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Lust Knight

Chapter 315 - Devils Landing
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Chapter 315 - Devil's Landing

Do you know when someone says that when facing death, a person sees their whole life pass before their eyes? Lana always thought that was bullshit.

But then, the moment when everything screw, she really found herself analyzing the choices that led her to that point... the point that she was sure would die.

One of Rose’s stone spikes pierced the ship where Lana is, and when she started to fall towards the water, she managed to hold on to one of the ship’s masts.

While watching the ship’s other crew members fall into the water while the giant stone spike continues to lift it, Lana rethinks her goals.

It all started when she was a little girl, an orphan from a small village on the western border of Portgreen. Then she saw her home being attacked by bandits, and when everything seemed lost, the majestic Queen appeared with a group of knights and killed those bandits.

A Queen who fights for simple and humble people, for small villages as well as the great cities of the kingdom; that was the opinion that common people always had of Cassidy.

From that day on, little Lana wanted to help the people like the Queen, and luckily she caught the eye of one of Cassidy’s spies.

Despite not having good combat skills, Lana managed to become a good spy thanks to her senses abilities and was sent to various locations in Portgreen to do missions, and by bad or good luck, she could not help the Queen when the stupid revolution happened.

But the Queen was alive, and Lana found herself able to help Cassidy by giving information about the rats who had caused her so much harm, especially the betrayer knight.

But Lana failed again... Theodore is far away and getting his plans into action while she is waiting for death on that ship attacked by a strange group.

[I failed, my Queen...] Lana blinks for a second, and as soon as she opens her eyes again, she gets shocked to the soul.

What she sees in front of her, or better below her because the ship is tilted, is one of their supposed attackers cutting a mercenary’s body in half. The mercenary’s death is not interesting, but the attacker who is actually... "Queen Cassidy??!?!?!"

Cassidy looks up and sees a woman holding on to the ship’s mast. "Oh, so you know me, dirty pirate?"

Lana quickly shakes her head. "I am neither a pirate nor a mercenary; in fact, I am a spy."

Cassidy laugh. "You really love your life too much to make up such an excuse. But I feel for informing you: you will die by my blade."

Lana realizes that her situation is very complicated, and Cassidy would be stupid to believe any mercenary who claims to be a spy.

Then she quickly says her superior’s name. "I work for Raco’s spymaster; I was following Theodore..."

While Cassidy remembers Raco’s spy, Lucien does too.

Still on his throne, with Amelia and Rose in his arms, he smiles as he remembers the name of the spy that Raco’s spymaster spoke of. "My good spy, Lana... So they are near."

L.u.s.t, sitting on top of the throne, comments. "How good does your luck have to be for your enemies to willingly bring their asses to you to kick?"

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Lucien replies. "Good enough that it still exists even after I found wives as good as the ones I have."

L.u.s.t, Rose, and Envy giggles as Amelia makes a jealous expression. Then the little vampire takes the stone throne to Cassidy and Lana.

"Hubby?" Cassidy gives Lucien a questioning expression as soon as he gets to her side as she is still unsure whether to believe the alleged spy.

Rose creates a stone surface in front of them while Lucien talks to Cassidy. "Lana was the name Raco’s spy told me about. Also, her features are the same, even that scar."

Cassidy jumps on the stone platform while Astrid finishes eliminating the other mercenaries on that ship.

"Get down from there," Lucien says to Lena, who quickly tries to stop gazing at his horns and jumps on the stone platform as well.

Lana quickly kneels down and speaks respectfully. "My King; my Queen."

Lucien certainly would not fail to reward someone for doing something so useful for him, and he already has an idea of how to reward Lana, who has a scar on her face, which, although not as big as Olivia’s, undoubtedly makes her uncomfortable.

Still, now he’s focused on finding the men who did Cassidy harm, so he asks without delay. "Where are they?"

Lana quickly explains. "Theodore is flanking the city from the north, and Bowen is on a small island in the north as well."

Cassidy’s eyes sparkle with expectation for revenge as she smiles.

Lucien makes a thoughtful expression while thinking aloud. "So he planned to use these five sh.i.p.s as a distraction... I knew this was such a small group to be a real attack."

Nina listens to Lucien’s words as Angela approaches her floating platform to them. "So they are flanking the city... not only are all of our troops there, but they also don’t know about elven troops in the forest... such bad luck for them."

"I don’t know if it is due to their arrogance, poor planning, bad luck, or a mixture of them, but they dug their own grave and jumped inside willing." Lucien comments.

During their quick conversation, Lucien’s other wives quickly killed all the ship’s mercenaries.

Then he mentally warns them about the larger group of mercenaries to the north, leaving the girls excited by a more challenging fight.

"Let’s go." Lucien heads to the northwest on his floating throne while his girls follow, now having a new member on Angela’s floating platform.


Several miles from the five sh.i.p.s lifted by Rose’s stone spikes, later known as the ’devil’s fangs,’ there is a small forest west of Oxard.

