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Married My Ex's Alpha Uncle by Aurora Starling

Chapter 156
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Elliot's POV "What are you talking about?" I asked, folding my arms across my chest as I stared at my men.

They all stiffened and looked amongst themselves.

"They think something is off with Silver," Luca said, motioning in the direction Silver walked, "She seems different, but all the facts are there. The imposter has her scent and she's dirty. She's a rogue." Something inside ofangered; was it my wolf? Why would he be reacting this way towards a rogue wolf? "I was just saying that we need to slow down. We need to sit down and figure this out," Beta Leo said, shrugging one of his shoulders.

"I can find out for certain if this is the real Silver," Erik surprised us all by saying. He's usually quiet and in the background; so, the fact that he was speaking up was different. "I've becfriends with Silver and-" "You're friends with my wife?" How had I not known that? Silver never mentioned befriending the gamma I appointed as her bodyguard and driver. I narrowed my eyes at him almost accusingly.

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He nodded, rubbing his hand behind his neck, looking almost sheepish.

"We happen to have a lot in common and she's pretty good company. We spend a lot of ttogether and figured it was better to be friends than strangers," Erik explained. "I don't mean to overstep..." I wanted to reprimand him for keeping this fromand ask him how close to Silver he was. That jealous pit in the middle of my stomach nagged at me, but I swallowed it down. Now was not the tto show this jealous side.

"How about we head to the police station and see if we can get her to crack? I don't want to spend all night there. I'd like to get hto my wife," I said, running my fingers through my hair.

They nodded in agreement.

Not before long were walking into the pack police station.

"Alpha," one of the gammas said, standing straight as I passed. "The imposter is in the holding cell." I nodded my thanks to him and walked past him into the back room, towards the holding cell. As said, the imposter lay on the ground with silver chains wrapped around her arms and legs. Her clothes were ripped, and she looked filthy Her hair was a knotted mess around her shoulders and down her back. Her eyes looked tired and worn; her body thin and bruised. My stomach twisted at the sight of her, and I swear I could hear my wolf whimpering not liking what he was seeing. He had a strong impulse to go to her and protect her, but I kept him back. I nearly lost control at the sight of her but after taking several deep breaths, I managed to hold him inside of me.

He was just confused because of how much she looked like the real Silver.

The imposter lifted her gaze, and I could see tears in her eyes; it nearly broughtto my knees.

"Tellwhere you cfrom," I ordered, my eyes narrowing in her direction.

She looked utterly baffled by the question.

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"Where I cfrom?" She asked, her voice hoarse.

"Don't play stupid with me, Imposter. Where did you cfrom? Who are you working for?" I already knew who she was working for, but I needed a nand a location; two pieces of information I wasn't sure of.

"I...I don't know..." she whispered, staring at the ground now. "I don't remember where they brought me... or who took me... I just remember a face and his words saying that he was going to prove tothat you don't loveand-" "Stop lying," I growled. "You are not my wife, Imposter. I don't know where you cfrom or why you are trying to trickinto thinking that you are my wife. But I can see right through you." She lifted her gaze, and I could see the tears pooling in her eyes.

"It doesn't matter what I say, you're never going to believe me," she said hoarsely. "So, why should I bother."

The look she gavewas defeated; like she had given up all hope and something inside pixmesnapped in half took a step away from her, needing to get out of here and return hto my wife.

"If you don't talk, then my gammas will make you talk," I said through my teeth. "Rest up; because tomorrow is going to be quite tortuous for you, Rogue." I turned away from her, not wanting

to look at the tears in her eyes any longer. I hadn't noticed Erik standing at the doorway, watching the scene upfold, Dhly thought Luca and Leo were with me. They were also watching the show, but their expressions were harder to read. "Do you have something to say, Gamma?" I asked, my eyes narrowed.