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Love Addiction: Doting On My Love by Wendy

Chapter 81
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Chapter 0081

“Remove her from here!”

Lucius finally commanded, his voice low, not glancing at Violet but directing his words to George.

“Take her down to the cellar!”

Violet found herself being cast into the cellar, where the temperature plunged well below freezing.

The chilling conditions brought back memories of her first day at the Imperial Palace, where she had also

been in such a cold environment, waking up to a similar bitter cold.

She pondered if she might succumb to the cold, or perhaps faint and wake up to a past reality where

everything was peaceful-where Oliver was still asleep, and Emily's voice remained intact. A twhen she

could look forward to sitting by Oliver's bedside, talking and singing to him.

A sad smile formed on her cracked lips, the severe cold having drained them of any moisture.

She no longer felt the cold, but just quietly closed her eyes.

Outside the room, Lucius, visibly disturbed, picked up a wine glass from the table and rubbed his forehead.

George approached him, looking concerned, and hesitantly informed him, “Ms. Agatha has fainted.”


The sound of shattering glass echoed as Lucius crushed the glass in his hand, red wine splashing.

“Master Lucius!” George exclaimed, shocked by his reaction.

Lucius turned, his brow furrowed in annoyance. “Didn’t you tell her that compliance would grant her freedom?”

“Yes, | did,” George confirmed, but hesitated to continue.

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“Go on,” Lucius urged, sensing there was more to be said.

George gathered his courage, and said, “Ms. Agatha isn’t one to easily submit to hardship. She endured daily

labor under the hot sun without complaint. Likely, even the threat of death won't compel her cooperation.”

“What do you propose?” Lucius asked, clearly agitated by this.

“Make an appeal to her desires,” George suggested cautiously. “If Master Lucius can offer something she

genuinely wants, perhaps then...”

Lucius stormed out without responding.

Gradually regaining consciousness, Violet found herself back in her own room, reclining on the spacious bed.

She was still feeling the aftereffects of the cold, with her fingertips and toes aching as if she were being pricked

by needles.

This discomfort served as a stark reminder that she was indeed still alive.


Alive, yet trapped in a cycle of enduring Lucius’s cruel manipulations. A grim smile crossed her pale face, which

only highlighted her sense of defeat and helplessness.

The door opened, and Lucius stepped inside.

Violet gave him a fleeting, indifferent glance before turning her head away, her resolve strengthened by her

previous ordeals. She no longer feared him.

Lucius approached the bed, observing her delicate figure wrapped in blankets. Despite her fragility, she had

resisted him tand again, much to his frustration; he had been defeated each time.

Irritated, he fought back his urge to strangle her.

“For such a stubborn woman, | should just choke her,” he thought.

“I'll pay you a billion to have the child.”

He offered the most generous sum, one that no one could refuse.

Violet, however, remained indifferent, choosing to ignore him and close her eyes.

Such blatant disregard was unprecedented for him. He would have tossed Violet into the swamp long ago if it

hadn’t been for Regina’s fixation on this woman bearing his child.

“Do you think it’s too little? Nyour price,” he snarled, gritting his teeth and conceding further.

Finally, Violet opened her eyes, her expression one of calm defiance, tinged with sarcasm. “I don’t want your

money, and | won't bear your child.”

“Agatha!” he exclaimed.

She responded with a dismissive eye roll, defiantly challenging him, “You're always quick to threaten lives. Why

not just returnto the cellar, or tossinto the swamp?”

Violet had no desire to fight for her life.

Lucius had considered doing precisely that.

Violet, seemingly resigned to her fate, closed her eyes once more, resting on her own terms.”

After a moment, a soft whisper reached her ears, “Don’t you remember? If you please Grandma, you can leave.

Right now, the only way to make her happy is to have a child. Give birth, and you'll be free to go wherever you


Violet's eyes snapped open, and her chest heaved.

Her desire to leave was overwhelming, particularly after witnessing Lucius’s relentless cruelty, which confirmed

that he was beyond any form of compassion. Her deepest desire was to get away from this place. from Lucius.

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“Is that—true?” she asked.

“We can make it official with an agreement,” he responded.


That very night, Violet and Lucius signed an agreement. Her fingers trembled uncontrollably as she held the


After only ten more months, she reassured herself. She would be able to go after ten months.

She wouldn't have to be concerned about the child or anything else; she could leave everything behind as if it

were a dream-yeah, a dream!

She signed the agreement, her teeth gritting in determination.

Lucius, in contrast, signed his nwith a steady hand.

After recovering for a week, Violet was ready for the second embryo transfer. She lay in bed, waiting for the

embryo to take hold.

Three days later, the doctor delivered the news, “I'm sorry, Master Lucius, the embryo failed to implant.”

Lucius cast a gloomy glance at Violet, who lay on the bed.

Violet maintained her innocence, saying. “I did everything the doctor told me, and | even avoided going to the


She expressed compliance outwardly, but inwardly, she felt relieved. The thought of leaving after bearing a child

was unbearable. Perhaps it was for the best.

“Let’s try again,” Lucius demanded.

“The miscarriage is due to the short interval between attempts. It's advisable to wait at least six months before

trying another transfer. Her body is clearly unsuitable at the moment,” the doctor explained.