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Loving Madeline

Chapter 316 A Job
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Jack's POV

It seemed like Charlotte was so determined with her decision, she didn't want me to be in her house, and I didn't want to go home, especially now that I was starting to see the real Charlotte Divenson.

She was wearing a shirt and shorts, so simple, yet, she still looked so beautiful and young that I wanted to take her into my arms. I knew I came here to Barcelonia to make her fall for me and not the other way around.

Watching her eat her food without care if she was the daughter of Clark Divenson made me smile. I hope she will have a night swimming with me. Mario told me her wife hid the wines back in the cellar so Charlotte would be left with nothing, and just watching her now without knowing what was really happening around her made me feel guilty.

But Hunter's plan was good for her; she needed to learn how to live in this world without the support of her family and to be an independent woman. I could tell she was trying to figure out how to live here in Barcelonia alone without money.

I am sure she didn't want me to stay because she was afraid I would find out the truth, and I was having a hard time convincing her, and I needed help from a woman's point of view.

I am not so familiar with dealing with girls, even if I knew many women wanted to have my attention and company; I only fell in love once with Madeline, and I only had one girlfriend, and that is Maddie's best friend.

"I cooked, so you better clean the table and wash the dishes," I said, and her eyes widened in shock.

"Are you ordering me to wash the dishes?" She asked, and I could feel the irritation in her voice.

"Why, is there something wrong with it?" I asked back.

"Of course, I didn't ask you to cook, Jack; you did it, so you better clean all these messes," she answered, and I realized she still wanted to pretend she had money to boss me around.

"Okay, I can do that, but I think you should deduct my labor from the total amount of my due," I responded, and I could see the alarm on her face she was trying to hide.

"No, the maids will do it tomorrow," she replied.

"My dear, Charlotte, you should clean your table and kitchen if you don't want rodents to be your company in this wonderful house," I responded, and she quickly got up from her seat with a plate in her hands and gracefully walked out of the dining hall towards the kitchen.

I let out a heavy sigh while I shook my head; I hated that I wanted to help her, and I couldn't stand her bratty attitude; she infuriated me to the highest level.

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I cleaned the table and brought the dishes to the kitchen sink, and I found her washing her plates and the utensils I used when I cooked our food, and I couldn't stop smiling watching her; I knew she didn't know how to do any household chores, but now, I could tell Charlotte was trying her best to do everything she can to survive.

"I thought the maids would do the washing?" I asked, and I stifled a laugh when I saw her tensed up, but she didn't bother to turn around and look at me.

"I don't want any company in this house," she replied sternly, and I walked closer to her and put the rest of the dishes on the kitchen counter.

"I can help you if you want," I mumbled, and she spun her head and glanced at me.

"No need, I can do this," she responded softly, and it felt like she was crying.

"Are you okay?" I asked.

"Of course, I am fine," she responded as she continued washing the dishes manually.

"You don't need to do it if you don't want to; this is your house; I was only kidding, Charlotte." I softly said, but she didn't answer me.

"Hey, please, don't ignore me," I added.

"I am not ignoring you, Jack, and I'd rather stay quiet than talk with you; there is nothing to talk about." She responded, and I could feel the bitterness in her voice.

"I am sorry if I disturb your peaceful life, Charlotte, or if I offended you; I don't intend to hurt you," I softly mumbled before I walked out of the kitchen and went straight to my room.

"Hey, how is it going out there?" I heard my sister's sweet voice on the other line, and I couldn't help but smile.

Lianne would always make me feel better, especially if I felt so down and confused; she had been my rock all through these years; I wanted to open up to my mom; but she has a lot on her plate already ever since our dad died, I knew my mother wasn't the same.

Our mom never showed us once that she was hurting and in pain; she wanted us to see her smiling even if life became hard for her. Losing my dad was the saddest day in my life.

"The only thing I can guarantee you is this place is amazing, but I have a hard time dealing with Charlotte, but you were she was different from the person we knew. I don't know if it was because of her situation. I could say it was wrong for us to judge her." I responded.

"I didn't judge her, Jack," my sister responded.

"I could tell something was going on with you, big brother; it seemed like you were beginning to like her," my sister replied, and I could feel the amusement in her voice.

"Of course not; there is no way I will like her, Lianne; I am just telling you my observation. I don't like Charlotte, and she is still infuriating even if I could say she changed a lot from the last time we saw her." I answered, trying to make my voice convincing.

"Well, if you want to keep it a secret from me that there is an attraction between you two, it is all up to you, Jack; I will not force you; just tell me about the development of your mission." My sister stated.

"I am having a hard time convincing the princess; she almost kicked me out the moment she saw me, I am just glad I got food, and she allowed me to stay overnight." I declared, and I told her the whole story.

"Wow, it seemed you needed to do your best to make her say yes," my sister replied.

"That is why I am calling you right now; I needed some help," I said.

"What kind of help, Jack? I am miles away from you." Lianne responded.

"You are a woman; maybe you have an idea of how to make her agree with my terms," I replied.

"She is a Divenson, and I could tell you can never bribe her because of her pride; that is the only thing she has right now. Even if she almost lost everything she has, Charlotte is still pretending she got everything." Lianne said.

"All you need to do is be patient, don't leave the manor no matter how she will drive you away; just continue feeding her," my sister added.

"Where am I going to stay then?" I asked.

"Show Charlotte you wanted to stay with her at the Divenson estate in Barcelonia, even outside the house." My sister replied.

"What?" I asked in disbelief.

"You told me the estate is big; I mean, you can put a tent near the house, right?" She asked back.

"No, I am not going to do that," I said.

"Come on, Jack, you used to love camping with dad; it is about time to do it again, he was gone, but his memories will always be in our hearts." My sister responded.

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"I am not doing it because of dad's memories, Lianne; I won't do it because of Charlotte," I replied.

"Hey, you want to win her heart, right?" She asked, and I let out a heavy sigh in response.

"Then, you have to do it, Jack; you need to show Charlotte you can be her friend during this hard time in her life, you knew how much she needed money, and I think you should give her the amount due for your stay." My sister declared.

"Do you know how hard it was on her part to wash the dishes? All her life, she had maids wherever she needed everything, and we both knew she didn't know anything about household chores, but she badly needed that money, Jack." Lianne added.

"You better give her the amount you agreed to pay," she continued.

"Okay, if you think that is the best thing to do, then I will do it for the sake of my mission; she is only a job for me, my dearest sister," I replied.

"Jack, you might eat your words one of these days; who knows, you will find your true love over there," my sister responded.

"I came here because of the contract I signed, not to fall in love, Lianne," I replied, and my sister giggled. I said goodbye to her even though I knew she still wanted to talk with me.

I got three hundred dollar bills from my wallet, and I was about to leave my room when I heard a soft knocking on my door.

"Hi," Charlotte said when I opened the door; I could see that she was fidgeting.

"Hey," I replied, and I could tell there was something she wanted to say to me, and I remembered maybe Lianne was right; she needed the money right now.

"Are you going to kick me out?" I asked, and she shook her head.

"Of course not. If you want to have a night swimming in the pool, just knock on my room." She replied.

"Okay, but may I know which room?" I asked, trying to sound calm since I couldn't deny her proximity was making me so hot all over my body.

"My room is next to yours," she replied, and I could feel my pulse quicken, knowing she would be sleeping next to my room.

"That means you would be swimming with me?" I asked, feeling excited.

"No, I will give you the instructions on where to switch the lights and how to turn on the jacuzzi," Charlotte responded, and my face fell.