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MMORPG : Rebirth Of The Strongest Guild Master

Chapter 434: A Much Needed Reality Check
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On the way to Thol village , Rudra and the band met one trouble after another . Although with their strength being sufficiently high level 40-60 beasts were not even worth a glance , hence despite the repeated monster confrontation , the group faced no major problem.

Which was untill SMG suddenly warned the group of approaching people and asked them to hide and take cover.

From behind the trees on the side of the road , the trio observed as a group of pitch black skinned humans with skin looking as hard as dragons scales blazed past them.

Rudra immediately recognised the creature. Night demons. Nefarious creatures dwelling in the middle worlds of hell. Known for its agility and tracking abilities , its role is a scout.

Judging by the direction it was headed towards , Rudra concluded that he was a spy sent to collect Intel on the Purplehaze side of things. Basically doing the same operation that he and the crew were but for the other side.

Rudra could naturally not let this matter go and said ' We Chase and kill! '

Immediately the trio changed their paths and heavily sped to gain on the two night demons that had passed.

Rudra was the one with the most speed , followed by SMG , while Jhonny was the slowest of the bunch , but even so even he was steadily gaining on the night demons that were running away.

When Rudra was sufficiently close the night demons did spot his presence and began to rush at full speed.

Too bad that Rudra had blink and it was useless , as the only thing the duo ran into was the elven sword , splitting their necks clean off their shoulders . The night demons had been slain.

While most people would stop here , looking at the decapitated body of two demons , Rudra did not hesitate before using thunderblast to blast the two bodies to smithereens , as being a reincarnator he knew something about the night demons , which was that under the moonlight , they became undead upon dying.

And the last thing he wanted was two headless zombies roaming around chasing him. Hence he completely destroyed their bodies.

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Jhonny chuckled , while SMG frowned , not knowing the reason , he naturally found Rudra's actions to be excessive , but he quickly let it slide as he was noone to judge the illustrious leader of the Elites for such a petty thing.

The trio then continued on their way towards thol village again after the short interruption. However , what they did not know was that Mazikeen had been alerted , the moment the two scouts died.

The two scouts had a spell placed on them allowing the forces of darkness to know if they were dead or alive , or captured. When the spell alerted Mazikeen about their deaths , she frowned , as there was no way the two could have reached Purplehaze city in such a short time , meaning they probably died by meeting humans enroute to Purplehaze city .

Alerted , Mazikeen increased patrol and dispersed counter intelligence troops on duty in the pathway that connected Thol village to Purplehaze city. She wanted to deal with the spies at the earliest and hence dispatched one of her most trusted aide on the job.

A tier 4 powerhouse , an incubus who went by the name of Rose , to hunt down the killer of the scouts.

Rudra had an omnious feeling inside his heart when he was treading towards Thol village , as there was a deep frown on his face. SMG who noticed this asked him " What happened? ".

Rudra shook his head as he said " It's this feeling , something is not right here , i think I am missing som ... "

Before Rudra could complete his sentence , there was a little girl who was bleeding from her knee on the road sitting with tears in her eyes.

With her two ponytails and a very cute expression anyone's heart would move to help the little child , however not Rudra. Not Rudra who had an extremely cute little brother Max who was always falling in love with one cute little girl or another , giving him a massive headache.

Rudra had seen more breakups for eight year olds than he had seen adult drama . He was immune to the tears of heartbroken little girls , much less from injured girls suspiciously lying in the middle of the road alone and without anyone around .

Rudra did not even need to use his brain to know this girl was not a girl and this was an obvious ploy. Hence , he did not even spare a second glance at the girl , but called out Furball and told her to blast the little girl to smithereens.

Rudra did not communicate his thoughts with his teammates , hence when Furball suddenly used the massive flame to engulf the little crying child , Jhonny and SMG yelped in fear , as they both had the same thought ' The leader has gone senile !'.

