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MMORPG : Rebirth Of The Strongest Guild Master

Chapter 632: A warrior is forged not born
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Rudra was far from his peak capabilities , if he were to be honest with himself , his left hand only had 10% of its mobility while his back hurt like hell.

Although his HP was above 99% , his physical condition would restrict his usage of moves and abilities.

At this moment , he was effectively reduced from two sword fight style to one sword fight style as although he held siege breaker in his left arm , it was nothing more than a showpiece.

To make matters even worse the Shaman in scar-face's body was emitting power even greater than what scar-face emitted by himself .

Not being there to witness the body posession , Rudra was baffled to see the sudden power up as an uneasy feeling settled in his heart.

Using the move [ darkness blast ]

He sent a Powerful ball of darkness towards the shaman who deflected it easily.

" You dare use darkness attacks on me boy? Do you even know how I was raised? How long i have lived in the shadows !

Your boss maybe the god of death , but I AM the god of darkness ". The shaman said as he produced 10 simultaneous darkness blasts and sent them all towards Rudra.

Thankfully Rudra's legs were still mobile and capable of sustaining his top speed as he was able to weave through the attacks and counter with a thunderblast of his own!


Thunder struck the shaman's chest as a damage of -25000 appeared on the shaman's head , but he only swatted on the sizzling burn as to make it stop.

-25000 was a drop in a bucket with people nearing a million in total HP and did not affect one at all .

However the fact that such a lousy attack connected was shocking to Rudra as he started to notice the flaws in the shaman's performance.

From the way that Scar-Face was talking to his killer instincts as a fighter everything had changed since Rudra had arrived back at the battlefield.

Although the power that the shaman exuded was undoubtedly much greater than Scar-Face 's . Rudra understood that the man underneath was not a trained warrior. A weakness that was meant to be exploited.

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Rudra charged in towards the shaman , who swung his sword too strongly and missed the chance to change its trajectory as Rudra bent under it to sneak straight below his jaw.


A 180° perfect front split kick sent the shaman flying as he could not counter against the attack clinically enough to evade it in time.

With this kick , Rudra's suspicion turned into reality as he started to mount all sorts of pressure on the shaman.

Nothing about Rudra's fighting style was orthodox as he used a South-Paw leanback fight style throwing in kicks in between sword jabs as the shaman had a hard time keeping up with Rudra despite having superior speed and reflexes.

The shaman beleived that taking over Scar-Face's body he could just read the other party's move set and perform everything that he could . However in high speed fights as this one , there was no time to read moves , there was no obvious opening to exploit.

It was simply a dance of death!

A warriors instincts are not forged in a day , it takes years of intense battles to finally have the killer instincts to defend and counter as naturally as breathing .

Rudra who had spent two lifetimes honing his craft was a much more experienced fighter in one on one combat rather than the shaman , as although the shaman was in scar-face's body he could not see the gaps in Rudra's defenses like scar-face and attack them to pressure Rudra to go on the defensive.

It was because of this that Rudra was able to absolutely mercilessly drill into the shaman as with every three exchanges he was manage to land one blow , eating away at the shaman's HP as it fell from a bright green to a dangerous orange color.

The shaman could not understand how even after having one of the greatest combat bodies of this world he was still being suppressed by a brat , but he could do nothing about it.

" Why am I being beaten back ... I'm clearly much stronger than you ! ". The shaman said annoyed as laid off the fighting part and summoned 10 orcs to help him retreat for a while.

However Rudra had tasted blood now , and had no intentions of letting the shaman go , hence he summoned his bone dragon and durahal to fight against the summoned orcs as he himself fought the shaman.

[ Darkness Bind ]

Rudra tripped the running shaman with some vines as he jumped over his body with the intention to pierce it on landing.


Hitting some kind of barrier , Rudra bounced off without getting the opportunity to stab the shaman .

" No- no - no - no - no , I just need more time to learn swordsmanship and use this body to its fullest potential . After a century i have a fresh body , i cannot fall here now ". The shaman said as he tried to open a portal and escape.

However Rudra just used the wooden necklace and created a wood style prison around the shaman blocking any and every possible routes of escape.

[ Acid dispersion]

The shaman used some sort of ugly yellow acid to melt the blocks of wood around him as he faced Rudra with a cold glare.

" We have no enmity , i am not scar-face and i did not attack your city . Let me go and we will consider this matter settled human ". The shaman proposed

However he knew Rudra was never gonna take such a deal , so in reality he was only stalling for time while he prepared to use scar-face 's ultimate move once more.

" You know what i hate in this world the most ?

It's imposters like you !".

Rudra straight up rejected this idea as he had far too much enmity with the shaman to let him walk.

Clutching his sword , Rudra started to prepare for his move that would end the shaman's life as well.

In reality , Rudra had already seen through what the shaman was trying to do and he already came up with a back up plan for it.

The shaman was dumb to think that just because he took over Scar-Face's body and memories that he could actually become a warrior that was half as good as scar-face as a true warrior was not born , he was forged in a battlefield .

His entire form , his eyes and even his expressions all gave away his next move and Rudra could smell it from a mile away what he wanted to do next.

For Rudra it was like facing a true Elite academy student , as while the skills shown by the kid were not too shabby , he could technically read him like an open book.

" Very well ... Don't say i did not warn you !



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( Meanwhile on the forums )

'' Guys , Shakuni is a SUS player . In his very first breakout videos he was already using the darkness bind and the darkness blast moves .

It was first assumed that it would be due to some artifact , however his repoitore of forbidden moves has only increased since.

Not only can he summon a bone dragon , he can also summon an undead legion .

His class is supposed to be a knight , and the pope somehow coronates him as a king which means he absolutely cannot be connected with the dark faction.

This only leaves one option ... As the enemy he was fighting pointed out . Shakuni must be a follower of the death God!

Although i have no idea who or what the death God is , I'm sure shakuni gets all his powers from him.

Find the death God , and you can become the next Shakuni! ''.

( Replies to this thread )

' Comeon there is no death God in Omega , there is only Lucifer the god of the dark faction '.

' Makes sense , you are a genius to figure this out ! Thankyou for the post , i will try to search about the legend of the death God '.

' Yes , yes , we must find more about the legend of the death God , even my fighting skills are as good as shakuni . If i just had the proper moveset and equipment , even i could be just like him! '.

' Well here is my conspiracy theory : Shakuni might be a reincarnator .... I mean he's always at the right place at the right time '.

/// IMPORTANT ANNOUNCEMENT : I'm in need for beta readers for a new upcoming project.

It's for a special event concerning this book and i need people who are both the fans of this book and avid readers otherwise to discuss about a very confidential and important matter.

So if you think you are a good judge of books and content , please drop a comment down in the comments section below .

Congratulations on hitting the GT target , we have officially crossed 2400 GT!

As for the Bonus chapter it will be uploaded today itself! ///