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Lord of Mysteries 2: Circle of Inevitability

Chapter 321 Compensation
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Chapter 321  Compensation

In the dim corridor, despite the unchanging temperature, an icy gust swept through, 
sending shivers down the spine.
Lumian, who had cleared his mind to restore his spirituality, snapped back into 
attention. He examined the tombs on both sides, his demeanor unaffected by the 
sudden disturbance.
His initial urge was to reach into his pocket and grasp Mr. K's finger. Yet, he held 
back, mindful of the unfamiliar territory that was the Southern Continent. Mr. K 
might not sense the use of his finger, so Lumian suppressed his instinct.
Franca reacted swiftly too. A small mirror materialized in her palm. Jenna, less 
experienced, didn't grasp the scene's significance, but her instincts told her it wasn't 
a positive development.
It was akin to the spooky tales told in bar dance halls to frighten young girls!
Sallent, avoiding the dim oil lamp's gaze, briskly moved past Jenna and Franca, making 
a beeline for the pitch-black wooden door to the basement. He paid Lumian no 
Bang! Bang! Bang!
Sounds of impact echoed from the tombs on either side. It wasn't clear if sarcophagus 
lids had been struck or heavy stone doors pounded.
Sallent's expression shifted, and he bolted out.
In the silent basement, the echoes of the pounding lingered. Lumian and the others 
hurried after the mystic potion store owner, easily overtaking him.
At that very moment, the pitch-black wooden door creaked shut abruptly.
Seeing this, Franca sprinted forward and flung the mirror out the door.
A resonant crack marked the mirror's collision with the wooden door, fragments 
scattering across the floor.
Lumian and Franca came to a halt simultaneously, their attention on Sallent. Jenna, 
still in motion, comprehended and made the same choice.
In the eerily dim corridor, Sallent, decked in a blue coat with gold accents, stood 
frozen, his pale face tinged with a sickly green hue.
The pounding from the tombs persisted, its reverberations shaking everyone present 
to the core.
Sallent trembled visibly, muttering to himself, "We're done for. We're all finished…"
Franca inquired swiftly yet composedly, "What's going on?"
Only by grasping the core issue could she devise a swift and effective strategy!
Seemingly detached from his own senses, Sallent didn't answer. He half-mumbled, 
"We're done for. We're all finished…"
Before he could complete his thought, the entire basement quivered.
The dark-green flames that had shrunk to the size of rice grains flickered noticeably 
in the same direction.
Fear warped Sallent's features, his voice unconsciously amplified.
"It's awake! It's awake!"
"Who is it?" Jenna found it more spine-chilling than any ghost story she'd 
encountered, but she pushed herself to ask.
Sallent remained unresponsive, repeating his panicked cry, "It's awake! It's awake!"
Seeing that the mystic potion store owner was clearly in a state of extreme horror 
and not in his right mind, Franca decisively abandoned her attempts to ask him for 
information and took out a mirror.
Her plan was to use Magic Mirror Divination to swiftly assess the current situation.
Even if the divination's response wasn't crystal clear and required interpretation, it 
was still better than being completely clueless!
In a matter of moments, Franca completed the incantation and witnessed an aqueous 
light emanating from the mirror.
Just as she was preparing to gather her thoughts and formulate appropriate questions 
to obtain corresponding answers, Lumian, who had been standing silently beside her, 
suddenly spoke up. "Did it work?"
"It did. I can perform the divination," Franca cooperatively responded, although she 
In the next heartbeat, Lumian seized his shoulder.