However the moment the little girl transformed into a voluptuous woman with an exqusite dominatrix charm , both of them were rendered silent , as the two had completely contrasting thoughts.

SMG thought ' Thankgod for the leader, i can't beleive I fell for such an obvious trick'

While Jhonny thought ' Hohoho , that's a hoe '.

The incubus Rose , looked at the trio puzzled , she had heard that humans especially loved the young ones of their race but these humans did not even spare a glance before attacking , clearly disrupting her whole plan.

What surprised her even more was the fact that except for the old one who was blatantly staring at her chest the other two had absolutely no attraction towards her incredible body.

This was an insult to an incubus who was used to having men sway left and right to her whims . Yet now these men actually dared to have hostility in their eyes while looking at her. They were supposed to be on their feet grovelling to kiss her heels , not glaring straight into her eyes. Rose was annoyed by these humans.

Rose said " Humans , you have angered the great general Mazikeen by killing her scouts and trying to spy on Lucifer's army. For this crime , i Rose , the most beautiful demon from the 17th hell sentence you to eternal damnation ! "

For a moment there was silence , before Jhonny bursted out laughing.



He patted Rudra on the back and laughed out loud , and even rolled on the floor wrenching his gut.

Rudra appreciated this act by Jhonny , as the moment he activated the eyes of truth he realized the true might of this incubus and that the three of them were not a match. Hence the task of stalling for time and pissing the opponent off was a crutial service that Jhonny was doing.

Rudra was extremely shocked to see that Mazikeen had sniffed their ploy out , and the news about the dead scouts had reached her soo quickly and that she even dispatched a tier 4 army member to deal with it.

Rose frowned , very annoyed with Jhonny 's antics and said " YOU .. HUMAN , Why are you laughing ?".

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Jhonny ignored her question and breathed heavily , trying to stop his laughter and regain the oxygen his body needed , after a while saying " You soo ugly your mama probably thought you disfigured when you were born . The most beautiful demon my a** ".

This insult made Rose turn red in anger , as on top of her five fingers , the five elements appeared as she used a powerfull tier 4 spell called " Elemental destruction ".

SMG merged into his shadow , dissapearing underground avoiding the strike , while Jhonny just became formless . The only one in trouble was Rudra who used the retractable shield to cushion the might of the spell.

However still lost 4000 HP and was sent stumbling 5 steps back.

Rudra cursed " Goddamn it , i need more defensive means ".

However it was Rose's turn to be shocked , these 3 humans were not ordinary and her taking them lightly only because they were very low tiered would make her make unnecessary mistakes . As the trio were clearly capable.

Thinking about this Rose got serious , as she decided to give the fight her all. She wanted to take no chances in crippling and capturing the trip for questioning if she could . Or just kill them and be done with it.

( Meanwhile in Purplehaze city )

The guilds that had initially not planned on coming to the Hazelgroove kingdom's aid , were now flocking towards the city , as every registered guild had been given a task by the government . And non compliance had heavy consequences , as a result the streets of Purplehaze city became even more crowded than they already were as the Atmosphere of the war set in .

Many were excited , as this was the first kingdom scale war that was going to happen in Omega , while the pessimistic ones were worried about loosing a lot should the kingdom fall to darkness.

A lot of baseless rumors and speculation floated across the streets as the masses prepared for war. However one thing that remained unchanged through all this was the 60 storey tall tower hovering over the city.

It had became a widespread tourist attraction , as everyone wanted a photo under it. If only it was not war season , most would open up a sandwich stall and start a picnic under it.

While the common people admired the tower , Medivh contemplated about the power of the strongest spell of the tower. And what was the best way to use it.

Medivh had a deep inkling that he needed to give his all and the towers all for the coming war. The best spell may need to be used and he was right on point with that speculation .

/// Special shoutout to Ofcsoccer4 for the 500 coin gift!

Thankyou for the patronage !

Guys the Golden ticket target is moving too slow , let's pick the pace up and hit 4k as soon as possible . ///