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MMORPG : Rebirth Of The Strongest Vampire God

Chapter 551: A proud father
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A few days passed since Rudra's return and life had become mundane once more.

He had done everything that he could do as counsellor to the Bloodfall clan and now things were in the execution phase which had nothing to do for him.

With lots of free time at his hands, Rudra spent his days either sitting with the women for evening tea party, or watching over the kids when they began playing.

It was odd for him to converse to his own wives as a old man. It gave him a new perspective into the personalities of his otherwise shy and reserved women.

Ruby was a sucker for sweets, she liked a lot of sugar in her tea and regularly complemented it with a healthy bite of cake.

Naomi preferred her tea stronger and did preferred cookies over cake.

Despite the upcoming war and all the chaos that was ensuing in the universe the conversations of the women over tea were nothing related to social affairs.

70% of their conversations revolved around the kids, about who did what today or how adorable they were.

20% of their conversations were about when Max would finally marry Asiva and settle down as they wondered what their kids would be like when they were born.

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Those were the kind of conversations that made him very uncomfortable, yet both his wives seemingly had no trouble asking such questions to Asiva candidly.

They gave her tips on how to juggle work with pregnancy.

They gave her tips on how to still make your man love you after having a child and they gave her tips on how to make sure that one got pregnant and what poses to use.

Thankfully Rudra was playing the role of the senile old man who was long over such matters of the flesh, otherwise if he were sitting there as God Shakuni, he would have been red from ear to ear for having participated in such a conversation.

Asiva on the other hand seemed to take these advices very seriously as if she were planning to get pregnant that very night.

It was very disturbing for Rudra to see as it felt like everyone was scheming behind Max's back to get his sperm.

The last 10% of their conversations revolved around Anna, though this only happened when Asiva was not around.

Ruby seemed to believe that Anna was in love with Max, which was funny to Rudra on its own.

If true it would mean that the elder brother got the elder sister and the younger brother got the younger one.

The Rajput clan expanded its ties deeply into the elf royalty!

The duo were worried that Max was not picking up on the signals she was sending him and that his blockheadedness will someday break her heart.

It was like both of them could clearly see something Rudra could not.

When Rudra saw Anna talking angrily to Max, he just saw anger, when his two wives saw the same scene, it was a euphemism or symphony, an expression of poetry, a scenario where every single word she spoke had a deeper meaning and there were entire paragraphs written between the lines.

It was almost surreal, but it showed Max how different the world of women was to the world of men

And how deeply they cared about stuff that men would usually oversee.

When he thought about it this way, he began to realise that his death may have impacted the two women in ways he could never imagine.

Although they seemed fine here today, they had surely gone through a lot!

Apart from his wives, Rudra also found something interesting in his children.

As he watched their seemingly silly and innocent games, he noticed that his children were extremely caring.

While playing in the garden, Jake seemed to accidentally step on some small insect, but instead of ignoring it like the rest of the adults would do, Jake immediately protected it from the wind by shielding it with his body and called for Amy.

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Amy, who was secretly adept in healing spells, then proceeded to heal the bug to full health as the kids celebrated the bugs recovery.

The scene of Amy using the [Lesser Heal] spell gave Rudra the goosebumps. His kids were too small to master such a spell, their bodies should simply not be able to bear the load of mobilising the mana circuit, yet she did that almost effortlessly.

At the start Rudra believed that it was only Amy that was special but he was wrong.

Jake seemed to have superhuman strength and often played with a dummy wooden sword.

As a kid his swordplay should be nothing but jabbing wildly in the air, yet that was not the case.

Although crude, Jake swung his sword with proper technique and could slice through rocks with his wooden sword that was clearly a toy, showing some real talent in the field.

Just when he was getting over the shock of seeing his firstborn son slicing through rock with a toy sword he got an even bigger surprise when he saw his second born son giggle as he flapped his angel wings and literally began flying to the top of a tree to get away from Amy who was chasing him.

His second born son, a part angel had learnt the skill of flight almost as early as he had learned walking.

Rudra felt like his mind was melting when he observed all this, he felt like a proud father who felt the enormous potential that his children could reach someday.

If he had ever came back as god king shakuni he would have never taken the time to just observe his kids for hours and see them play.

As the old man who had nothing better to do, Rudra came to see a side of his family that he would have usually never encountered and for that he was truly thankful to the unnamed god.

Although his family was set to go back to the mansion on Radiance the next day, Rudra made a mental note to train the kids when they were reunited as a family in isolation.

Since they had the talent, Rudra would make sure his children would blossom as the greatest individuals in their respective fields of interest.