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MMORPG : Rebirth Of The Strongest Guild Master

Chapter 640: Conclusion
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Only Rudra himself knew how much pain he was undergoing at the moment. To say that it was mind numbing would be an understatement , as it was simply not possible for his body to even muster the strength to support his body weight anymore.

Even then , through trembling legs Rudra did stand up once more , and while he was bleeding from his fore-head , bleeding from his mouth , bleeding from his arms and even from his ears , he still managed to look like an absolute demon as he stared down the last tier 4 general standing.

The opponent was too terrified to even move as he looked at Rudra in absolute horror .

" Come .. ". Rudra said as he smiled like a maniac sending shivers down the spine of his opponent.

When the general looked into the eyes of Rudra , he could see the image of the death God himself as his psyche was too rattled to even think rationally after seeing the deaths of his three colleagues.

It was at this moment , that Rudra did the unthinkable.... Forcing his will beyond the limits of human pain tolerance. He forced his right hand to pop the dislocated left shoulder back into its socket as he stared into the eyes of the tier 4 general during the entire time that he did it.


Rudra's popped his broken left shoulder back into the socket as his facial expression did not even change one bit as he did it.

With the maniacal smile only widening rather than reducing , Rudra gripped seige Breaker too as he crossed his two swords and took a fighting stance as he said once more .... " COME ..".

Although both his hands and his entire body was trembling violently , Rudra's face revealed a different story as it was as confident and calm as ever.

"Mo-monster .... MONSTER ". The general panicked as he ditched his scythe and started to run away from Rudra as he started to ditch the battlefield.

" Maniac.... Maniac .... I cannot fight him if i wish to live RETREAT .... RETREAT ... FALL BACK ! ". The general shouted as he ran away , the already shook blood merchant army following suit as they ditched their weapons and abandoned their lines.

A loud cheer went up the elites camp as the enemy retreated , as the Elite morale reached the pinnacle.

For everyone who was watching shakuni at that moment , he was like the incarnation of God himself as he stood on the battlefield as an invincible hero.

His head down , Rudra bit his lips hard , as he used his helmet to cover his facial expressions.

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Pointing his sword towards the retreating army ... He said in his most kingly voice possible " ELITES... Chase them b****** out of our city ".

" AHOOO ! ".

" CHARGE! ".



The energetic elites responded with full gusto , as the Elite army charged towards the retreating merchant army , and forced them out of the city.

Rudra wobbled on his way to his bone dragon as he hurled his broken body over the critically injured creature and commanded him for the last time " Land on the mage tower ... Protect me then on ".

Although the poor creature had its head crushed completely by the spear throw , it still obeyed Rudra's commands as he landed over the mage tower and clawed itself at the very top.

Rudra vomitted a mouthful of blood on the bone dragon's body when it finally landed , as his body had lost the last visage of strength it had .

Forcing himsf into a seated position , he monitored the ongoing battle from a high view , as he retired from active battle .

He had performed to his absolute limits in this war and now he was going to enjoy his very well deserved rest after a long long weeks work.

According to his estimations , the war on the eastern front should wrap up fast and with that the elites would win 2/4 Battlefronts .

With it already being a sealed victory at North , once the Eastern side fell , the momentum of fights would shift completely as Reinforcements from both these sides could then join the other Battlefronts and the elites could finally start pushing back.

Although he was not fighting himself and forcing his droopy body to not slide and fall over the bone dragon's head , his presence itself was reassurance enough for the elites , as everyone throughout the city could see the tallest building in the city and the bone dragon on top and know that the guildmaster was watching over them.

It was also proof that Rudra was still alive and well and that in itself was a morale booster for the elites.

Drinking potions to ease his pain , Rudra slowly recovered some straws worth of strength as he saw the battle unfold under his eyes.

Just as he expected the eastern battlefield under Neatwit was able to completely overwhelm the merchants and within the next 2 hours the eastern front was a complete victory.

Neatwit instantly rallied his troops to go south as he proudly joined Karna's side in battle and started to push the merchants back on the south end.

The same happened on the nothern front as they joined jhonny's side in battle at the west.

The Reinforcements arriving was a joyous occasion for the soldiers fighting in the west as their very presence meant that the battle on their side was over.

When the end is visible insight a man feels the most motivated to push to the finish line , whereas moving forward with no goal in sight is difficult.

It is because of this that the elites soon started to overwhelm their opponents and the tide of the war completely shifted into the elites favour.

The balance of odds changed completely as the online forums betting became 90-10 in elites favour as it seemed as if the elites were on the brink of a victory.

The only reason why some people still backed the merchants was because it had been a very topsy turvy war with both sides pulling comebacks seemingly out of nowhere.

However they were wrong in backing the merchants as there was no comeback this time , as 6 hours later the southern side had comprehensively routed the merchants out of the city.

With 3/4 Battlefronts lost , the merchants stood no chance at the Western front as the moment the bulk Reinforcements arrived from the south and east , the western army faced the full might of the elite army.

Slaughtered like cattles , the merchants were not even ousted from the city on the Western front as they were simply exterminated by the elites after Karna's forces blocked all exits.

When the elites finally routed all the enemies from all four Battlefronts , a system notification made the entire city erupt in cheers.

" SYSTEM NOTIFICATION : The war between the group ' Blood merchants ' and the defendants ' True Elites ' for the throne of the ' True Kingdom ' , has been won by the True Elites .

The merchants have admitted defeat and are now blacklisted within the country with a bounty on the head of each survivor ".

The entire elite army went mad with adrenaline rush at this announcement as warriors roared and chest bumped each other , while some hugged and shed tears of joy.

Karna SMG and Neatwit broke out in dancing , as the three giggled like a bunch of teenagers , not being able to beleive that they managed to actually pull this shit off.

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The emotions every Elite was feeling at the moment was surreal , as this was definitely the longest and hardest fought war that they had ever fought in their lives , and despite the overwhelming odds the group still managed to overcome it together.

When Rudra finally heard that the war was over , he let a smile escape his lips as he recalled the bone dragon and let himself fall from the top of the 60 floor mage tower towards the ground.

He had pushed himself to the absolute limits in this war but now that it was over and he had no more job to do , he let the pain wash over him as he gave into his body's condition.

Although he just wished to die peacefully , somehow the thud of landing at the floor never came , as he was caught in a levitation spell used my Medivh.

He smiled at his colleague , but he had so much blood in his mouth that he could not even utter a single word without vomitting a mouthful first .

Not wanting to show such an embarassing image of himself , Rudra said nothing but Medivh understood the smile behind the silence.

Wrapping Rudra's arm around his shoulder he carried his entire bodyweight to the nearest medical centre , as he let chief healer Naomi take over from there.

Naomi looked at Rudra's pitiful state as a tear escaped her eye , but she was all smiles too for the victory of the group.

Rudra tried to swallow his blood and say something to make her stop crying , however Naomi placed a hand over his lips as she said " No need to say anything ... U can rest now babe ".

Rudra said nothing as he finally closed his eyes and let Naomi work her magic over his broken body.

The elites had won this war .... and the headlines worldwide were

One for all

All for one

Go elites go!

/// Special shoutout to Cervantez91 for the 5000 coin supergift!

Also we have crossed the GT target , good job everyone for hitting that!

So tommorow will be a 2 bonus chapter day ... With one being for GT and one for the supergift .

Hope you all enjoyed the war arc . This concludes the fighting part of it. ///