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Master Of None

Chapter 2018  2018. Not So Friendly Face
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Chapter 2018  2018. Not So Friendly Face

Finding that just about every other leader within Genesis was against the party leaving the Sigil continent and heading back toward a place where a powerful undead was, was not at all a surprise. Scylla wanted them to stay right where they were so that they could help lead the gathering forces. However, she slowly began to reconsider when she understood the strength of what they would face. Scylla was a general. With that being said, she was able to easily convince a few others that gathering the right amount of information was the best option. Even under this potential time crunch. Losing the chance to be able to defeat a monster returning to power that could be worse than other already powerful was what her focus relied on. This was because no one understood the real depth of what a vampire could do. The information was too unsupported nowadays. Especially since every culture that had some fairy tale of them was slightly different. Alma made a point to focus on the fact that vampires were considered to cause death and use decaying skills. This was what the elves believed at least. They would make their strength in destroying nature and literally feeding off of it while they killed it. This would allow them to be stronger. On the human side of things, vampires should feed on blood of humans and only humans. They would then control the victims that they left alive. From there, they would be used as slaves of sorts. In many stories, entire cities or villages would be turned in to vampire thralls. Not to mention the skills that could charm the weak minded and control them. These stories were terrifying because they often turned in to a horror like story where entire families would be turned against one another for amusement. The demi-humans did not have similar stories. They were actually the most tame since they had bat traited demi-humans. Some actually needed to consume some blood of monsters of animals to feed. But they could always just eat normal food which was what they really preferred at the end of the day. Every culture was different. Regardless of all this, most of the merfolk and the monster races were against the party leaving. They had been the ones that had relied very heavily on the party. Not just to help their races gain traction with the other races, but also to help them rise in strength from where they were. The risk was considered too great and before the next hour had passed, multiple communication crystal arguments were had until almost every single representative of Genesis had arrived on the Sigil continent with the newly rebuilt and slightly improved elemental teleportation rune formation recarved. Those who remained behind were people who agreed with the party whole heartedly because of trust and past experiences. that , or they were not in a position to leave and face monsters at all. They did not have the systems to do so. Once person that did arrive, was a face that made everything much easier for everyone. "Barry, it is good to see you again. With you here, it will help organize the adventures to help a lot." Walker greeted Barry before trying to make another move. Barry was also blocking the elemental rune teleportation formation as well. His face having a fully serious expression. "I would say it is good to see you all. Especially since I have been away handling many of the issues and training a team of elite adventurers to begin exploring the Sigil continent with the angels." This was a well known new endeavor for Barry as the somewhat unwilling vice guild master of the adventure guild. He had been pushed to leave behind his post to be able to train some new and promising adventures with the best skill suited to explore and map the Sigil continent. While this was something that could be done with avian abilities and other skills, the adventurers would be cataloging certain areas that could be used as better camps for travelers. For new villages. And specifically, for people that would need to study the unique lands that even the angels were lacking in knowledge of due to their history. "But I am here because someone is trying to head in to an undead ruins to maybe get answers from an elder lich which was listed as a monster never to go near for any adventurers, even me." Barry looked like he had caught children mocking the rules right in front of those that made them for safety. It was insulting but also a little annoying in general. "We need answers that only he has. It could be faster than what we are doing now. I also know that with the skills I have and some help from Ventus, we can fly there and back faster than any other person can." Walker also knew that the royal dragons were purposefully holding themselves back. They wanted to recover for the dangers that would come. Ventus was just the one that could make it all progress faster and she knew it. She could remain away from the undead on the ground which was an ideal way for her to remain safe. Not that she would even give a monster the chance to bother her at all. She would be able to fend off the immortal king with low mana long enough to escape his range of attack. He was the one trapped, not her. "I am not here to stop you, just to remind you that everyone here will be waiting. That you all can not fail whatever you are doing. You might be able to fight me if you were a little faster at growing, but I was not standing still while you all grew too." Barry flexed a little and the air seemed to be forced away. The mana density within his body was clearly stronger than before. This small show of strength was enough to show that Barry was prepared to join them all in battle. So much so that it would make him indispensable. The royal dragons had even understood that he was one of the few that could fight with them without ending up defeated easily. Not that it would be the case since they became dominator dragons now. "So you just wanted to make sure we wouldn't go around being dumb? Fine. we will be extra careful." Remey retorted when Barry showed off his strength. However, everyone knew she was not just being rude or blunt. She was being pretty damn honest here. She respected his strength since he had worked hard and shown how it could be used many times over whenever they encountered him. To be honest, they all didn't know where his strength ended. They had never witnessed him using all of his strength to the fullest of his abilities. "Then go off already. I will handle things here while you are away." Barry walked toward the royal dragon and nodded to Ventus as she went with the party. The dragons all gave him a respectful nod. They could sense he had gained more strength and were somewhat speechless at seeing this. A human that had surpassed what humans should be. A berserker system user that was stronger than any that had used that system before. Even the demi-humans that had well known records of that system had not reached this height. "I'm glad he's here. I want to make sure that Alma and the other elves on their way here are safe." Gil knew that Alma had held back from the simple fact that she was bringing over more elves to battle here. To set up and help the land recover as well. He did not want to return to her being harmed. "He is the strongest we know pretty much. Or at least he always feels that way. I haven't heard anything from Clara in a while about him. I thought that she was hiding it to be a surprise for Genesis when he was done training his adventure team. But they are all here with him." Walker pointed out multiple people. All standing in order with where Barry had just stopped. The people all seemed to be older and younger talents of various races from various adventurer guild locations. All of them had clear strengths. The party looked forward to seeing and learning more. Yet, this was now what they needed right now. They were stepping on to the elemental teleportation rune formation for a reason. The mana they used to teleport back to their home continent was already activated. They would be him but not staying long. It felt wrong to leave the Sigil continent without even feeling like they had completed anything all the way. …
