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Lord of the Truth

Chapter 151
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Chapter 151 – Happily Ripped Off

The few days after the meeting saw a lot of movement in Jura City and the surrounding lands

Where the patriarch began urgently summoning all of them between the 8th and 10th levels and their age is less than 50 years, and whenever 100 of them arrived, they are sent to the warehouse that contains the metal oath pyramid.. 

there they are informed of everything they need to know, what they have to do and the benefits that they will get in and after there serves in the army, After that whoever accepts stays in the warehouse to take the oath, 

and whoever refuses leaves…

This process took more than two weeks to gather the 3,700 young family members and deal with them, but in the end, only about 3,500 of them took the oath and received the techniques from Robin.

As for the rest of the 200, they refused and gave different reasons, most of them said that they intend to go out to see the world for themselves and did not want to be bound for a century, and Robin didn't blame them at all, since he himself made the same decision in the past…

As for those who remained, 2,500 thousand of them chose direct confrontations… they chose the Major heavenly law of fire!

As for The remaining thousand individuals, 200 of them chose the Darkness Major heavenly Law, and 800 chose the Wind Major heavenly Law

After getting over with the daily meetings with the young members and distributing the techniques to them, Robin would head toward the academy to raise the ability of the 50 rune masters who will accompany Billy on the mission of supporting the new army…

It wasn't hard to find fifty masters of talismans who could draw a fire explosion, darkness, and vitality talismans after all those lectures that Robin gave them while teaching Mila and Zara…

However, he asked that they stay for a while to review with them what they should do during the incoming 4 years and to raise their ability as much as possible… 

And after ten days of the meeting, they set out towards the new lands, accompanied by Billy and General Edward.

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And after this and that… Robin comes home every night and tries to find a way for Theo to communicate with his new 200 followers.

The main idea has been in his head since Theo pointed it out that day, it's the transmission of information directly through the soul…

Robin has already made great strides in this field, and now is the time for humans to be able to transfer information between their souls and ignore any middle route…

After two weeks from the meeting, everything went back to normal.

The elites of the Burtons went to the military barracks and closed their doors to try to understand the techniques they acquired…  the runemasters left… 

and this gave Robin more time to study.


After two more weeks…

"Robin, Sage Albert wants to speak with you." Mila knocked on the door and went straight into Robin's room with a sound ring in her palm

Robin quickly picked it up and passed in his energy, "Haha, you are too late, Your Highness, I thought you would never reply, why did you wait almost a month for your reply?"

A cold voice replied to him, "The methods to make the talismans of the Fire Explosion, Darkness, and Vitality, and the method to construct the furnaces you use to produce your categorized weapons."

Robin's smile disappeared, of course, he knew what Albert meant… "Don't you see that this is a bit too much, Your Highness?"

"Do you think this is a joke?! You don't know what situation you are putting me in… You want me to help you exterminate two families that have served the kingdom for thousands of years, do you know how tough and hard a decision this is?

and if the news leaks out and others know that we are involved in the matter, the reputation of the Royal Family will be greatly damaged and we will lose the loyalty of our subjects, I will not accept to negotiate the price in the slightest." Albert replied strictly

"…You can decline the request if you think it is that Horrible, I will not force you, you know…" Robin replied after a few seconds

"…Ahaha alright you win, how do I let this opportunity go to one of the Duke's families? Of course, I will help you, but at the price I mentioned." Albert laughed out loud after Robin replied, knowing that playing the victim wouldn't work

Robin rubbed his forehead for a few seconds, this was more than he thought… "The way to make the furnaces is very complicated, only I or my adopted daughter Zara can make it… Listen, I will give you the methods to how to make the three talismans, but I will only give you 10 already-made furnaces to use them as you see fit."

"…50 furnaces." Sage Albert replied

"The level 6 fire explosion talismans, the 5 seconds Darkness talisman, the 10 days vitality talisman + 15 modified furnaces… This is my last offer.

as for you, in addition to your main task, you will also have to promise me a future favor that you WILL agree to do no matter what, and I will not sell you any specific monthly quota of the three talismans in the future as we agreed before. 

You will not lose anything in this is deal. All you have to do is send a few top saints to assassinate the heads of the two families in the appointed time, but I will lose most of my legacy to you!

If you do not agree to this offer, consider the matter canceled… I will find someone else."

"…. Alright I agreed." a calm voice resounded, but happiness was evident in it, he finally have the chance to take what he always wanted!

"Good, what about the war horses?" Robin asked

"the war horses matter, hah… tell you what, it is almost time to deliver the last key of the laws, I will send you 500 war horses instead of the 500,000 gold coins, what do you think?"

"What?! you say a single horse worth a thousand coins?! That is too much!!" Robin shouted, even a high-ranking weapon in this world might not cost that much

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"I'm selling you war horses for gold, You should thank me! If you hadn't ruined the royal treasury recently, I wouldn't have offered you this in the first place."

Robin was silent for a few seconds and then replied, "Alright I agree, but I need at least 2,500 horses."

The dark legion will with *Shadow Mobility* to move in the shades, and the wind legion has speed and agility and will mostly support the armies from behind, they do not need war horses… 

As for the fire legion that Caesar will lead, they will all need such strong horses because they will be in the face of the cannon in every war

"2500?! Hmm, you have a great appetite, well… I will sell them to you for a thousand gold coins or the equivalent of this number in talismans."

"I am the one who has a big appetite?!" Rage rose in Robin's head, that was simply too much.

"Haha, at least I can make up for what the past years have taken from us. This is just an offer. You can ask the rest of the families about the prices of war horses. That if you find a family that is willing to put a price on them in the first place, I am only willing to help because you are a valuable ally… 

but if you want more the 2500 war horses I will have to contact The royals at Garia kingdom, they are famous for their war horse and we have good relations with them, they will provide what you need but they will ask for 10000 gold coins for every war horse at least…"

"10 what?! they can keep them! alright alright agreed, 2500 horses for 2.5 million gold coins.. send them with Alfred as soon as possible." Robin's reply

"Aha, you reminded me.. what did you do to Alfred? The boy speaks of you as a god, and he was a major reason for his majesty to agree to hand you over the horses and help you in your next wars…" asked Albert, evidently surprised in his voice.

"Haha, the boy only has a good eye and knows who he is dealing with… I will be waiting to hear from you again, Sage!" Robin laughed out loud and then closed the voice channel… 

although the price was exaggerated, he got the basics that he needed.

but a voice cut off his train of thoughts, "I can't believe you gave the Royals all of these methods just like that!!" 

Mila shouted at him as she took the ring from his hands

" humph, use your brain, woman! your stupid father is using thousands of slaves to make him the level 6 fire explosion and 5 seconds darkness talisman, for how long do you think they will still be a secret? one corrupt guard or one smart slave will end the value for those two talismans at any day now, may it IS already leaked but we just don't know yet…

as for the 15 furnaces, they are nothing, he can make a few extra fancy looking weapons at best… he only took the Vitality talisman from me, but I took what I wanted, and even more.

he think he ripped me off, but I have no regrets…. no regrets."