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Magic Industry Empire

Volume 5 Chapter 139 - Three cooperation projects
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Volume 5 Chapter 139 Three cooperation projects

In the beginning of October, the Frestech Chamber of Commerce announced that they would be cooperating one three projects with the Lampuri Kingdom.

The first would be related to the magic signal towers.

According to the agreement between the Frestech Chamber of Commerce and the Lampuri Kingdom, the Frestech Chamber of Commerce would be building an initial one hundred magic signal towers in the Lampuri Kingdom. Then with the fifty magic signal towers on the Black Rice Wasteland, it would allow them to connect the Frestech Chamber of Commerce’s main base in the Stantine Duchy to Anvilmar City.

According to the information released by the Frestech Chamber of Commerce, as long as this signal line was complete, in theory, people that were a thousand kilometers away in the Frestech Chamber of Commerce’s main base would be able to talk to people in Anvilmar City with the Magic Communicator. ????????????????????аd. ????????????

But at the same time, the Frestech Chamber of Commerce announced another matter. Because of the limitations to the current magic signal tower technology, this communication technology wouldn’t be open to the public. After this signal line was complete. It would be limited to only a few people.

Although the Frestech Chamber of Commerce didn’t give an explanation, people could make their guesses. This magic signal tower line was called a communication line by the Frestech Chamber of Commerce, so the main use of it was to let the Frestech Chamber of Commerce’s chairman Xu contact the Lampuri Kingdom’s Queen Seveni more easily.

But building a hundred and fifty signal towers at once, the Frestech Chamber of Commerce said that the initial investment would be as high as four million gold coins. This was just to let Xu Yi and her majesty Seveni contact each other, this was considered just too luxurious.

Moreover, there was gossip that was different from the ones that normal people paid attention to. There were quite a few people in the Stantine Duchy that had hindered the establishment of these magic signal towers, so the Frestech Chamber of Commerce had suppressed the nobles that had opposed these magic signal towers. It caused quite a few people in the Lampuri Kingdom to oppose this cooperation between the Lampuri Kingdom and the Frestech Chamber of Commerce.

The reason why the lords of the Stantine Duchy had opposed putting up these magic signal towers in their territory was, because they were worried that these magic signal towers were like the magic towers the powerful magicians had put up on the continent thousands of years ago to control people’s minds.

Although the Frestech Chamber of Commerce gave an explanation, saying that these magic signal towers were different from those magic towers and didn’t have such a shocking ability, no one completely believed this.

After several newspapers in the Lampuri Kingdom reported on this matter, the opposition in the kingdom became even bigger.

However, after a few days, the Lampuri Kingdom’s Magicians Guild made an announcement in the «Anvilmar Times» and the «Lampuri Weekly». They announced that the Magicians Guild had evaluated the magic signal towers the Frestech Chamber of Commerce was setting up with the Lampuri Kingdom. They confirmed that these towers only had Fourth Grade Magic Arrays and had very simple Magic Arrays, it didn’t have the ability to control people’s minds at all and it was different from the magic towers that everyone worried about.

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At the same time, several Great Magicians in the Lampuri Kingdom, including the Magicians Guild’s president Palmes Eren and Great Magician Eisenkel accepted interviews with the «Lampuri Weekly». They stated that they would pay attention to the actions of the Frestech Chamber of Commerce in the Lampuri Kingdom, considering the benefits of the kingdom and watch over them.

The two also stated that up to this point, the Frestech Chamber of Commerce had always focused on producing magic machines, they never had any ideas or taken any actions to control the minds of the people. Not to mention that the Frestech Chamber of Commerce had always supported the Lampuri Kingdom, so the people didn’t need to worry that much.

Rather it was those people who doubted the magic signal towers before that the two had reprimanded together, saying that they were villains measuring great men with their own standards.

The Frestech Chamber of Commerce’s cooperation with the Lampuri Kingdom had brought them many benefits, but it had also quickly developed the Lampuri Kingdom, allowing many people in the kingdom to benefit.

This was something that could be clearly seen by the improvements in living standards for the people of the kingdom over the past few years.

Moreover, the two of them also proposed a new idea. They said that with the appearance of the Frestech Chamber of Commerce, it had created a new trend. The continent would enter a new magic machine era and the lives of all the people on the continent definitely couldn’t escape the influence of the various kinds of magic machines.

With this trend, the people didn’t need to resist, but rather work hard to change their ideas and accept it.

For the statement of the Magicians Guild and these two Great Magicians, even if many people thought they were quite close to Xu Yi and the Frestech Chamber of Commerce, obtaining many benefits from each other, so their words couldn’t be trusted.

