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MMORPG : Rebirth Of The Strongest Guild Master

Chapter 647: Time Skip
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Rudra took time off from Omega in the next one month as he stayed at the hospital and with his family full time , accompanying max until he was discharged.

Even after Max's discharge Rudra chose to spend more and more quality time with his family and his brother as he significantly reduced the in-game time of him inside Omega.

Max seemed to have physically recovered after 6 weeks time however he seemed to be a changed kid after the experience. Laughing much less and always distracted he was not the bubbly boy that Rudra remembered him to be.

Developing an interest in combat training instead , Max was obsessed with becoming stronger as he spent his time reading about martial arts and begging Jhonny English to tell him spy stories than to play video games like normal kids.

Running , push-ups and bodyweight training were his new favorites as his eating habits also changed.

His craving for sweets changed drastically as he decided to only eat healthy and started to evolve from a fussy eater to a responsible eater.

Thanking God for every meal and cleaning his plate till the very last bite , the transformation in max was massive. Although everything seemed to progress in a positive direction , mama rajput and Rudra were heartbroken to see him suddenly grow up.

Rudra tried his best to keep the atmosphere cheerful at home and succeeded a fair bit in doing so , however he was still the guildmaster of a very large organisation and had to work from time to time.

Rudra decided to consolidate rather than expand and told Amelia to start no major projects and cooperations in the near future as the focus was on reconstruction.

He himself did not delve into the secrets of the demons diary much , as although he collected all of the pages of the diary , the moment he put them together the first line on the first page of the diary read a text that said " You must complete the book and find it's cover ".

For the time being Rudra had no idea where the cover could be and did not want to divert energy into looking for it at the moment as his main focus was on establishing the church of death.

Modelling the church exactly like the one in his memory from the ancient ruins , Rudra used pitch black marble and incredibly precious materials to start the construction.

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The estimated time to build the grand building was 4 months and Rudra was patient in this time period as he did his best to make the church of death as popular as possible .

The plan was to have a grand opening and invite the pope of the church of light to it and emperor Cervantez , to show that a new relegion accepted by the god and the state was at its infancy and build from there.

Hades needed a lot of worshippers to regain his power against Lucifer and Rudra needed to start delivering those worshippers as soon as possible.

At the moment Rudra was unaware of how much his own power was about to rise as the relegion would grow , as what he did at the moment was only to hold his part of the deal.

Regardless , Rudra also realised that the buzz surrounding the church of death was unreal as it was having a snowball effect and getting bigger every passing day.

Everyone was interested in joining the relegion if it meant getting a power boost. Currently the only benefit there was to worshipping goddess beniogre was the occassional +1 boost in a random stat.

Worshipping her for 10 minutes gave players a notification that said

' Heartfelt worship towards the godess .... Blessed with +1 stamina for 1 day '.

Although this was useful for newbies under level 10 , no tier 2 or higher player would ever waste 10 minutes praying for a single stat increase.

However if Rudra's claims were to be beleived and worshippers of lord Hades could get the power to summon a single undead , then the whole ball-game would change.

Even for tier 2 players having the ability to command even a single undead was game changing no matter how weak.

They could be used as scouts for traps or momentary distractions to land a hit.

The application's were endless .

Should they get the ability to summon entire bone dragon's , then that would simply be game breaking .

Although those with common sense understood that it was highly unlikely such a scenario would occur , but humans were irrational creatures overall who loved to fantasize.

It was because Rudra was the posterboy for the church of death that the buzz surrounding it was so unreal.

Most people did not want to beleive that there was no secret behind Rudra's success and it was only his hardwork and wits. They thought that Hades was Rudra's backer all along and it was the reason why Rudra was the top dog in the game.

But now that they too had the opportunity to go under the wing of the same backer as Rudra , everyone beleived that even they could become the next Rudra and dominate on the world stage.

With the VR Olympics only 2 months away , the hype for Rudra to lauchy the church of death was growing every minute.

Although Rudra himself was not going to participate in the fourth ever VR Olympics , the training regime and the camp he had introduced in season one was still going strong into season four with karna now leading the charge.

Japan dominated the world stage with lots of elites bagging medals in lots of events and Rudra's personal participation was no longer necessary.

Between Neatwit , Karna ,Jhonny , Fatty , SMG and Medivh a total of 15 medals were gauranteed which in itself were enough to put Japan over the line of being the top power.

In the years since the first Olympics the elites had became a household name in the country with every year the recruitment season seeing more and more aspiring youths wanting to join the organisation as a choice of career.

The pay was excellent and the glory surrounding being an elite was unreal in the country as Rudra and the elders were more popular than even most entertainment industry individuals.

In a blink of an eye , 6 months since the war passed by in a flash and the construction of the church of death was complete.

With only one week left to the VR Olympics , it was the perfect time for the launch as every major player wanted to see what they could get out of the church as it was time to perform in one of the biggest events of the year.

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( Meanwhile Dronacharya )

Living a life of poverty was difficult for dronacharya , suddenly he found himself in a situation where he could not throw his weight around anyone anymore.

His idiotic spur of the moment decision to reveal his face to the world had converted him into prime meme material as now he could not even walk a crowded street without 10 people recognising him and laughing at his face.

The situation got so bad that he needed to carry a mask around to not be recognised as the man who boldly claimed that he was the mastermind behind the elites fall and was now the joke of the decade.

Had he been rich he would have hired a mercenary army and walked the streets like an absolute mob boss to re-establish his credit , but he was no longer rich enough to do that.

Dronacharya absolutely hated Rudra because of this as every single day the shame he felt in having to hide his face reminded himself that it was all because of shakuni that his life became so miserable.

In his head dronacharya fantasized daily about how he was going to stick it to Rudra , however the best plan he could come up with that did not involve money was making a funny drawing of Rudra with poop for a face and post it on the forums.

But even that backfired on him as the netizens remembered his I'd and absolutely evicerated him for daring to come back online .

His photo of ' I did this ' on the battlefield was iconic and the netizens used that photo itself and twisted a few things to create a meme that showed dronacharya as a pile of steaming monkey crap and Rudra's face plastered over the battlefield image as it read ' I did this '.

Although it was all stupid fun and games , for a prideful man like dronacharya it was extremely disturbing as his mental psyche became a complete mess.

Having no other roads to left to go to , dronacharya decided that the only hopes of him ever sticking it to shakuni were only possible should he merge hands with the devil himself.

Hence he began his search for Lucifer .

/// Special shoutout to Magnum932 for the 15000 coin GACHAPON! , Like i don't have words to express how thankful I am for this but i truly and deeply appreciate it.

Guys this month we had an amazing golden ticket run and it was simply incredible , even as I write this chapter we are still number 10 , but the gap is short and the author of the number 11 book informed me that he will be taking over last minute.

Even if that is the case .... I will still drop privilege prices massively because of the support you all have shown , so thankyou to every single one of you who voted for this book .

Unfortunately guys i have exams and i will not be able to update like i usually do .... The latest chapters of the book will hence temporarily be unavailable till the 3rd of June ///