Although most of the cat-clan territory is not good ground for large trees, the elf troops sent by Ghalenna found the small forest cozier than the city of Oxard and the beaches on the coast.

While the group leader, an old elf whose age is certainly above seventy, even though she appears to be forty, rests under the largest tree in the small forest, her soldiers train or patrol the area.

Even with her eyes closed and her body immobile, the elven captain is still aware of everything that happens around her and hears one of her troops approaching quickly.

"Captain! Captain!!" The young elf scout arrives in front of the mature elf in a hurry.

"Report." The captain speaks in a calm tone.

"Invaders coming from the beach to the north. About one thousand and five hundred well-armed soldiers in the clothes of mercenaries." The young elf explains.

The captain smiles. "It looks like we’ll have some fun then."

The young elf is also excited to fight as the elves were the first women that Eve started to lead after spending several weeks alone, and that troop of elves stayed close to her for a long time, so the benefits of Pride’s aura despite being focused on boost temporary, also helped them to become stronger as well as the small influence of Envy and Amelia on Dawn.

Of the hundred elves that Ghalenna sent to defend the cat-clan, most are in SS-rank while about ten are in the Mortal Realm’s first layer. The captain is actually very close to the second layer because she was one of the mages who was always beside Eve, managing her floating platform.

So, even though one hundred against fifteen hundred seems like a predictable battle, the elf captain is sure that her group can win without losses. She is quite arrogant as Eve’s closest servants naturally become, looking down at everyone except their great Queen and their superiors.

"Should we warn Nina?" The young elf asks.

The elf captain shakes her head. "You don’t have to; we will do this quickly and show these cat-girls how powerful our elven clan is."

"Yes, captain." The young elf nods, and together they quickly join their group and run to the northern part of the small forest.

In almost perfect stealth, a hundred elves watch the fifteen hundred mercenary troops walk along the road beside the small forest. While Theodore leads the way, carrying a beautiful black greatsword, his troops follow him, excited to f.u.c.k the charming cat-girls and steal their home.

"By now, the cat-clan warriors must be on their little sh.i.p.s facing our mages..." Theodore comments.

His spy responds. "I don’t think so. I saw the cat-clan sh.i.p.s, and they are very slow. I think we still have about five minutes before they face our mages, and they can hold on for another twenty minutes."

Theodore smiles as he starts to increase his movement speed. Then he looks at his troops as he starts to run. "Let’s go! Kill all the men and ugly women!!!"

"Hahaha..." The mercenaries laugh and start running after Theodore.

*Whoosh* *Whoosh* *Whoosh* *Whoosh* *Whoosh*

They can only hear the fast noise of the wind being cut by the fast emerald arrows that take the lives of fifty mercenaries in just one second.

"What the F????" Theodore stops running while entering a defensive state, as does his whole group.

Although Argeriam’s two moons are lighting up the night, he still can’t see who attacked his group.

"Who’s there?!" Theodore shouts toward the woods.

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*Whoosh* *Whoosh* *Whoosh* *Whoosh* *Whoosh*

More sounds of wind are heard, not of arrows but from many elven warriors who land in front of the group of mercenaries after doing some acrobatics in the air.

The elven captain points an arrow at Theodore while holding her bow with the other hand. "That was a warning; if you don’t leave Alliance territory now, we will kill you all."

Theodore is surprised by the elves’ attack, but he doesn’t believe that there are too many of them around and that the elf captain is trying to scare him with a little ambush.

So, he laughs. "You know... I always wanted to f.u.c.k an elf, and you are so beautiful..."

While the elven captain makes an expression of disgust, the spy beside Theodore takes out a long dagger from his belt and a little bottle with yellow liquid.

He quickly begins to pour the liquid over the blade as he speaks to the elven captain. "This poison will cause you so much pain that you will want to die, but you will not be able to... so to give you the antidote, you will fulfill all my master’s wishes."

The captain puts the arrow in her bow, which begins to glow with blue light from her ice magic. "Come on, you dirty vermin."

The spy focuses his special mana, which increases his agility, so he quick dash towards the elven captain. "Here I go!!"

The speed of the spy is really impressive for people of the Zero Realm, but the elven captain can easily follow his movements... what she could not understand is the body that descends from the sky at a speed 100 times faster.


Lucien descends from the sky like an arrow and stomps on the spy’s shoulders, crushing his body against the ground and creating a crater.


At the same time, he shoves his golden naginata into the back of the spy, and when the blade pierces his heart, Lucien releases some of his demonic energy, creating an explosion inside the poor man’s c.h.e.s.t.

The explosion destroys the spy’s body from the inside out, transforming his bones, organs, and muscles into meat paste.


Pieces of the spy fly everywhere, splashing mercenaries and elves but hitting Theodore much more, as he is closer to them.

Theodore wipes the blood and pieces of flesh off his face and then sees a creature with wings and horns staring at him with eyes that glow purple. "What the hell?!?"

"So you are the man who hurt my beloved, right?" Lucien’s calm, charming but also fatal voice arouses various feelings in the hearts of the people around him, whether they are mercenaries or elves.


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