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MMORPG : Rebirth Of The Strongest Guild Master

Chapter 459: Stage One
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Rudra and the Elites entered the special event dungeon ' Lottery Of Jackpots ' and right from the get go , the dungeon gave them the much acclaimed classic arcade feel.

The dungeon was basically a combination of many many classic arcade games of the 21st century like donkeykong and supermario , and a collection of the hard levels of these games.

The very first stage was the good old donkeykong. With the boss monster being an oversized white albino gorrilla , and there being 10 parallel stages to climb before reaching him.

The Gorilla not only kept throwing horizontal barrels that came sliding down the 10 platforms to hit the party horizontally. But there were also direct vertical hits he liked to mix in sometimes , directly smashing the party on its head.

The main purpose of this stage was to thin party numbers , as unlike most dungeons , the lottery of jackpots was not dependent much on a players overall HP. As the penalty for each stage was different.

In the donkey Kong stage , getting hit once by a barrel would mean loosing 50% HP and getting hit twice meant death. There was no healing in this stage , and there was no reviving after this stage .

The members that died here would stay dead and that was a big challenge as most guilds to enter here lost nearly 30% of their members to this first stage. Making the difficulty of the coming stages incrementally harder.

As there was no timelimit on the stage it was best to take your time in passing it , but ensuring that the maximum guild members survived.

The walkthrough for this level that was compiled by the inferior guilds was that one should take maximum time to safely but surely progress. The best preperation that one could do , was to have their mages and healers at the front and the agile classes at the back , such that the mages would be able to destroy a few rolling barrels completely , preventing the part where members would have to jump to avoid it.

The problem with the rolling barrels was that they were 3 meters high. Although players at tier 3 level 110 were able to jump upto 3.5 meters in height , one had to perfectly time their jump to avoid coming in contact with the rolling barrels.

This was a tedious task , and sometimes when players were unable to time it perfectly , and a body part touches the barrel , they directly loose 50% of their HP and if it happens twice then they are dead.

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Naturally , the front of the group that is seeing the barrels roll towards them from a distance have more time to react to the Jump , while those at the back having a swarm of people ahead blocking their vision have to typically time their jumps at a moments notice.

Hence most preffered to keep the low mobility classes like tanks , healers and wizards at the front , while keeping the higher mobility classes at the rear to provide everyone with the best chances of survival .

However , Rudra was different. Rudra thought the problem with the mentality of , why should a single barrel pass the front line towards the backline?

Also , he was not like other guilds . He had one Jhonny English by his side , and absolutely did not need to take any risks in clearing this level!

Rudra's plan was simple , divide the group into 10 man lines , as the platform was wide enough to hold 15 men at once , hence filling 10 would leave enough room for everyone to maneuver. There would be 20 such lines , making 200 people in total.

The distance between each line would be 20 meters , giving everyone enough time to react to dodging the incoming barrels . While only the first line comprising of , Rudra , Neatwit , Jhonny , Karna , Medivh , SMG and Yume would charge ahead , and take down the large gorilla before everyone else climbed with ease.

The elites followed Rudra's instructions to a T , as they rolled out into the asked formations , while the front lines moved forward untill all lines were sufficiently seperated . While the first line made of the most agile and excellent players of the guild dashed through the multiple parallel platforms , dodging the incoming barrels as if it was a joke.

This plan was simple , yet brilliant , because Jhonny English was untouchable in this arena. His speed of climbing was unmatchable , as no matter what came his way , he just passed simply through it as if he wasn't there in the first place. Frustrating the gorrilla immensely.

Naturally the first one to arrive on the top floor was Jhonny English , as the Gorilla stopped throwing barrels and banged his chest to face Jhonny English.

This was the cue for everyone to start climbing rapidly , as without the obstruction from the barrels , it was a simple dash and climb. As Jhonny engaged in the boss fight , within 3 seconds , Rudra and the other front liners caught up entering the Frey with their best long range spells causing a BANG!

Lighting blast , fireball , poison daggers , sword slashes everything hit the giant albino gorilla , bringing his HP Down by 20% at once. After which it was a one sided fight as seven men ganged up on one gorilla horribly bullying him in the process.

Yume especially repeatedly kicked the Gorilla on his bum , all the while holding a peaceful amitabha namaste sign with his hands. While Jhonny kept beating his chest and showing his teeth infront of the Gorilla , causing the Gorilla to have a fit of rage.

Yet none of his fists made contact with Jhonny , who kept taunting and taunting the massive beast . Who was all the while dealt damage by the other assaulters.

By the time the majority of the elites reached the top floor , the giant gorilla was already at 10% HP about to go down. There was nothing much to do for them as the elders had it completely under control. As within the next few seconds the Gorilla died a painful death being stomped to death by Yume.

The Elites hence cleared the first stage in a way that nobody ever thought that the first stage could be cleared. Where it took most guilds 30-60 members deaths to pass through the stage , along with 2-4 hours of patient climbing. It took the elites a total of 8 minutes and 5 seconds. With not a single member loosing a single point of HP.

If the other guilds saw this performance they would have puked blood , to see how easily the elites breezed past what they thought to be a very tough challenge and although they were not here to see this , Rudra was recording this dungeon run , as he needed to publicize his achievements as well as make money by selling the walkthrough.

The moment the elites cleared the first stage , a notification rang informing them of the rewards they had earned.

Dungeon notification : Congratulations party ' True Elites ' for completing the stage one of the dungeon ' Lottery Of Jackpots ' .

Time taken to complete the stage : 8 minutes and 5 seconds

Injuries : 0

Casualities : 0

Final assessment : SS

Rewards :

+100,000 gold

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+1 Gorilla pet egg ( Dark Gold Grade )

+20 Gorilla barrels

+1 Gorilla Glove set (epic)

+5 Lucky draw tickets.

It was a windfall! , The elites got exceptional rewards for having a near perfect performance in this round . They missed the SSS rating by 5 seconds only as the criteria for it was to complete it under 8 minutes. However it was only because the Elites were goofing around not taking the challenge seriously enough to try their best.

However their performance still broke all records as the second best was a D rated performance by the independent dungeon raider party , doom raiders.

The most important part for the guild was the 5 lottery tickets . The speciality of this dungeon , the wheel of fortune that even had 3 semi legendary items inside its possible winning items , and Rudra had 5 spins to claim it!

However not sure of his average luck at best , Rudra knew that he had to pick one of the two Lucky charms of the guild .

However Rudra could not decide on which one of them to have a crack at it first. Wether to let Karna spin it or wether to let Jhonny have a go?

One was the vice guild master , while the other was the most senior member (age wise) in the guild . Hence , Rudra hesitated a lot , before going with Jhonny for the spinning .

Little did he know that of everyone here , he picked the worst possible person to spin it....

/// Special shoutout to Omar_Alshaikh for the 15,000 coin MEGA gift !!!!!! And to Adrian_Hardin for the 1000 coin gift !

As with every super gift we will always have a bonus chapter , which will be given today itself. Hence thank him in the comments for this one.

Also we are incredibly close to hitting the GT target for a bonus chapter. Hopefully we hit it today itself before reset time to get a bonus tonight! ///