Simultaneously, Lumian firmly held Jenna's arm with his other hand, while Franca 
was puzzled by Lumian's actions.
Lumian immediately broke into a grin.
"No need for questions."
Uh… Franca was caught off guard before she grasped Lumian's intention.
Just then, the basement shook once more. Sallent, the mystic potion store owner, was 
so overcome with fear that his voice turned high-pitched.
"It's here! It's here!
"We're going to die!"
In the next heartbeat, Lumian seized his shoulder.
Simultaneously, Lumian firmly held Jenna's arm with his other hand, while Franca 
hooked her arm around his shoulder like a bro.
An eerie light shimmered through the crevices of their clothing, and the four of them 
materialized outside the basement, standing before the pitch-black wooden door 
adorned with intricate and enigmatic symbols.
"It's here! It's here!
"We're going to die!"
Sallent's cries of despair still echoed in the air.
Lumian cast an appraising glance at the mystic potion store owner, pondering 
whether to utilize the Niese Face to transform into a mummy and give him a scare.
Therapeutic provocation had its merits too!
However, considering his waning spirituality and the prudence of revealing too many 
abilities to a stranger, Lumian ultimately shelved the prank idea.
Jenna swung her right palm, delivering a resounding slap to Sallent's face, leaving him 
bewildered. He gazed at the woman before him, utterly perplexed.
Franca and Lumian exchanged speechless glances, unsure how to react to this 
unexpected turn of events.
As the pitch-black door and the basement walls swayed gently, the cacophony outside 
abruptly subsided.
Jenna felt the weight of their gazes and mumbled, "Isn't this how they wake them up? 
That's how they would bring back my neighbor when she lost control of her 
It wasn't madness. In the factory district, people had their own practical remedies. 
More often than not, they did the trick, though occasionally they proved ineffective.
Of course, if he were part of her family, she wouldn't dare try it. She'd seek 
professional assistance instead.
Franca snapped out of her reverie and commended sincerely, "Well done."
Several moments elapsed, and Sallent's gaze cleared.
Instinctively, he scanned their surroundings and exclaimed in surprise, "We're 
outside? When did we get out?"
"When you were screaming 'we're going to die,' 'we're going to die,'" Lumian retorted 
with an annoying tone.
He then raised an eyebrow and inquired with a deep intonation, "Who were you 
saying was about to wake up?"
Sallent's expression shifted multiple times before he stammered, "A genuine ancient 
mummy. It slumbers deep within the tomb and occasionally stirs. It only woke up a 
few days ago. Why did it wake up so quickly…"
Normally, there was a rough timeframe for how long the mummy remained "awake." 
According to Sallent's experience, it would be at least another month before it awoke 
again. That was why he dared to bring Lumian and the others into the basement.
Unexpectedly, an accident occurred!
What caused the ancient mummy to awaken prematurely? Lumian directed a 
thoughtful gaze at Franca, as if silently asking her if she wished to consider obtaining 
the genuine ancient mummy.
Franca comprehended his inquiry and shook her head, indicating that it wasn't 
The mummy's ashes were merely supplementary ingredients. The ones formed the 
year before were still usable. There was no need to risk dealing with what seemed to 
be a perilous entity.
Lumian withdrew his gaze and pushed through the headache gnawing at his temples. 
He turned to Sallent and grinned.
"I don't care if it's last year's mummy or an ancient one awakening. There are two 
things I know for sure.
"First, I saved your life. Second, we were scared out of our wits and nearly met our 
end down there.
"So, you owe me a thank-you present and compensation for the mental strain. How 
much do you think is fair? Keep in mind, I only want gold."
With the memory of owing the Armored Shadow and Mr. Fool a total of 100,000 verl 
d'or in gold, Lumian was keen on seizing every opportunity to amass funds.
As the tumult behind the pitch-black wooden door gradually settled, Sallent heaved a 
sigh of relief and responded, "How about 1,000 verl d'or? That's all the gold I have on 
His heart ached at the thought of parting with the money, but he acknowledged 
Lumian's point. Without their intervention, he'd have met his end in that basement, 
becoming fodder for the mummy.
Moreover, the group had demonstrated significant prowess. Rejecting their request 
outright seemed like a risky proposition.
"Agreed." Lumian didn't push for more or attempt to haggle.
As the quartet made their way toward the stairs leading to the warehouse, Franca 
lowered her left hand and surreptitiously let something slip into the shadowy corner.
After obtaining 1,000 verl d'or in gold coins, gold nuggets, and jewelry, Lumian, 
Franca, and Jenna exited the Highland Mystic Potion Shop.
Franca glanced back at the shop and let out a wry chuckle. "Tsk, all this trouble, and 
we ended up with a mummy's hand and an additional 500 verl d'or."
Without waiting for Lumian's response, she queried with a grin, "Are you running 
short on funds again? You used to save people without expecting payment. They could 
give it or not."
"Have you switched to the Spectator's Pathway?" Lumian teased, nodding in 
agreement. "The special contract I mentioned involves sacrificing 100,000 verl d'or 
worth of gold within a set timeframe after the pact is made."
100,000 verl d'or? Jenna's understanding of monetary matters had undergone quite a 
transformation since entering the world of mysticism.
Based on what she knew, even someone like Ciel didn't possess as much liquid wealth 
as her. Yet, he dared to accumulate a debt of 100,000 verl d'or just for a contract 
granting access to those special abilities.
a question.
Naturally, the actual reason was that he had recently gained the ability to traverse the 
Franca clicked her tongue and inquired, "Why didn't you 'teleport' us right to the door 
from the start? The basement door wasn't closed then, so no mishaps would have 
"Don't you think it's more dramatic to do it at the last moment?" Lumian retorted with 
a question.
Naturally, the actual reason was that he had recently gained the ability to traverse the 
spirit world and hadn't ingrained a reflex to use it. When the pitch-black wooden 
door in the basement shut, he had been hesitant to attempt teleporting for fear of it 
Later, Franca successfully completed her Magic Mirror Divination. Through it, 
Lumian confirmed his ability to remain connected to the outside world within the 
seal, which allowed him to make the definitive teleportation.
Amid Franca and Jenna's baffled expressions, Lumian massaged his aching head and 
announced, "Let's find an inn. I need to rest and restore my spirituality."
"Okay." Franca wasn't in a hurry to secure an inn. Instead, she turned into an empty 
alley and produced an ornate makeup mirror.
"Why are you using divination?" Jenna queried inquisitively.
Franca's lips curled into a smile.
"I'm using it to divine the reflection in my other mirror."
Seeing Jenna's perplexity, she elucidated, "I left a small mirror that looks like a shard 
outside that basement."
With that, Franca caressed the mirror and chanted an incantation.
Before long, the mirror projected an image: Sallent, the mystic potion store 
proprietor, stood before the pitch-black wooden door, his posture hunched as he 
cried out, "Only death endures forever!"