The Magicians Guild and these two Great Magicians did have incomparable authority on magic in the Lampuri Kingdom. Since they said that there was no problem, it meant there was no problem and there was no meaning in anyone refuting this.

So the Lampuri Kingdom’s parliament quickly announced that the Lampuri Kingdom would prepare for this cooperation with the Frestech Chamber of Commerce. It was expected that by the end of next year, this communications line would be complete.

The second cooperation project wasn’t related to building magic machines, but rather the Frestech Chamber of Commerce would cooperate with the Lampuri Kingdom to build a school.

This school was naturally not a magic school, but a magic machine vocational skills school like in Banta City, focused on teaching magic machine related knowledge.

According to the announced information, the Frestech Chamber of Commerce and the Lampuri Kingdom would be building seventeen vocational schools in the Lampuri Kingdom within three years. They would all be covered by the Lampuri Kingdom and anyone willing to engage in the magic machine industry could study at these schools.

Just like with the Banta City vocational school, these seventeen newly built vocational schools would have some measures to cover school fees, so even those common students with normal financial backgrounds could study at these schools.

For these measures, other than subsidies from the Lampuri Kingdom’s government, there were also scholarships like the Frestech Chamber of Commerce had set up at Baron Rickto Magic Academy and Banta City’s vocational school. The students could sign a contract with any company and they would pay for their school fees and even living fees. However, after they graduated, they had to sign a contract to work for these companies.

Although this wasn’t just limited to the Frestech Chamber of Commerce and the students could choose to sign with any magic machine company, everyone knew that under the same conditions, any student would have the Frestech Chamber of Commerce as their first choice.

The other companies of the Lampuri Kingdom fully understood the benefits of this. After the kingdom parliament announced this cooperation, there were thirty companies that announced through regional papers that they would be willing to provide favourable terms for students that were considering studying at these vocational schools.

There were even some companies that gave a clear price, using gold coins to show their sincerity.

It could be said that before those seventeen schools were built, there was already a raging fire that was started in the war for those students that hadn’t enrolled yet.

There was no other way, who told the Frestech Chamber of Commerce’s chairman Xu to say those words.

“In the magic machine industry era, technology was the number one producing force and talented people were everything.”

In order to steal these future talents, they wouldn’t mind paying a bit extra.

The third cooperation project wasn’t just limited to the Frestech Chamber of Commerce and the Lampuri Kingdom. To be honest, the Lampuri Kingdom would be leading this project and the main partner was the Amrit Chamber of Commerce.

This was a project to pave roads all over.

According to the plan the kingdom parliament announced in the «Lampuri Weekly», the Lampuri Kingdom would be increasing their pace in building a network of roads in the kingdom.

Other than continuing laying down new main roads and connecting all the small towns of the kingdom, they would also be improving the previous roads built.

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As the Lampuri Kingdom developed, the previous two laned roads were already unable to handle the current traffic situation.

The road that connected Banta City and Anvilmar City, as well as the main roads in the northeast province had traffic jams every day which greatly affected transportation efficiency.

So the Lampuri Kingdom’s parliament under the instructions of her majesty Seveni would strictly research the various roads and determine which would need to be expanded. They would be doubled to four lane roads and even the road that connected Banta City to Anvilmar City would be increased to eight lanes.

This project’s total investment was thirty five million gold coins. Even if the Lampuri Kingdom’s yearly financial revenue had increased, reaching a shocking ten million gold coins last year, it was clearly unable to pay such a shocking amount.

So most of the investment would come from the various provinces and cities of the kingdom.

The road connecting Banta City and Anvilmar City being increased to a shocking eight lanes was mainly because Banta City was rich......

As for the Frestech Chamber of Commerce’s role in this project, they would be mainly providing the materials and the construction magic machines.

So the Frestech Chamber of Commerce announced that they would be investing with the Lampuri Kingdom to build three cement factories and one construction magic machine factory, making it easier to produce the materials needed.

According to the information released by the parliament, these three cement factories would be controlled by the Lampuri Kingdom’s side.

This meant that these three cement factories would belong to the Lampuri Kingdom, and the Frestech Chamber of Commerce wouldn’t be able to influence them.

As for the construction magic machine factory, the parliament didn’t reveal any information.

This made many people’s minds wander.

If this construction magic machine factory was also controlled by the Lampuri Kingdom, didn’t that mean the Frestech Chamber of Commerce already gave the construction magic machine technology to them?

Although it was normal for the Frestech Chamber of Commerce to transfer technology before, that was limited to household magic machines. If this time it was like the guesses, that meant that this was the first magic machine technology transfer.

Didn’t this mean......the Frestech Chamber of Commerce was finally willing to release the magic machines other than the household magic machines?

Thinking of this possibility, countless people became excited.