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MMORPG : Rebirth Of The Strongest Guild Master-Novel

Chapter 882 Everything Makes Sense
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Rudra was very moved by the universal queen giving him a fair warning, somehow the universal queen seemed very warm to him.

Either it was an extremely high level of mental manipulation that Rudra could not grasp his finger around or it was some deeper secret that he had not discovered yet.

However currently he could not wonder about that secret as he needed to wonder about the tier 6 promotion first.

Making himself a target for the wider universe was not good, however not promoting himself when he was the only individual in the history of the universe to have an opportunity to be promoted was stupid as well.

Rudra put his hand over his heart as he closed his eyes and asked his subconscious mind if going for it was a good idea , and he got a faint ' Yes ' as a reply.

Rudra did not stop to think about it even for a second longer as he knew the more he deliberated over it the more his smart mind would make valid arguments about both yes and no.

Rudra said " yes , i want to take this opportunity".

The queen smiled as she waved her hand and said " Alright then all the best , the time dilation will be set to a hundered human years to one day, so that you may go home to your wife in time, i hope to see many wonders from you in the future Rudra Rajput may the unnamed god be with you ".

Rudra had a billion questions buzzing in his mind however he got to ask none of them to the universal queen before a flood of knowledge entered his brain.

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--------( A/N , the next part is important, please pay attention , i will write it in single simple statements )


Every sentient being in the universe had a karmic value attached to them.

The karmic value represented how much an individual's importance was on a universal scale.

Karmic value directly manipulated hidden factors such as luck.

Infamy and fame helped increase karmic value.

Whenever a new life is born into the universe the karmic value of all sentient beings under a threshold is diluted and their overall significance in the universe reduces.

Whenever a life is destroyed the converse happens.

The threshold in the universe is tier 6.

When a being reached tier 6 , their karmic value tips over a threshold that makes it so that with every life added in the universe their overall importance in the universe increases. While everyone under tier 6 sees their importance diluted.

Currently the strongest individuals in the universe are the four Enigma's at tier 10 strength who control about 2% of the universe's karmic value each to total a whopping 8%.

The karmic value of an average human is 0.000000000000000000000000001%

This means even if entire civilizations of humans is routed from the universe the grand impact would be next to nothing.

However a single Enigma could control the fate over 2% of the universe. Which meant trillions and trillions of lives/ thousands of galaxies / millions of stars etc.

There are many laws set in place for killing individuals over tier 6 in the universe as from tier 6 and above individuals are able to access a force called ' Divine essence '.

Divine essence is a currency that can be converted into karmic value.

Consider it to be a mana-stone which can be converted by a knowledgeable individual into pure mana , that can be inturn used to supplement spells.

Divine essence cannot be created and neither can be destroyed, it can only be farmed using those who are under tier 6 or be plundered from the dead bodies of other tier 6 or higher beings.

With only those under tier 6 being able to give higher beings divine essence, it was a way to make sure that the higher powers could not wipe out weaker populations indiscriminately without suffering consequences, whereas it also ensured that the weaker individuals of the universe never became the masters of it.

The best way to farm divine essence is through setting up a relegion and be worshipped by individuals under tier 6 as a god but there were a few other methods as well.

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For an individual to be given the right to passage to becoming a tier 6 individual, they needed to pay a total debt of 100 divine essences to the Universal queen to have their promotion test considered complete.

To facilitate this service however, the queen helped the individuals seeking rights of passage by teleporting them into nomadic worlds with their mana barriers intact to give the individual a chance to enter that world and set up their own relegion and become a god.

Rudra was shown how hundereds of thousands of years ago , Thor , Zeus , Hourus , Lucifer and many more were transported to earth amongst many other planets as a part of their tier 6 promotion test , and their attempt to farm divine essences.

Rudra laughed at their tactics, how they all manipulated the population into thinking they were their protectors and will always watch over them , and how there was a higher purpose to life and it can be only achieved by absolute dedication to them.

How they all told humans that they were the only true god's and how all other relegious were a lie, and how they enticed them with a promise of heaven and a life after death.

In the end they all said the same thing. I will be back to roam these lands one day!

With that they trapped a species as their farming base for an eternity.

Rudra felt a veil being lifted over his mind as he finally saw the bigger vision of things and how the universe actually worked.

The queen had dilated time at a pace of 1day to 100 human years and had scheduled him to go to 7 planets.

In other words he had 700 years to farm 100 divine essences and pass his promotion test. 700 years to fool 7 civilizations that he was their god and savior

700 years that will pass in a blink for those on earth , but for him will be worth a long , long time.

It was the price he needed to pay , to be called a god.

/// This chapter is my masterpiece, with this i have delivered the biggest secret of rebirth of the strongest guild master.

I hope you all enjoyed it ///