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Master Of None

Chapter 2102: Wall Of Plans
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With the allure of a new invention, Walker and Midnight took to the streets to head to the shops creating the blueprints for it. He had been interested the moment that the wandering blacksmith had mentioned it. He had neve heard of such a ship. Nbbut, his mind soon cto the floating cities that the angels had. They had lost the ability to repay them and create them, they could only use the current ones. That would change though, they world had, so why couldn't they recreate them? The facts that the dwarves who were the pinnacle of forging wanted to discover those things was massive. They would solely focus on things like discovering new metal alloys. Finding new methods to use a material within their creations. Seven dedicated their lives to a singular weapons so that they could always create a better version of it. So, why couldn't they create ssort of floating or flying creation? They had the ships that traveled the ocean so focus on, using that as inspiration, they could definitely create a floating ship. Iof they could even create a way for parts of Genesis to float, it would be better. The thought of a floating city above Genesis for Ventus or for the avian races to enjoy in the sky made him think even more positively. That would be an ideal place for those that needed to be closer to the light of the sun as well. Even if it was separated from the ground, it wouldn't be an issue. There were teleportation formations now. People didn't need wings or a flying spell to get there. They could just take a teleportation rune formation so that they were on the floating aspect of the city. However, what if the ship was made for long range transportation of goods at lesser mana? It would be a great way for those with less gold to travel. Slower, but worthwhile. This would also allow a better and more accurate method of exploration when it cto the world that has changed. The maps had to be redone. People wouldn't need to just rely on the harpies, dragons, and angels for doing so. Large areas could be mapped out by experts on a floating ship. I think this is going to be interesting." Walker made a move though the streets to get to the crafter's guild. He knew that they should be working on the blueprints there. It was the ideal place for something like that. What he had not realized, was that the crafter's guild had already changed a few things. Had already made a new building in the city elsewhere. When he arrived at the crafter's guild, he found a massive signboard telling certain crafters that they needed to report to the grand workshop. This signboard within the guild was why the entire guild appeared a little silent and dull. Only apprentices were here learning carefully. No one was working right out of it for their business. This put him and Midnight back to walk through the streets. This tthough, they were focused on moving toward this grand workshop. It felt interesting to them that they would be heading to a newer building, but it made sense. The building of the ships had made it necessary for an entire area to be built along the river. This had becwhat was called the ship yard. A place made to build and service the ships that were still being made for the transport through the oceans. The oceans that would need to be mapped over time. The open space which had been set up as a farm at first had been bought out by the crafter's guild. Especially since the farmers had relocated since Genesis had already expanded enough that they could do better a little further out from the main city. They also knew that they would be able to sell their current farm for more gold to have a larger farm.a win win situation for both the crafters' guild and the farmers' family. A massive amount of smoke cout of one large smoke stack. From what Walker could see, this had been built with the massive smoke stack as the center. All the smaller smoke stacks moved through tougher pipes and stone pipes made to resist the what and whatever was being burned within the smoke. Therefore, even acidic and toxic smoke did not cause them damage. Multiple areas were open, windows and doors were made to be able to be expanded when more airflow was needed. This was for when dangerous fumes began to build up within the rooms needed for forging. A brilliant design that was surely created with the sole desire for it to be perfect for forging many things at once. Things only got better as Walker and Midnight saw the large material yard that was set up for deliveries. This was so that the people forging did not need to go looking for their delivered materials. It was all organized so that they could just call out for it and someone would bring it.

"Fire dragon." Midnight spotted an adolescent fire dragon. This one was not one of the ones that she had been told to teach and guide. Instead, this was one that had cfrom the elder fire dragons brought here by Ignus. It showed that the fire dragons had been a lot less stubborn than what anyone would have imagined. They had allowed sof their typing dragons that were small enough to easily travel through Genesis to go to places like the crafter's guild. The adolescent dragon was near an outdoor forge. He was heating up metals and making molten crucibles which were rushed inside. The metals appeared to be fairly toxic so they had to be outside. As a fire dragon, it had a better ability to resist the toxic fumes due to fire dragons often living near volcanoes or magma which consistently spewed toxic fumes. This wasn't what they were here for. They had cto see what was happening with this new flying ship that was being designed. Therefore, the pair's amazement at this new building made to house hundreds of smaller forges, crafting materials, and master's standing equally, could be looked through at a later time. Even if Walker was curious about the carpentry and other crafting specialities being done within this large building made for it. As soon as they walked through the front gate and in to the building, they found that there were many people running around. It felt very lively and focused. Like every single crafter here would desire nothing more than to work even faster on their goals. Easily moving through without anyone bothering them, Walker and Midnight followed the scent of ink. It was strong enough to stand out near the entrance that they were able to decipher it from the smells of metal and shaved woods. It brought them to a larger room with so many blueprints on the walls that it would be better to say that they were wallpaper and not actual blueprints. The ink on them was drying with the assistance of small covered lanterns that gave off heat but did not burn the papers. Sof the ink was still glistening in the light of these lanterns. Various people moved around while scribbling on papers. Their formulations take physical representation. Their drawings becoming more specific for each part that they worked on. From what walker could see, they were using unique system skills to be able to make better blueprints for whatever they were focused on. Right on an entire wall with multiple changes and additional blueprints stuck to it, was the blueprint that he had cto look at. 'Flying transport ship blueprint

While this sia rough blueprint, it is inspired by the ships and the floating angelic cities. It was thought up by a dwarf that traveled to the angel's lands and abc with the hero party and Genesis forces. This idea is considered the future of basic transportation. Able to potentially use wind runes to move things through the air with little to no large mana const. It could be a refillable replenishing mana source using mana gems and the proper runes. Currently, the rine formations desired are being created by a unique rune carver. This rune carver is trying to use a unique form of earth rune and potentially space rune to create a gravity rune formation that will allow floating. If success is created, then the angel's city can be repaired as well. This blueprint uses rock bat skin to…'

The details were immense. So much care had already gone in to the designs here. And it was only a small part of the larger picture. Many different blueprints needed to be made for the rune formations and individual parts. …

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