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Love Addiction: Doting On My Love by Wendy

Chapter 90
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Chapter 0090

Violet remained on guard around him. Startled awake in bed, she exclaimed, “Why are you here again?”

Lucius, visibly irritated, grumbled coldly. He settled himself on the bed, and snatched the blanket over himself.

Violet, taken aback, asked, “Hadn't we already agreed? What's this about?”

“I'm sleeping!” he snapped back.

He drew her into the bed and wrapped the blanket around them securely. She found herself cocooned with him,

squeezing her body against his fiercely hard shape.


“Just go to sleep!”

“But you're...”

“Sleep. | said!”

Lucius found a cozy spot, encircling her in his arms as though she were a cushion, pressing her head against

his neck.

No further moves were made. They both drifted into sleep.

Violet sensed the surreal nature of the moment, anxious that he might make another move.

She lay rigid, her eyes wide open..

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A few minutes later, his regular breathing suggested he was asleep.

She peered up in disbelief; his eyes were indeed shut. His facial expression, softened by the dim light, contrasted

with his daytdemeanor, yet his grip around her remained firm and possessive.

He clasped her so tightly to his chest that turning was impossible. Attempting a slight shift, she felt his arms

constrict further, drawing her even closer.

Resigned, she ceased moving, settling quietly in his embrace.

This was her first experience of being held in sleep like this, and she struggled to adapt, unable to find sleep.

She gazed at Lucius, puzzled as to why he had suddenly changed his attitude toward her.

Violet found no answers to her previous questions and eventually fell asleep in his arms.

Upon waking, Lucius’s arms were still encircling her.

A deep, yet soothing voice from above asked, “You're awake?”

She didn’t dare glance up, instead responding with a murmur. Last night's unanswered

questions resurfaced: What was wrong with him?

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“I've got work to do. You're in charge of cooking during the day,” he said as he pushed himself out of bed.

Violet stayed quiet, still cocooned in the blanket.

She observed Lucius confidently walking into the bathroom for a shower, nonchalantly leaving the door open.

As he undressed, his toned, sculptured physique and tanned muscles were exposed. Violet quickly averted her

gaze, refusing to look any further.

He purposefully faced her, calling out, “Fetchspajamas from the closet.”

“Why can’t you get them yourself?” she replied, unaccustomed to serving others.

“Should | cout to get them?” he questioned, implying he might step out of the shower area in his bare


Violet, knowing full well he was naked, hurriedly rose to get the pajamas, saying. “I'll get them.”

His deep laughter followed her, resonating like a cello.

Was that funny? She mused internally, entering his extensive walk-in closet.

The closet was remarkably large. Despite her familiarity with the place, this was her first tinside.

Every item, from clothes to shoes to belts and watches, was meticulously arranged in separate compartments.

almost like a showroom.

She couldn't ignore the opulence of the closet, made of tercolia wood, a material pricier than gold, and found

herself silently critiquing his lavishness.

Then, she randomly grabbed a pajama and walked out, only to be startled upon returning.

Lucius had emerged from the bathroom in his natural state.

Why did he ask for pajamas if he was just going to cout like this?

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Clutching the pajamas tightly, she refused to let go as she used them to shield her eyes.

“What? Are you going to dress me?” he asked in a cold yet teasing tone from above.

Violet let go of the pajamas just in tto notice the playful glint in his eyes.

She realized Lucius was acting more peculiarly than usual. But in such a situation, she wasn’t in the mood to

dwell on it and quickly fled from the room.

Seeing her dash out like a frightened mouse, Lucius felt a rare sense of satisfaction, smiling genuinely for the

first tin ages.

After freshening up and coming downstairs, Violet found no sign of Lucius.

George assembled the staff at the entrance, and announced, “Master Lucius will be occupied with work for the

next few days. Ensure you don’t disturb him!”

The servants understood the gravity of the situation, well aware of Lucius’s meticulous nature during work.


Violet didn’t probe, and proceeded to have her breakfast at the dining table.

As per the arrangement, Violet prepared Lucius’s lunch. She handed the dish to a servant, instructing, “Please

take this to him.”

The servant returned shortly with the untouched plate.

“Isn't he eating?” Violet asked, wondering if the repetitive menu had becunappealing.

“No, it's not that.” George clarified, shaking his head, “Master Lucius specifically requested that Ms. Agatha

serve his meals.”