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Magic Doctor: CEO Lady’s Humble Husband (full story)

Chapter 1781
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So, his eyes turned to Chen Fei, with a proud face, "boy, the tone is very big! If you don't

pay attention to me, I'll show you my strength now. "

As he spoke, Zuo Kuili gave a drink. His strong body, with great strength, banged at Chen


The breath of Zhenyuan in his body is booming and spreading, and it sets off a strong

wind with great momentum.

However, without waiting for Geng Jie to finish his speech, Geng Qingshan stared at Chen

Fei and said in a deep voice, "Mr. Chen doesn't like these gifts. Let's just say it. What do

you want?"

Geng Jie seemed to feel that the atmosphere was not right. He took the initiative to say:

"grandfather, second uncle. Don't be so polite to Mr. Chen, we -- "

at the moment, Geng Donglin and Geng Hua's eyes on Chen Fei slowly changed, and the

smile seemed to contain some other meanings.

When Geng Qingshan heard the speech, he and Geng Donglin looked at each other, and

then the smile on his face gradually disappeared.

Chen Fei really didn't care, "Geng Lao, I'm not polite. To be honest, I'm not short of them. "

"No matter what, it's kindness. You're welcome, Mr. Chen. " Geng Qingshan continued to


Chen Fei said with a smile: "Mr. Geng is polite. I didn't do it for these reasons at that time."

Geng Qingshan said to Chen Fei, "Mr. Chen, this is my Geng family's wish. Please accept


While talking, a housekeeper came up with a gift box.

But just when Geng Jie was ready to speak, Geng Qingshan took the lead in speaking. He

looked at Chen Fei and said, "not long ago, ah Jie went to Longjiang city. The situation was

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dangerous. It was Mr. Chen who saved ah Jie's life. I remember Geng's kindness."

Seeing the atmosphere warm up, Geng Jie puts down his glass and is ready to mention his

father Geng Donghai.

At the dinner table, everyone was drinking and drinking. Geng Jie frequently toasted Chen

Fei to express his thanks.

After a hot chat, it's time for lunch. The Geng family arranged a big lunch for Chen Fei.

Of course, these are the disputes within the Geng family, and Chen Fei didn't take care of


Geng Hua's status has also risen a lot with the improvement of his father's status. It

seems that he is going to take the place of Geng jiegeng.

But I didn't expect that the accident happened more than ten years ago, Geng Donghai

died. The old man has only one son left. He can only cultivate Geng Donglin.

Geng Jie's father, Geng Donghai, is Geng Qingshan's eldest son. Originally, he had

outstanding ability and was very good in all aspects. He was highly valued by the old man

and trained as a successor of the family.

After meeting a few people and chatting with them, Chen Fei got to know the Geng family.

This is Geng Donglin's son, Geng Hua, Geng Jie's cousin.

Geng Jie and sitting opposite is a 20-year-old young man. His appearance is somewhat

similar to Geng Jie's, but the expression between his eyes and eyebrows is much


On the left side of the old man sat a middle-aged man in his forties, Geng Donglin, Geng

Jie's second uncle and now the manager of the main affairs of the Geng family.

Among them, Geng Qingshan, Geng Jie's grandfather, is the most popular. The old man is

70 years old, but he is still hale and hearty and well maintained.

Geng Jie immediately warmly welcomes Chen Fei, greets him and introduces his family to

him with a smile.

When Chen Fei came to Geng's living room under the guidance of his subordinates, there

were many people sitting in it.

As one of the top families in Donghai City, the residence of Geng family is very luxurious.

Moreover, it is also a kind of garden in the south of the Yangtze River with elegant


At noon, Chen Fei came to Geng's house.

Two days later, Chen Fei received a call from Geng Jie, inviting him to visit Geng's family.

Chen Fei knew that it was Geng Jie who had mentioned the investigation of Geng

Donghai's death, so he naturally agreed.

After dinner, the three left the private room and went back to school together.

However, since Chen Fei was not worried, Geng Jie did not go on. But in the heart, if Duan

Qianshan really does it to Chen Fei, then he will ask the old man to come forward, maybe

he can turn around.

Although he saw the strength of Chen Fei in Erlong village, he was really strong, at least in

the middle of the prefecture level. However, Duan Qianshan is also a great master. He

entered the initial stage of heaven level more than ten years ago. There is a big difference

between the sky level and the prefecture level.

Geng Jie was surprised.

Now Chen Fei, even Zhao Enze, who is the eighth in the Dragon list, has been killed, not to

mention a master who has not entered the list.

Chen Fei immediately said with a smile, "if you don't make the list, it's not worth

mentioning. Don't worry. Even if Duan Qianshan comes in person, I can deal with it at will.


"It's like I'm not on the list." Geng Jie said.

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Hearing the speech, Chen Fei said with a smile: "Duan Qianshan, master. What's his

ranking on the Dragon list? "

"So, if such a thing goes to master Duan, I'm worried --"

Geng Jie shakes his head and says: "that's not true. The main reason is that Zuo Kui has a

cousin, Zuo you, who is very talented in martial arts. Two years ago, Duan Qianshan, the

master of martial arts in Donghai City, accepted him as a close disciple. He valued it very

much. ""What? That guy has a lot of background? " Chen Fei picks eyebrow way.

Seeing this, Geng Jie gave Chen Feijing a glass of wine and then said in a voice, "Mr. Chen,

I'm afraid there's some trouble with Zuo Kui."

Solved two people, Chen Fei laughed, then sat down, light way: "the matter is solved, let's

continue to eat."

Without waiting for her to finish, Chen Fei's backhand swings out a momentum, directly

takes Jiang Zihui and Zuo Kui who faints to death, and directly hits the private room.

This time, Jiang Zihui suddenly looked silly. The excited smile on her face just now

solidified into a strange surprise, "this, how can it be, you --"

Chen Fei just flicked his fingers in the face of a punch. Suddenly, an invisible gas burst out

and blasted Zuo Kui's abdomen. The huge force directly blasted him out, hit him heavily

on the wall of the private room, then slowly fell down and fainted instantly.

"Arrogant, look at my fist -" Zuo Kuili came out with a punch.

But now Chen Fei, feeling Zuo Kui's strength, just shook his head and said coldly: "at the

beginning of Xuanji, he dare to be arrogant in front of me, ridiculous!"

On one side, Jiang Zihui can't help but look happy. She can't wait to see Chen Fei knocked


With these words, Chen Fei's face changed and his brows wrinkled. "Geng Lao, I didn't

mean to ask for favors when I came to Geng's home this time."

"Is it?" Geng Donglin snorted coldly, then said in a deep voice, "Mr. Chen's visit to Donghai

city is due to the cooperation between Yunhai company and the Qin family."

"There seems to be something wrong with your cooperation." Geng Donglin looks at Chen
