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Love's New Bloom by Simone Hastings

Chapter 211
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Chapter 211 Yvette Sets Her Sights on Chandler

Flora laughed upon hearing Yvette’s explanation. “Are you worried that your brother–in–law is going to fall for that


Yvette snorted and didn’t say anything, which meant that she was implicitly agreeing with what Flora said. She’d

always been her true self in front of Flora. Even when faced with her mother, Cherry, Yvette had to put on a fake

persona too.

“It’s been three years. Since you like Chandler, I think you should quickly divorce your husband, lan. Although lan’s

net worth is over a billion, it doesn’t compare to Chandler’s family fortune. His business empire extends to the rest

of the world. Their net worths aren’t in the same league.” Flora was envious of Yvette’s options when it came to

selecting a man for herself. If she was Yvette’s age, she would definitely try her best to get acquainted with a guy

like Chandler.

Speaking of divorce, Yvette opened her eyes and said to the makeup artist, Michelle, “Hold off on the makeup for

now. I have a lot on my mind, and I must chat with you guys.”

Michelle put away the foundation and makeup brushes. She looked like she was barely thirty–a little younger than

her actual age–despite being thirty–five years old. “Go ahead, Yvette. We’re listening.”

Yvette immediately cursed in anger. “That damned lan! I called him today and spent a considerable amount of time

talking to him, but he didn’t agree to divorce me! He’s refusing to divorce me simply because he doesn’t want to

split the assets!”

Flora frowned and said, “If he doesn’t agree, divorce can indeed be tricky. But if you don’t divorce, you won’t be

able to openly pursue Chandler. Your status as his sister–in–law is awkward.”

Yvette huffed helplessly and couldn’t find the words to express her frustration. Michelle, who was unaware of the

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truth, looked surprised and said, “Yvette, are you sure Alana and Chandler are genuinely loveless? Are they really

just good friends?”

“I’m sure about that! Chandler and Alana had a fake wedding back then. My parents and I know about it. Besides,

although Alana lives in the villa, she and Chandler have always had separate rooms. Chandler has mentioned it to

me and my mom a few times privately. They’ve only ever been friends. But this matter involves Alana’s family, so

don’t talk about it outside. Don’t put me in a difficult position,” Yvette

reminded them.

Flora and Michelle both laughed. Flora said, “Come on, you know we won’t spill your secrets. Don’t worry, we don’t

even know Alana. So, we don’t care about her relationship with Chandler. Even if they have something going on

behind the scenes, it won’t stop you from

pursuing Chandler.”

“Yeah, it won’t affect anything. Let me tell you, men like Chandler have seen plenty of beauties. Ordinary women

can’t catch their attention.

Otherwise, he wouldn’t have remained unmarried even when your sister has been gone for so many years. While

he did get hitched somehow, it was a fake marriage. We’re rooting for you, Yvette. At least you have a natural

advantage with your face.” Michelle looked at Yvette’s lace with satisfaction. Over the years, she’d done lots of

makeup looks for Yvette, so she was more familiar than anyone with how

to bring out Yvette’s beauty with a plethora of makeup and accentuation techniques.

Flora patted Yvette’s arm and said, “Don’t fret. She’s just an art teacher. If Chandler likes beautiful women, he

would have found someone else long ago. You should find a way to divorce lan as soon as possible. Doesn’t he have

many affairs with other women behind your back? Gather evidence of his infidelity. If he refuses to divorce, hire a

lawyer and file for divorce in court.”

Flora and Michelle’s words gave Yvette a lot to think about. After a few minutes, she said, “Michelle, continue with

the makeup. I’ve taken your opinions into consideration. It’s best if I don’t do anything to set lan up; otherwise, I’ll

also end up in hot water. I’ll try to divorce him peacefully and negotiate with him at a later time.”

Meanwhile, in Chandler’s villa, Erin was patiently teaching Asa in his bedroom.

He was much more obedient than Erin had imagined. The paintings she brought impressed him greatly. Erin had

done her research and drew in a cartoonish style that about eighty percent of children would like.

Her attempt was very successful as Asa happened to be one of the eighty percent. He was absolutely enthralled

when he saw the comic strip that Erin showed him. A smiling face that was filled with admiration replaced the

initially apprehensive and formal expression that he had. They could now joke around.

The familiarity and closeness that quickly developed between the two astonished Chandler, who was in the study

watching the surveillance footage on his computer. He never expected his son to have such a great interest in

drawing. When Chandler saw the stick

It seemed that his son, Asa, had a talent for art. Chandler surmised that this innate artistic talent most probably

came from his biological mother, Erin. The mere possibility of this filled his heart with mixed emotions. How

wonderful it would be if Erin could see that their son could draw now.

The woman in the surveillance footage had a beautiful face that seemed surreal, and Chandler found it hard to lake

his eyes off her. However, it wasn’t just her appearance that drew him in; it was the maternal love that she

constantly emanated.

Her tender, loving, and indulgent gaze toward Asa made Chandler think she was looking at the person she loved the

most in the world. He couldn’t help but think he was overthinking things upon seeing how she interacted with Asa.

However, after watching for a while, Erin’s gaze and tone remained consistent, and this piqued Chandler’s curiosity


For now, he settled on thinking that Erin was someone who genuinely loved children.

Time flew by, and before they knew it, an hour had passed.

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Erin seemed to have lost track of time. The way she chatted with Asa while drawing filled the entire bedroom with

laughter and joy.

“Miss Pamela, did you like drawing when you were a child, just like me?” Asa asked innocently, blinking his big doe


His delicate facial features resembled Chandler’s childhood photos, but his expression and smile were very much

like Erin’s. He could make people momentarily forget all their troubles.

Erin had spent countless sleepless nights imagining herself spending time with Asa. Now it had become a reality,

and she could hardly believe it was true. She feared that it might be a cruel and unreal dream that she would

eventually have to wake up from.

“Miss Pamela? What are you thinking about?” Asa looked at Erin, his expression complex. Her eyes were slightly

red, and her gaze seemed

distant as if she was not in the bedroom at that moment.

Hearing her son call her like that, Erin choked up. “What did you call me?”

Asa tilted his little head, holding a blue crayon in his hand as he chuckled. “I called you Miss Pamela. Are you tired,

Miss Pamela? If you’re

too tired, you can take a nap.”

His genuinely kind words made Erin unable to hold back her emotions any longer. She knelt down on the floor,

leaned forward, hugged Asa tightly, and started crying. Her suppressed and restrained sobs couldn’t be contained

any longer, but she was afraid of scaring Asa, so she didn’t cry out loud. She also feared that her crying might

alarm others. This unexpected scene made Chandler, who was sitting in the study, immediately stand up. He left

the study and headed to Asa’s room.

Within two minutes, Chandler arrived at Asa’s bedroom. He had intended to push the door open, but he heard Erin

say to Asa carefully,” Asa, can I ask you a question?”

In the bedroom, Asa was handing tissues to Erin, his little face showing concern. “Miss Pamela, why are you crying?

Is there something that’s making you very sad? Daddy said that if you’re really sad, then you should cry it all out. I’ll

be here with you.”

Asa remembered Erin’s words earlier and added, “What’s your question, Miss Pamela? Do ask me. I’ll answer you if

it is something I know.“