useful pills?’ Sina asked and there is a helpless expression on her face.


A cut off chapter. Just to make you all anxious of what she is about to say next. Anyway, not many words to say. Hope you like it